The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 04:06 pm
Being generous and helping your felloe human is one thing, being forced to by the government is quite another.

Frankly put, the government has no business telling me, I have to buy into someone elses healthcare, period. If you want to give away half your check so someone that doesn't want to work can leech off the system, have fun, I do not. In our system healthcare is availible to everyone, it isn't my fault they don't want to spend the extra money for it.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 04:09 pm
How very human of you.
crackface mcgee
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 04:13 pm
92b16vx;34815 wrote:
Being generous and helping your felloe human is one thing, being forced to by the government is quite another.

I reallly think a large percentage of those who heavily favor social programs are actually the least generous people who actually need the government to force it from their hands. And somehow this clears their conscious and makes them feel caring and generous. Can you say fat cat John Edwards!!!

Want some stats for this theory? A recent study listed the most generous and the least generous states based on per capita charitable giving. Here are the top 2 and bottom 2:

1. Mississippi (red state, less support for socialism)
2. Arkansas (red state, see Mississippi)
49. Rhode Island (blue state, more support for socialism)
50. New Hampshire (blue state, see Rhode Island)
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 04:15 pm
wvpeach;34794 wrote:
crack face( strange as that name is)

So much for freedom of speech , somebody makes a post you don't like and you whine " shut it down"

well I am for national health care, and I am willing to tell everybody that opposes it that they are less than human.

Tell it to God one day when you meet him at the judgement that you want people to die for lack of health care because you have no feelings for your fellow man.

Bet your one of those anti abortion nuts too. Get the kid born , then who cares if it dies! What a stupid world view.

I hate to say it but you are one Bible Thumper that is going to get a big surprise yourself.

God will also judge those who abuse their bodies, who are too darn lazy to support themselves, who takes from others without giving back, who has sex and then kills the unborn child, who takes advantage of "the system"...

I wish you would just make your arguments with your own reasoning instead of calling down the wrath of God on all those who don't agree with you. Who are you to judge us?

Why is our view stupid? Again I repeat, who are you to judge?
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 04:37 pm
FedUpAmerican;34819 wrote:
How very human of you.

Sorry, condecending attitudes carry absolutely 0 sway to me. If you want to be forced to help everyone else pay for healthcare, you are free to move to one of the many countries that have such systems in place. Fortunately, this isn't one of them.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 05:28 pm
Well fed up ,

I was not going to mention it. I have checked out your blog and find the BJ on your page offensive. Not that BJ's in particular are offensive,God created sex and its a good thing, a very good thing. But the internet is used by children and teens and I would not want a child looking at your page.

That being said, If you took the BJ cartoon off the page and all your opinion about God , not being real, I would gladly let children look at your page.

You speak the truth about many things fed up.

You just don't know God - YET ..... You will one day I promise .

All in all I do not find you anything but well meaning and truthful.

Just confused about what a real christian is. Hey though , its no wonder, many who profess to be christians act like real bully's and well.... maybe children of the devil to be honest. But keep that last one between me and you fed up. :thumbup:

FedUpAmerican;34796 wrote:
Sure you want to go on the record with that? It seems I ruffle some feathers around here.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 05:41 pm
Biz kit

All my views are directly linked to my belief in God.

My youngest son in a Orthopedic Surgeon and my daughter is a pharmacist , along with a sister who's a radiologist and several cousins who are doctors. So what's your point? Family gatherings at my house find us non medical people asking the medical professionals in my family to speak lay medicine please! :p We talk about this often, and I can tell you all agree something has to be done , the system is out of whack badly and all of my family would like to see care for adults who need it say because they got down sized and came up with heart disease while uninsured.

You know very well being a health care professional Bizkit that they would get minimal care unless and until they got on social security disability .

You should also know bizkit that many die of illness before they can get on social security disability. And kids are a differnt story as you well know bizkit. We have programs in this country that will not deny a child life saving treatment. But as soon as they turn 18 / presto tough luck.

So bizkit , I will go right on giving my very studied biblical prospective that being against any human being getting health care, even if they cannot pay for it ; is not the principles of the bible as set down by Christ.

You didn't say bizkit if you are a christian or not.

But to those that are: Not doing everything you can to help a person when they need it is WRONG. The bible says so. And you do not get to judge if they are lazy, or stupid and deserve to be in the sad shape they find themselves in.

