The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 02:35 pm
Just a quick statement about Missisippi:

In Mississippi, We Always Have Our Hand Out.
But It’s Usually To Give, Not Receive.
And the last shall be first. We always hear about Mississippi being last. Last in this, last in that. Well, at last, Mississippi is first. And what a first place to hold … in generosity. For eight years in a row, our generosity has won out over every other state in the nation. Per capita, we give more in relation to income than any other state. Any other state. Mississippi. Yes, our hands are out. And our hearts are open.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 03:48 pm
lol = laugh out loud
lmao = laughing my ass off
wtf = what the fuc|<
OMGHI2U = oh my god hi to you
IIRC = if i remember correctly
FWIW = for what its worth
BRB = be right back
BBL = be back later
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 08:11 pm
Freeman15;35447 wrote:
Health Care should not be an issue in national politics,period. It is not the responsibility of the state (ie, the people) to ensure that you have proper medical coverage, that's YOUR responsibility. If you have made choices in your life that have landed you in a job with little or no health coverage, or you simply cannot afford health coverage, live with your decision, be an ADULT. If you have uninsured children, you are to blame for anything that should happen to them, and I believe that chronically-ill, untreated children ought to be considered the victims of child abuse. If you can't support a child, don't have one.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility? From where do we derive the "right" to healthcare? Doctors and nurses provide a service, and have a right to charge for that service, the fact that such a service is in high demand is irrelevant. I suppose once they pass universal health care insurance, I should go and lobby for universal car insurance too? Or maybe universal property insurance (Katrina victims recieving compensation was unconstitutional by the way)?

You have the right to your life, your liberty, and your justly acquired property. The government's job is to make sure no other person denies you those rights through force or fraud. This is not a complex issue.

I agree with most of what you have said...the problem I have is with this portion : "Whatever happened to personal responsibility? From where do we derive the "right" to healthcare? Doctors and nurses provide a service, and have a right to charge for that service, the fact that such a service is in high demand is irrelevant. I suppose once they pass universal health care insurance, I should go and lobby for universal car insurance too? Or maybe universal property insurance (Katrina victims recieving compensation was unconstitutional by the way)?"

Where does personal responsibility end and governmental, state, city, and community responsibility begin?
Everybody is born....everybody gets sick (at one time or another), and everybody dies. Given that, isn't it reasonable to expect that one can access healthcare, in the richest and most prosperous nation on Earth?
Doctors , nurses, hospitals, insurance companies and technicians do, in fact, provide a service, but why should the services they provide be accessible to only the select few that can afford said services? Is greed a factor here? Of course it is. Is the corporate dollar the bottom line here? Of course it is.
Given the fact that said services are going to be needed at one time or another by every living soul, shouldn't there be reasonable expectation that those services should be a "right to", affordable, and accessible? I do.
I was a healthcare worker for 15 + years..and I have seen the waste, the excesses, the substandard care, the "okey doke", the mistakes, the subterfuge. I have also seen the milk of human kindness, the extension of care and concern, miracles, and artistry and skill beyond belief.
We are all members of humankind...we should always act like we are, which means caring for one another...caring what happens to one another...trying to make a way where there is no way. Now, if compassion and care for others is not a part of your make up...then you're excused...why don't you find a island somewhere, remote, where you don't have to interact with humankind, and they can be spared "you"? The others...get on board, and get out of yourselves, and help somebody....old, young, handicapped, incapable, needy...another human being.

And another thing...I sincerely hope a hurricane doesn't destroy everything you have, because if it did, you might be talking out the other side of your mouth...instead of projecting.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 11:20 pm
aaronssongs;35831 wrote:
I agree with most of what you have said...the problem I have is with this portion : "Whatever happened to personal responsibility? From where do we derive the "right" to healthcare? Doctors and nurses provide a service, and have a right to charge for that service, the fact that such a service is in high demand is irrelevant. I suppose once they pass universal health care insurance, I should go and lobby for universal car insurance too? Or maybe universal property insurance (Katrina victims recieving compensation was unconstitutional by the way)?"

