The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 10:01 am

You keep talking about helping the sick and needy. Why is socialized healthcare the only way that can be done?

Why is it the responsibility of the government? The government is YOU. When will you figure that out? Or are you one of those that receive your income from entitlements?

Taking care of the needy is something that can be done by private funding, families, neighbors, etc. You keep yapping about all of these people dying because of lack of healthcare. Bull crap! Every person who is on limited income can receive much better healthcare than I can just by going to the health and welfare office. They also get food stamps and wic which provide better food than what many of us can afford to buy.

I find that most of these people that are so lacking in health care are the very ones that have cell phones, cable tv, etc.

Why are you so insistant on bringing in a program that will cost so much, be so easy to abuse, and will keep growing once instituted?

Have you not heard the stories of the UK and them having to pay thousands for tatoo removal???
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 10:02 am
Did i tell you i loved you today ma?
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 10:08 am
Drnaline;34967 wrote:
Did i tell you i loved you today ma?

Thanks! You made my day!!!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 10:10 am
Then my day is complete.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 10:36 am
wvpeach;34914 wrote:
You have no clue how it is to try to live on $8-$10 a hour because that is all that is available.

I don't buy this. There's ALWAYS something better. If you're unqualified, work your ass off, get some schooling, go to night school, or study online, and learn something that IS available and pays more.

The people who are stuck in 8-10 bucks an hour are also stuck thinking they can only "work in a factory" or "be a miner" for the rest of their lives. Times change, industry changes.... If i was born 10 years earlier, and didn't have computers coming out right around my highschool years, who knows what i would have fallen into. In order to not get left behind with the times, one needs to keep themselves up with the times.

Auto technicians go for training every years when new models come out...
certified computer techs need to get re-certified on Vista that just came out..

if you sit right where you are right now, you're future is doomed. People need to realize this. When they don't, is when they get stuck in 8-10 hour jobs, forever.


You like to brag, and your success is great. But not everybody can do what you do. this country needs decent living wage jobs and due to Nafta and Cafta looks like those are a thing of the past.

I'm not here to brag. The only reason i brought numbers up was to prove a point. certainty, not many people can do what I do.... but they could if they wanted to and tried, just as I did. Perhaps its motivation, instead of braggery.

FedUpAmerican;34916 wrote:
Brian, I'm curious as to your views about the recent minimum wage increase.

Simply put, it doesn't work.

Joe's Burger's pays $5 an hour, and now has to pay $10 to his employees.
So, he raises the price of his burgers 80 cents each to compensate for the wages.
Sally, who works at joes, now goes to Jane's salad bar for lunch. it used to be 6.99, and now its 8.99. Jane also had to pay its employees more, so needs to up their prices.

At the end of the day, the min. wage worker doesn't see a dime extra in their pocket, and everyone else above minimum wage gets hit with rising prices to boot.

I believe that people should fight not for raising minimum wage, but to fight to better themselves so that they never have to work at minimum wage ever again. Min. wage jobs should be, in my opinion, held ONLY by highschool kids. If you're 20, and still making min wage, wake up and do something with your life. re-locate if you have to, but find something better.

wvpeach;34922 wrote:

Personally I am not for the federal government taking over health care.

wow! we agree on someting Very Happy

I would like to see each state do that job, which would create many different competitive models across the country . Eventually with each state operating under trial and error the best system would take hold and maybe we'd have a fix for the mess our health care system is in.

bah, this is still no better. Red will tell you all about canada and its socialistic health care, and how bad it sucks. waiting 300 days for a maogram... its a joke system. And the ones who will be hurt by this will be the middle class.
the rich will get a private doctor. the middle class will get stuck in queue of everyone abusing the system. kinda like welfare and food stamps.


Thats the key to fixing everything in this country. Get the federal government out of it and have the states run their own .

ron paul supporter? if not, you should be with that thinking Very Happy


In the richest country in the world we are allowing people to die for lack of health care bizkit. That is not christian .

the richest country in the world....? We are the most in debt country in the world. China owns 30% of the US or something like that....

realize we have to offer coverage to everyone in the country cheaply.

how does this happen?
medicine is expensive.
mri machines are millions of dollars.
doctors go through 10 years of school.

if there's no incentive to make serious coin, no one in their right mind financially is going to want to be a doctor any more. With that, comes fewer and fewer places with staff who know what they are doing, and more and more people will die from seemingly simple diseases and surgeries.

if gov't comes in and makes me pay for not only myself (like i'm doing now) but for others as well, how does that help me or 90% of the rest of the working class that already has health benefits? it doesn't.
I pay my 140 bucks a paycheck, and my employer surely has a portion added to that. I picked the plan i want and pay out for what i want.