Remember christians only Christ gets to judge.

bizkit;34808 wrote:
Wow, you really have a crazy view on healthcare. The worst part of your post is you telling someone that God will judge them for not believing in socialized medicine! I am a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit RN and I take care of injured and dying kids every day I go to work.....and I do NOT believe in socialized medicine. Think about what you post.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 05:47 pm
western mom

The bible is silent on the subject of health care , true.

But christ clearly and hundreds of times tells his followers that those who look upon their brother in need and do nothing will be judged as selfish and lacking by christ.

Health care is a extreme need as many die from lack there of.

I am not judging anybody , that is also per the bible the domain of Christ.

I am merely pointing out that so called christians who are against all humans getting health care when needed and then say they are against abortion is a contradiction. We have to keep the people we have walking around on this earth alive too western mom and the welfare of all our neighbors was left in the hands of christs follwers.

I speak only the truth western mom. Its just the truth is not always welcome when people oppose it.

westernmom;34822 wrote:
I hate to say it but you are one Bible Thumper that is going to get a big surprise yourself.

God will also judge those who abuse their bodies, who are too darn lazy to support themselves, who takes from others without giving back, who has sex and then kills the unborn child, who takes advantage of "the system"...

I wish you would just make your arguments with your own reasoning instead of calling down the wrath of God on all those who don't agree with you. Who are you to judge us?

Why is our view stupid? Again I repeat, who are you to judge?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 06:17 pm
But try these scriptures on for fit western mom.

Matthew 25:31 When the son of man shall come in his glory and the holy angels with him, then shall he sit on his throne of glory.
And before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall seperate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.
And he shall set the sheep on his right hand and the goats on the left.

Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand, come ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
For I was a hungered and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger and ye took me in.
Naked and you clothed me: I was sick and ye visited me: I was in prison and ye came unto me.

Verse 40 And the King shall say unto them, verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my breathren, ye have done it unto me.

Read verse 44 as to what Jesus says to the false religious people at judgement. Those who would not help the sick and the hungry for whatever silly reason they can come up with.

Verily I say unto you, In as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away unto everlasting punishment.

So yes its a biblical principle to visit the sick and do for them what you can, and in modern society that includes treatment for their sickness.

To claim to be a christian and not want the least as the bible says to get medical help is the craziest notion I have ever heard.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 07:09 pm
Let's try to not turn this into a religious debate... i don't think faith plays into this thread. More so, it's a question of ethics and personal morale.

now, onto my rebuttal Smile
wvpeach;34797 wrote:
Brain sol,

How about the human being who has a bout with cancer , looses their job and can no longer get health care?

COBRA plan. it's been in place for years. if you leave a job, you have the option to buy into it.


How about the accident victim, who gets injured looses their job and cannot get health care?

that's what lawyers are for. your personal health insurance won't pay a dime for an accident if you call the right people.

How about all those working for $8- $10 a hour who cannot afford health care.

they can. they simply need to restructure and re-think their finances.
I had healthcare available to me when i was 16 making 4.50 an hour (at the time, minimum wage)


Your attitude shows a couple of things.

A- you are clue less and uneducated about the needs that befall real human beings through no fault of their own.

so, it's NOT their fault they have a crappy job?
Is it mine? no.

It's their own damn fault for skipping school, dropping out, not paying attention, and reading at the 2nd grade level in high school. Learning disability my ass. THEY JUST DONT CARE BECAUSE THEY KNOW I WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM. And it's bullshit.

I went to public schools my whole life and do not hold a college degree. EVERYONE IN AMERICA HAS HAD THE SAME OPPORTUNITY I HAVE HAD. I'm 27 and am the Senior developer at my firm, 2nd in line only to my boss, who is the owner.
What i do for a living, i taught my self. I learned how to code in various languages by getting off my ass and doing something and learning something, and now, i'm quite possibly one of the most desired employee in my field in my area. I've interviewed 50 people this year for my company to work under me, and we finally got one who was decent... not great.... but decent. Every single one of them had a college degree, and i was able to stump them on some of the simplest questions. By rule, these college educated people and people MUCH older than me should have years of experience i could only wish for at my age.

I'm no prodigy. I didn't even own a computer until 2000. Here we are 7 years later, and i can code circles around almost anyone.

On top of my normal 9-5, I own about 30 websites that I actively post on, maintain, run, and guess what, this is one of them. I work 16-18 hours a day, every day, and have for many years. I haven't been on vacation in 6 years. Last year i took 2 days off. This year to date, i've taken none.