Where does personal responsibility end and governmental, state, city, and community responsibility begin?
Everybody is born....everybody gets sick (at one time or another), and everybody dies. Given that, isn't it reasonable to expect that one can access healthcare, in the richest and most prosperous nation on Earth?
Doctors , nurses, hospitals, insurance companies and technicians do, in fact, provide a service, but why should the services they provide be accessible to only the select few that can afford said services? Is greed a factor here? Of course it is. Is the corporate dollar the bottom line here? Of course it is.
Given the fact that said services are going to be needed at one time or another by every living soul, shouldn't there be reasonable expectation that those services should be a "right to", affordable, and accessible? I do.
I was a healthcare worker for 15 + years..and I have seen the waste, the excesses, the substandard care, the "okey doke", the mistakes, the subterfuge. I have also seen the milk of human kindness, the extension of care and concern, miracles, and artistry and skill beyond belief.
We are all members of humankind...we should always act like we are, which means caring for one another...caring what happens to one another...trying to make a way where there is no way. Now, if compassion and care for others is not a part of your make up...then you're excused...why don't you find a island somewhere, remote, where you don't have to interact with humankind, and they can be spared "you"? The others...get on board, and get out of yourselves, and help somebody....old, young, handicapped, incapable, needy...another human being.

And another thing...I sincerely hope a hurricane doesn't destroy everything you have, because if it did, you might be talking out the other side of your mouth...instead of projecting.

I agree that doctors and nurses SHOULD care for the sick regardless of payment, and so do their respective professional communities (hippocratic oath and such), and I further agree that people should care for each other and be charitible. However, when government uses force (taxation) to force us to give, it stops being charity and becomes oppression.

If you want to control your life, you have to accept responsibility for it. Failure to purchase proper home-owner's or renter's insurance is nobody's fault but your own. Freedom is a two-way street; with liberty comes responsibility.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 12:39 am
Freeman15;35841 wrote:
I agree that doctors and nurses SHOULD care for the sick regardless of payment,

What do you do for a living?

do you want to do it for free?

no. you have bills to pay.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 03:20 am
bizkit;35785 wrote:

Thank you for sheeding more light, that is what I meant, they should be recognized as so and not be seen as less.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 03:22 am
briansol;35786 wrote:
lol = laugh out loud
lmao = laughing my ass off
wtf = what the fuc|<
OMGHI2U = oh my god hi to you
IIRC = if i remember correctly
FWIW = for what its worth
BRB = be right back
BBL = be back later

Thank you, now more things make sense to me, I was missing alot.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 07:42 am
Western MOM

You show a complete lack of understanding about how the system works. You really should research how the system works before you make a post that shows you know nothing about it.

A short primer. For starts Low income people do not get free health care.

That taco bell or cashier at your local grocery does not qualify for health care anywhere. There are some pro rated clinics out there that will see them for a reduced cost. But those clinics don't provide cancer treatments or kidney dialysis . If they get really sick they need to apply to social security disability and that takes months if not years to get on. If they live long enough to get on social security disability then they stay on it most of them for life and then we the tax payers really are paying for it. When they should have been covered under a employee policy of some kind that is funded by all so that they don't end up on social security disability and stop working.

i know a lady in her 50's who works 25 hours a week at walmart, that is all she can work and stay on social security disability. She does this because she almost died of a heart condition before she could get on social security, and now that she is better she wants to work , but is afraid to get off the social security because at $10 a hour and some change she cannot afford her insurance at walmart. Being on social security she qualifies for a small monthly check, rent assistance and medical, and she can work as long as she keeps it under the income guide lines set by social security.

So you see western mom we the tax payers are paying for lots of health care. Its just being done in a stupid , wasteful way. And the only reason its being done this way is to allow the insurance companies to keep raking in billions in profit at tax payer expense.

And FYI mom. My insurance is costing me $692 a month and I am thinking about dropping it. I've payed the policy for years. Never did me much good.
certainly though if I get sick I will have to start selling assets to pay for treatment. They don't put you on social security until your broke . But oh well I could go on a year or two spending spree and get rid of it pretty fast then I could go on the public dole too, or die which ever comes first.

westernmom;34965 wrote:

You keep talking about helping the sick and needy. Why is socialized healthcare the only way that can be done?