will i be able to do that in a state/fed run system? doubtful. i'll get stuck in some generic plan that everyone else has that doesn't meet my needs.

it's a joke.
it's socialism.

if you want health care, get a friggin job that offers it as a benefit.
if you can't find said job that offers health insurance, better yourself. you can get health insurance at chain restaurants like ruby tuesdays and applebees. I bet mcdonalds offers it for their full time staff too.
there's no real reason NOT to be able to get it.

i'm sick of hearing about disability.
so you can't walk? who cares. you can still sit on your ass all day and stuff envelopes or something.
you have no arms? who cares. you could easily work as an outbound cold call with a dialer system. you don't need hands to talk.
can't talk? woohoo! finally someone that i don't have to listen to complain about their crap situation instead of going out and finding a job like construction where you don't really need to be able to talk to bang a roof out or side a house.

There's something for everyone.

the lazy sit on their ass and bitch.
the motivated do something about it.

westernmom;34965 wrote:

You keep talking about helping the sick and needy. Why is socialized healthcare the only way that can be done?

Why is it the responsibility of the government? The government is YOU. When will you figure that out? Or are you one of those that receive your income from entitlements?

Taking care of the needy is something that can be done by private funding, families, neighbors, etc. You keep yapping about all of these people dying because of lack of healthcare. Bull crap! Every person who is on limited income can receive much better healthcare than I can just by going to the health and welfare office. They also get food stamps and wic which provide better food than what many of us can afford to buy.

I find that most of these people that are so lacking in health care are the very ones that have cell phones, cable tv, etc.

Why are you so insistant on bringing in a program that will cost so much, be so easy to abuse, and will keep growing once instituted?

Have you not heard the stories of the UK and them having to pay thousands for tatoo removal???

well said.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 01:45 pm
i'm sick of hearing about disability.
so you can't walk? who cares. you can still sit on your ass all day and stuff envelopes or something.
you have no arms? who cares. you could easily work as an outbound cold call with a dialer system. you don't need hands to talk.
can't talk? woohoo! finally someone that i don't have to listen to complain about their crap situation instead of going out and finding a job like construction where you don't really need to be able to talk to bang a roof out or side a house.

Brian - so right!!! My daughter has cerebral palsy. We were told she would never walk, etc. Guess what? She has three college degree's with high honors, teaches in high school, has had a car since she was 16 years old and never had an accident or ticket, owns her own home, goes down hill skiing, etc.

Every achievement has been hard but with perserverance she has accomplished everything she was told she couldn't do!

When she was a special ed director the kids were mad at her because they had gotten so used to the aides doing everything for them and she wouldn't run her program that way. She made them work for their grades!

It's all about doing things for yourself instead of expecting everyone else to do it for you!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 08:27 am
Last week, I picked up a $480 bill when 4 of my g/f's friends and her and I went out to dinner and drinks downtown. And this was the first time i met them. I paid anyway. Because I wanted to. And the waiter got a $100 tip

100$ tip?!! man am pissed off really bad now , in a tip he gets almost 25% of my salary , while i was responsible for bringing 20 mil SDG( 8000 $ ) to my company within the last two months and am the only employee who did a similar thing ( NGO tenders in Sudan) , i should probably ask for a raise !!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 12:37 pm
Health Care should not be an issue in national politics,period. It is not the responsibility of the state (ie, the people) to ensure that you have proper medical coverage, that's YOUR responsibility. If you have made choices in your life that have landed you in a job with little or no health coverage, or you simply cannot afford health coverage, live with your decision, be an ADULT. If you have uninsured children, you are to blame for anything that should happen to them, and I believe that chronically-ill, untreated children ought to be considered the victims of child abuse. If you can't support a child, don't have one.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility? From where do we derive the "right" to healthcare? Doctors and nurses provide a service, and have a right to charge for that service, the fact that such a service is in high demand is irrelevant. I suppose once they pass universal health care insurance, I should go and lobby for universal car insurance too? Or maybe universal property insurance (Katrina victims recieving compensation was unconstitutional by the way)?

You have the right to your life, your liberty, and your justly acquired property. The government's job is to make sure no other person denies you those rights through force or fraud. This is not a complex issue.
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 01:49 pm
Great post Freeman.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 08:49 am
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;34820 wrote:
I reallly think a large percentage of those who heavily favor social programs are actually the least generous people who actually need the government to force it from their hands. And somehow this clears their conscious and makes them feel caring and generous. Can you say fat cat John Edwards!!!