So at the end of the year, when I bring home my 6-figure income, and lose $36,000 to social programs, i'm pissed. Because i'm the furthest thing from lazy, I have to help those who are. and it annoys the hell out of me.

I'm awaiting to "ohhh, but you don't need all that" line. Sure. I could live on much less. But, I shouldn't have to. I worked my ass off for it, and it's mine. Why should i give it away?

I'm far from inhumane. I've organized and helped raised over $5,000 over the years (b16 and silver can vouch) on my honda board for annual x-mass drives to food share, and when a member of the honda board passed away from lymphoma last year, we raised close to $800 for a donation to the research fund in his name.

Everytime, I was the top contributor.

I gave because I WANTED to. Not because I am FORCED to.



B- You are totally selfish and don't give a crap about anybody but your yourself.

I'm VERY free with my money. Last week, I picked up a $480 bill when 4 of my g/f's friends and her and I went out to dinner and drinks downtown. And this was the first time i met them. I paid anyway. Because I wanted to. And the waiter got a $100 tip.
I always tip well... most the time over 30%. Why? because they WORKED for it.

If you want my money, do something for me. ANYTHING.

you're a bum? don't just sit there with your hand out. go get a harmonica and play me a song as i walk by. I'll drop some cash in your hat for the 30 seconds of entertainment.
Hell, I spent about an hour down in DC watching 3 homeless black dudes playing crazy hip hop beats on trash bins and barrells. I was throughly entertained, and i left a 20 in their bucket when we moved on.

Sit there and beg me? piss off.


I suspect its both you are uninformed about this problem, don't give a crap about anybody else.

I think i've maid my points. I care about plenty of people. But I don't care about those who are able to help themselves and don't.... because 'big brother' will help them.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 07:21 pm
wvpeach;34838 wrote:
Biz kit

All my views are directly linked to my belief in God.

As are mine.

My youngest son in a Orthopedic Surgeon and my daughter is a pharmacist , along with a sister who's a radiologist and several cousins who are doctors. So what's your point?

The point is that you sounded very judgemental yourself against anyone not believing in socialized medicine.

Family gatherings at my house find us non medical people asking the medical professionals in my family to speak lay medicine please! :p We talk about this often, and I can tell you all agree something has to be done , the system is out of whack badly and all of my family would like to see care for adults who need it say because they got down sized and came up with heart disease while uninsured.

I want all people to have health coverage...believe me. Just because I work with children dosen't mean that I am not familiar with adult healthcare as well. I have older family members just like you I'm sure....and my husband is an adult ICU nurse. I do not think that the healthcare system is what it needs to be, thats for sure. I do not believe that socialized medicine is the answer. I also don't think that working Americans should have to pay for their healthcare as well as everyone elses. I think that the total manipulation of the medical lawsuit industry has helped to ruin some aspects of healthcare. Drs have to pay more for their own malpractice insurance now due to all of the crazy lawsuits that have come about in the past. What is the solution you ask??? I don't know, if I did I would be a very rich girl and not working 12 hour shifts thats for sure. I do know that its not the socialism of the healthcare industry....can you imagine waiting your turn for surgery??

You know very well being a health care professional Bizkit that they would get minimal care unless and until they got on social security disability .

Social Security IS minimal care.... and also a farce. I know for a fact that there are people who receive SS that DO NOT DESERVE IT! They lie and claim mental issues..and problems with their "nerves" and receive money that I work hard for! Im all for the people that deserve the help receiving it....but only if they deserve it.

You should also know bizkit that many die of illness before they can get on social security disability. And kids are a differnt story as you well know bizkit. We have programs in this country that will not deny a child life saving treatment. But as soon as they turn 18 / presto tough luck.

So bizkit , I will go right on giving my very studied biblical prospective that being against any human being getting health care, even if they cannot pay for it ; is not the principles of the bible as set down by Christ.

I too believe in taking care of our sick...I mean I am in healthcare! But as I said before, I should not have to pay for those who take advantage of my good work record.

You didn't say bizkit if you are a christian or not.

To answer your question, Yes I am a Christian and was raised in the Church. My devotion to God is the number one thing in my life...coming first before family or country.

But to those that are: Not doing everything you can to help a person when they need it is WRONG. The bible says so. And you do not get to judge if they are lazy, or stupid and deserve to be in the sad shape they find themselves in.

Remember christians only Christ gets to judge.