Why is it the responsibility of the government? The government is YOU. When will you figure that out? Or are you one of those that receive your income from entitlements?

Taking care of the needy is something that can be done by private funding, families, neighbors, etc. You keep yapping about all of these people dying because of lack of healthcare. Bull crap! Every person who is on limited income can receive much better healthcare than I can just by going to the health and welfare office. They also get food stamps and wic which provide better food than what many of us can afford to buy.

I find that most of these people that are so lacking in health care are the very ones that have cell phones, cable tv, etc.

Why are you so insistant on bringing in a program that will cost so much, be so easy to abuse, and will keep growing once instituted?

Have you not heard the stories of the UK and them having to pay thousands for tatoo removal???
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 07:48 am
They had insurance freeman

The insurance companies are not paying off in the Katrina mess. Its wind, no its flood, no its wind and you're not covered for that.

Geez you people really are not informed.

Freeman15;35841 wrote:
I agree that doctors and nurses SHOULD care for the sick regardless of payment, and so do their respective professional communities (hippocratic oath and such), and I further agree that people should care for each other and be charitible. However, when government uses force (taxation) to force us to give, it stops being charity and becomes oppression.

If you want to control your life, you have to accept responsibility for it. Failure to purchase proper home-owner's or renter's insurance is nobody's fault but your own. Freedom is a two-way street; with liberty comes responsibility.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 09:27 am
wvpeach;35884 wrote:
They had insurance freeman

The insurance companies are not paying off in the Katrina mess. Its wind, no its flood, no its wind and you're not covered for that.

Geez you people really are not informed.

I hold a license to adjust claims in Texas and Florida (had to do something with a poli sci degree), I know insurance. The court ruled that State Farm pulled a bad-faith when they denied coverage to home-owners whose homes were damaged by FLOOD, despite no such endorsement being on their policies. It was a crap lawsuit but the judge acted beyond his authority to "help out the little guy"....who lived on the gulf coast and didn't buy flood insurance. It's not my fault they chose to live there, and then chose not to pay for proper protection. NOW all of State Farm's insureds are paying a higher premium because they're hemmorhaging cash.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 09:28 am
briansol;35850 wrote:
What do you do for a living?

do you want to do it for free?

no. you have bills to pay.

Dude, you have to read the rest of the post.

From a moral standpoint, those who can help, should (according to my beliefs). But as I said, we can't force them.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 09:49 am
Again a totally uninformed opinion freeman.

I hold a health and life license and know a little about insurance myself after 23 years of selling it. My sons life long best friend is a All State claims adjuster.

You and I both know you are full of crap. The insurance companies are prorating damage. people who had both home owners and flood are still not being paid off, because flood caused 40 percent of the damage and wind 20%.

the insurance companies are not paying off, and people had policies for both flood and home owners for over 40 years down there . They are now finding out they are not worth the paper they are written on.

Like all large companies if they don't take the low ball settlement offer, then they have to sue, and we know what they hope happens before the law suit ever comes to court . They hope the people will just run out of money for litigation or die, either way its okay by the insurance companies , and they can always appeal judgments and keep the legal case going for years.

Your statement it's the fault of the Katrina victims for not having coverage is hog wash and a lie freeman.
Most did have coverage and now will spend years in courts trying to get the money they contracted legally to receive when they paid those premiums all those years.

Oh by the way, I only sell insurance that directly relates to my company business now days. I am too moral a person to actually rip people off the way most insurance companies do now days.

Freeman15;35896 wrote:
I hold a license to adjust claims in Texas and Florida (had to do something with a poli sci degree), I know insurance. The court ruled that State Farm pulled a bad-faith when they denied coverage to home-owners whose homes were damaged by FLOOD, despite no such endorsement being on their policies. It was a crap lawsuit but the judge acted beyond his authority to "help out the little guy"....who lived on the gulf coast and didn't buy flood insurance. It's not my fault they chose to live there, and then chose not to pay for proper protection. NOW all of State Farm's insureds are paying a higher premium because they're hemmorhaging cash.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 09:56 am
wvpeach;35909 wrote:
Again a totally uninformed opinion freeman.