Want some stats for this theory? A recent study listed the most generous and the least generous states based on per capita charitable giving. Here are the top 2 and bottom 2:

1. Mississippi (red state, less support for socialism)
2. Arkansas (red state, see Mississippi)
49. Rhode Island (blue state, more support for socialism)
50. New Hampshire (blue state, see Rhode Island)

The reason Mississippi is on the list for the least money is because Mississippi is the poorest state in the union!!! Check the stats!
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 08:56 am
FedUpAmerican;34534 wrote:

I am late to the thread and ONLY read this opener.

But here is my response.

We have a thing called DOCUMENTED illegals here in Houston. What does that mean? It means we have issued citations for traffic offense or any other criminal offense, and have NOT deported the illegals. according to Houston Metro Police man (I will leave out the name) there are in down town houston alone over 150,000 "Documented Illegals" and in all of Houston predicts over 1 million as such. As soon as a PERSON collects this kind of citation, they are in a database and in census are counted as residents.

ALSO you have a two bedroom apartment here with 10 illegals living in it. The ensus man comes by and knocks on the door, never goes in JUST ASKS QUESTIONS. and writes it down... or a phone call. There are no paper checks to see if they are legally in the country.

This inflates our population by at least 1/5th and of course an illegal immigrant has NO health insurance.

I am not defending the high rates of the country, I am simply stating a Ridiculous problem.
0 Replies
crackface mcgee
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 09:16 am
tvsej;35637 wrote:
The reason Mississippi is on the list for the least money is because Mississippi is the poorest state in the union!!! Check the stats!

Check what stats? Read the post! This is not about which state is the richest or poorest - it's about which state has the most generous residents. This is a list of the most generous states in terms of charitable giving. Regardless of how poor Mississippi is, its residents make higher charitable contributions as a percentage of their income than any other state.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 09:19 am
Good for them.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 09:36 am
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;35656 wrote:
Check what stats? Read the post! This is not about which state is the richest or poorest - it's about which state has the most generous residents. This is a list of the most generous states in terms of charitable giving. Regardless of how poor Mississippi is, its residents make higher charitable contributions as a percentage of their income than any other state.

Wasn't trying to start a fight just stating a fact.
Duh, I did read the post about health care, I was pointing out why MS is even on the list for the least generous per cap.. if more people can't give in a very populated state (my mom lives there) their generousity would appear low, you just said they make higher contributions than other states as a % of their income, if they are more generous than others per cap...maybe they should not be red for all their generousity. BTW it is really helping alot (sarcastic)
crackface mcgee
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 12:20 pm
tvsej;35664 wrote:
Wasn't trying to start a fight just stating a fact.
Duh, I did read the post about health care, I was pointing out why MS is even on the list for the least generous per cap.

Please re-read the post. Mississippi is the MOST generous, not the LEAST generous. Dang. I give up.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 12:28 pm
$1 when you have $5, vs $1000, when you have $100,000 is a 5:1 ratio win.

i'm pretty sure the charity would rather get $1000.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 12:33 pm
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;35766 wrote:
Please re-read the post. Mississippi is the MOST generous, not the LEAST generous. Dang. I give up.

this time you read my post wrong I said if they are the most generous per cap... then they should be recognized for that and not appear red because the lack of people with money Dang I give up!
crackface mcgee
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 12:42 pm
briansol;35770 wrote:
$1 when you have $5, vs $1000, when you have $100,000 is a 5:1 ratio win.

i'm pretty sure the charity would rather get $1000.

Sounds like these blue states need to step it up a notch then, so the charities can receive money they will actually appreciate and won't have to be burdened by the nickel-and-dime contributions from the poor states! I think you have missed my point.

My point is this: The states more likely to support universal healthcare are blue states. Ironically, the blue states are at the bottom of the per capita generosity scale. These statistics suggest that when the money is left in the blue staters' pockets for them to spend at their own discretion, they allocate less to others who need it. So "donating" to the needy through taxes to support government programs makes them feel generous and clears their conscience. It seems that many in these states need the government to pry the money out of their hands in order for them to share.
0 Replies
crackface mcgee
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 12:45 pm
tvsej;35771 wrote:
this time you read my post wrong I said if they are the most generous per cap... then they should be recognized for that and not appear red because the lack of people with money Dang I give up!

OK, maybe I misunderstood. Are you intepreting "red state" as conservative and Republican-leaning? Because that is what I meant. By the say, when you post with consecutive exclamation points and sentences like "check the stats", don't be surprised to receive a heated response.
Reply Fri 7 Sep, 2007 12:53 pm
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;35775 wrote:
OK, maybe I misunderstood. Are you intepreting "red state" as conservative and Republican-leaning? Because that is what I meant. By the say, when you post with consecutive exclamation points and sentences like "check the stats", don't be surprised to receive a heated response.

Sorry, was a forum virgin before conflicting views, still have no idea what the hell lol means, laugh if you like but someone please tell me!!!!!!!!!!(said loudly)
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