I do NOT judge others....Judge not, lest ye be judged. You sounded a lot more judgemental of me in your post than I have in any of my statements.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 07:31 pm
briansol;34845 wrote:
Let's try to not turn this into a religious debate... i don't think faith plays into this thread. More so, it's a question of ethics and personal morale.

now, onto my rebuttal Smile

COBRA plan. it's been in place for years. if you leave a job, you have the option to buy into it.

that's what lawyers are for. your personal health insurance won't pay a dime for an accident if you call the right people.

they can. they simply need to restructure and re-think their finances.
I had healthcare available to me when i was 16 making 4.50 an hour (at the time, minimum wage)

so, it's NOT their fault they have a crappy job?
Is it mine? no.

It's their own damn fault for skipping school, dropping out, not paying attention, and reading at the 2nd grade level in high school. Learning disability my ass. THEY JUST DONT CARE BECAUSE THEY KNOW I WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM. And it's bull****.

I went to public schools my whole life and do not hold a college degree. EVERYONE IN AMERICA HAS HAD THE SAME OPPORTUNITY I HAVE HAD. I'm 27 and am the Senior developer at my firm, 2nd in line only to my boss, who is the owner.
What i do for a living, i taught my self. I learned how to code in various languages by getting off my ass and doing something and learning something, and now, i'm quite possibly one of the most desired employee in my field in my area. I've interviewed 50 people this year for my company to work under me, and we finally got one who was decent... not great.... but decent. Every single one of them had a college degree, and i was able to stump them on some of the simplest questions. By rule, these college educated people and people MUCH older than me should have years of experience i could only wish for at my age.

I'm no prodigy. I didn't even own a computer until 2000. Here we are 7 years later, and i can code circles around almost anyone.

On top of my normal 9-5, I own about 30 websites that I actively post on, maintain, run, and guess what, this is one of them. I work 16-18 hours a day, every day, and have for many years. I haven't been on vacation in 6 years. Last year i took 2 days off. This year to date, i've taken none.

So at the end of the year, when I bring home my 6-figure income, and lose $36,000 to social programs, i'm pissed. Because i'm the furthest thing from lazy, I have to help those who are. and it annoys the hell out of me.

I'm awaiting to "ohhh, but you don't need all that" line. Sure. I could live on much less. But, I shouldn't have to. I worked my ass off for it, and it's mine. Why should i give it away?

I'm far from inhumane. I've organized and helped raised over $5,000 over the years (b16 and silver can vouch) on my honda board for annual x-mass drives to food share, and when a member of the honda board passed away from lymphoma last year, we raised close to $800 for a donation to the research fund in his name.

Everytime, I was the top contributor.

I gave because I WANTED to. Not because I am FORCED to.

I'm VERY free with my money. Last week, I picked up a $480 bill when 4 of my g/f's friends and her and I went out to dinner and drinks downtown. And this was the first time i met them. I paid anyway. Because I wanted to. And the waiter got a $100 tip.
I always tip well... most the time over 30%. Why? because they WORKED for it.

If you want my money, do something for me. ANYTHING.

you're a bum? don't just sit there with your hand out. go get a harmonica and play me a song as i walk by. I'll drop some cash in your hat for the 30 seconds of entertainment.
Hell, I spent about an hour down in DC watching 3 homeless black dudes playing crazy hip hop beats on trash bins and barrells. I was throughly entertained, and i left a 20 in their bucket when we moved on.

Sit there and beg me? piss off.

I think i've maid my points. I care about plenty of people. But I don't care about those who are able to help themselves and don't.... because 'big brother' will help them.

Well said my friend, I could'nt agree with you more!!!!!!
Nice M3 by the way.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 07:38 pm
Brian codes like a meth addicted monkey, and still can't spell "made".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 08:49 pm
92b16vx;34827 wrote:
Sorry, condecending attitudes carry absolutely 0 sway to me. If you want to be forced to help everyone else pay for healthcare, you are free to move to one of the many countries that have such systems in place. Fortunately, this isn't one of them.

Nah, that would be what the minority of Americans want. I prefer to stand, fight and change policies that I don't like. Personally I use the media outlets available to me.

This IS the American way.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 11:20 pm
bizkit;34852 wrote:
Well said my friend, I could'nt agree with you more!!!!!!

thanks Smile


Nice M3 by the way.