I hold a health and life license and know a little about insurance myself after 23 years of selling it. My sons life long best friend is a All State claims adjuster.

You and I both know you are full of crap. The insurance companies are prorating damage. people who had both home owners and flood are still not being paid off, because flood caused 40 percent of the damage and wind 20%.

the insurance companies are not paying off, and people had policies for both flood and home owners for over 40 years down there . They are now finding out they are not worth the paper they are written on.

Like all large companies if they don't take the low ball settlement offer, then they have to sue, and we know what they hope happens before the law suit ever comes to court . They hope the people will just run out of money for litigation or die, either way its okay by the insurance companies , and they can always appeal judgments and keep the legal case going for years.

Your statement it's the fault of the Katrina victims for not having coverage is hog wash and a lie freeman.
Most did have coverage and now will spend years in courts trying to get the money they contracted legally to receive when they paid those premiums all those years.

Oh by the way, I only sell insurance that directly relates to my company business now days. I am too moral a person to actually rip people off the way most insurance companies do now days.

They're permitted to pro-rate under certain state insurance bureaus (though not in Texas) and allocate funds based on what was and was not damaged by a covered peril. I do not doubt that SOME companies performed bad faith actions, it happens, but MY EXAMPLE was one of judicial activism. Further, if companies DO perform bad faith actions, that's why we have a legal system, and that is why insurance carriers are required to prove solvency before issuing policies in Texas (can't speak for other states). Government funds to cover losses as a result of a natural disaster should not be an option, period.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 10:04 am

We both know that long ago insurance companies decided flood insurance was unprofitable. So most do not even offer that coverage now days.

The federal government picked up that tab for the insurance companies and most flood insurance is through the federal government.

So your post seems directly in conflict to me. The government provides flood insurance in most cases so the insurance companies can keep their profit margins high, then they refuse to pay these claims because water came rushing in after a levy broke.

Never mind the hurricane had 150 miles per hour winds that took the tops off homes. It was all the flood.

And tell it to a home owner who is trying to rebuild they should wait for what 2-4 years to get their law suit resolved and then hope they get the money to rebuild.

Its crap! Its unethical. But then again the whole insurance industry is unethical.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 10:06 am
wvpeach;35917 wrote:

We both know that long ago insurance companies decided flood insurance was unprofitable. So most do not even offer that coverage now days.

The federal government picked up that tab for the insurance companies and most flood insurance is through the federal government.

So your post seems directly in conflict to me. The government provides flood insurance in most cases so the insurance companies can keep their profit margins high, then they refuse to pay these claims because water came rushing in after a levy broke.

Never mind the hurricane had 150 miles per hour winds that took the tops off homes. It was all the flood.

And tell it to a home owner who is trying to rebuild they should wait for what 2-4 years to get their law suit resolved and then hope they get the money to rebuild.

Its crap! Its unethical. But then again the whole insurance industry is unethical.

These people didn't have government-based flood insurance, and so PRIVATE companies were compelled to pay debts they DID NOT LEGALLY OWE. Life's unfair, but if you choose not to protect your assets to the fullest, you're inviting disaster. I feel for them, but in a free-market system, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 10:18 am

freeman , sounds like double speak coming out of your mouth.

Remember except for the grace of God there goes you.

Its not your house or your insurance company that is not paying off.

So you'll just keep spouting half truths as long as it supports your opinion.

Face it insurance companies are going to pull out of the coastal regions in mass after this.

Then who will have to insure development along the coast to get that economy going? ...... drum roll please! The federal government.

The insurance companies already made their money and they will take it and run , once again leaving tax payers to foot the bill.

The entire system is messed up.

free reign capitalism need's reigned in a little.

some things are just too important to have profit dictate how they are run.

health care and home owners insurance being two of them.

No person should die in this country for lack of health care.

And no home owner should have to fight a legal battle to get the money to rebuild after their home has been destroyed through no fault of their own.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:15 am
wvpeach;35922 wrote:

freeman , sounds like double speak coming out of your mouth.

Remember except for the grace of God there goes you.

Its not your house or your insurance company that is not paying off.

So you'll just keep spouting half truths as long as it supports your opinion.

Face it insurance companies are going to pull out of the coastal regions in mass after this.

Then who will have to insure development along the coast to get that economy going? ...... drum roll please! The federal government.

The insurance companies already made their money and they will take it and run , once again leaving tax payers to foot the bill.

The entire system is messed up.

free reign capitalism need's reigned in a little.

some things are just too important to have profit dictate how they are run.

health care and home owners insurance being two of them.

No person should die in this country for lack of health care.

And no home owner should have to fight a legal battle to get the money to rebuild after their home has been destroyed through no fault of their own.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:20 am
I have been known to preach it like it is Aaron.

hope it doesn't get to offensive.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:23 am
wvpeach;35922 wrote:

freeman , sounds like double speak coming out of your mouth.

Remember except for the grace of God there goes you.

Its not your house or your insurance company that is not paying off.

So you'll just keep spouting half truths as long as it supports your opinion.

Face it insurance companies are going to pull out of the coastal regions in mass after this.

Then who will have to insure development along the coast to get that economy going? ...... drum roll please! The federal government.

The insurance companies already made their money and they will take it and run , once again leaving tax payers to foot the bill.

The entire system is messed up.

free reign capitalism need's reigned in a little.

some things are just too important to have profit dictate how they are run.

health care and home owners insurance being two of them.

No person should die in this country for lack of health care.

And no home owner should have to fight a legal battle to get the money to rebuild after their home has been destroyed through no fault of their own.

Insurance companies aren't leaving the gulf coast, I make a living from working catastrophes, this statement is blatantly false.

Nobody HAS to insure property or health, insurance is a commodity to be purchased, and it is certainly not society's job (because the government has no money, WE do) to provide insurance FOR you. I believe in charity and communities helping one another, but using TAX money to pay for it is THEFT. You're taking from one person because you feel they can spare it and giving it to another without any benefit to the person from whom the tax is derived.

I am not an anarcho-capitalist, government as a referee is valid, but it is not society's legal obligation to provide for other people, that's a COMMUNIST ideal, and communism leads to TYRANNY, without question, without exception. Your arguments are emotionally-based and you are not accounting for the fiscal and political cost of nationalized health care or property insurance.

If you home is destroyed and you have a valid claim, reputable carriers WILL pay you and in Texas and Florida carriers MUST adjust and either settle or deny a claim within 30 days. Insurance law is a state issue, and always has been.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:30 am
This post of yours freeman shows that you do not have a grasp on the realities of this situation.


A grasp on reality

I don't care which it is.

We the tax payer are paying for insurance companies not paying off after Katrina.


We the tax payer pay for people showing up at emergency rooms as a last resort to dying so the insurance companies can continue to make high $$$$ profits.

Grow up , get a grasp on reality, then come back here and say something intelligent and not propaganda handed you by some company.

Freeman15;35933 wrote:
Insurance companies aren't leaving the gulf coast, I make a living from working catastrophes, this statement is blatantly false.

Nobody HAS to insure property or health, insurance is a commodity to be purchased, and it is certainly not society's job (because the government has no money, WE do) to provide insurance FOR you. I believe in charity and communities helping one another, but using TAX money to pay for it is THEFT. You're taking from one person because you feel they can spare it and giving it to another without any benefit to the person from whom the tax is derived.

I am not an anarcho-capitalist, government as a referee is valid, but it is not society's legal obligation to provide for other people, that's a COMMUNIST ideal, and communism leads to TYRANNY, without question, without exception. Your arguments are emotionally-based and you are not accounting for the fiscal and political cost of nationalized health care or property insurance.

If you home is destroyed and you have a valid claim, reputable carriers WILL pay you and in Texas and Florida carriers MUST adjust and either settle or deny a claim within 30 days. Insurance law is a state issue, and always has been.

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