Thanks Smile I think i'm trading her in though.... looking into getting an S4 for the winter approaching Smile

92b16vx;34853 wrote:
Brian codes like a meth addicted monkey, and still can't spell "made".

haha. i can spell, i just can't type Very Happy

i always spell liek and jsut wrong Smile pick up on it in some of my posts Very Happy

FedUpAmerican;34859 wrote:
This IS the American way.

is it?

i thought the american way was working hard to get what you want and prospering from your efforts.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 08:41 am
briansol;34845 wrote:
Let's try to not turn this into a religious debate... i don't think faith plays into this thread. More so, it's a question of ethics and personal morale.

now, onto my rebuttal Smile

COBRA plan. it's been in place for years. if you leave a job, you have the option to buy into it.

Cobra plans are for a limited time only, most set 6-12 months and then it is unavailable. The cost is high during the allowable purchase persiod. So Brian what are they supposed to do if they can afford the $800 - $1000 a month for the year and then it runs out and is no longer available to them?

that's what lawyers are for. your personal health insurance won't pay a dime for an accident if you call the right people.

they can. they simply need to restructure and re-think their finances.
I had healthcare available to me when i was 16 making 4.50 an hour (at the time, minimum wage)

so, it's NOT their fault they have a crappy job?
Is it mine? no.

This country made everything we purchased for the last 100 years. Sure you could buy a cheap product made in another country, but most preferred american quality products. Now we make nothing in this country. Go shopping. Try to find american made toys, clothing, appliances, its impossible everything is made in other countries. It might if we're lucky get assembled here in the USA. Along with the jobs disappearing , is the opportunity for americans to get better jobs and make their own lives better and purchase the insurance you speak of Brian. Mark my words we are headed for a record breaking rrecession over the next five years. Tell me then when nobody is working you think its their own fault.It's their own damn fault for skipping school, dropping out, not paying attention, and reading at the 2nd grade level in high school. Learning disability my ass. THEY JUST DONT CARE BECAUSE THEY KNOW I WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM. And it's bull****.

The public school system is a mess. Given that I would say it's not totally their fault. I see charter schools working where they expect something of the kids and parental participation in the school. The system is in need of a over haul and until that happens , there except for the grace of God go you or I brian.

I went to public schools my whole life and do not hold a college degree. EVERYONE IN AMERICA HAS HAD THE SAME OPPORTUNITY I HAVE HAD. I'm 27 and am the Senior developer at my firm, 2nd in line only to my boss, who is the owner.
What i do for a living, i taught my self. I learned how to code in various languages by getting off my ass and doing something and learning something, and now, i'm quite possibly one of the most desired employee in my field in my area. I've interviewed 50 people this year for my company to work under me, and we finally got one who was decent... not great.... but decent. Every single one of them had a college degree, and i was able to stump them on some of the simplest questions. By rule, these college educated people and people MUCH older than me should have years of experience i could only wish for at my age.

I'm no prodigy. I didn't even own a computer until 2000. Here we are 7 years later, and i can code circles around almost anyone.

On top of my normal 9-5, I own about 30 websites that I actively post on, maintain, run, and guess what, this is one of them. I work 16-18 hours a day, every day, and have for many years. I haven't been on vacation in 6 years. Last year i took 2 days off. This year to date, i've taken none.

So at the end of the year, when I bring home my 6-figure income, and lose $36,000 to social programs, i'm pissed. Because i'm the furthest thing from lazy, I have to help those who are. and it annoys the hell out of me.

I'm awaiting to "ohhh, but you don't need all that" line. Sure. I could live on much less. But, I shouldn't have to. I worked my ass off for it, and it's mine. Why should i give it away?

I'm far from inhumane. I've organized and helped raised over $5,000 over the years (b16 and silver can vouch) on my honda board for annual x-mass drives to food share, and when a member of the honda board passed away from lymphoma last year, we raised close to $800 for a donation to the research fund in his name.

Everytime, I was the top contributor.

I gave because I WANTED to. Not because I am FORCED to.

I'm VERY free with my money. Last week, I picked up a $480 bill when 4 of my g/f's friends and her and I went out to dinner and drinks downtown. And this was the first time i met them. I paid anyway. Because I wanted to. And the waiter got a $100 tip.
I always tip well... most the time over 30%. Why? because they WORKED for it.

If you want my money, do something for me. ANYTHING.

you're a bum? don't just sit there with your hand out. go get a harmonica and play me a song as i walk by. I'll drop some cash in your hat for the 30 seconds of entertainment.
Hell, I spent about an hour down in DC watching 3 homeless black dudes playing crazy hip hop beats on trash bins and barrells. I was throughly entertained, and i left a 20 in their bucket when we moved on.

Sit there and beg me? piss off.

I think i've maid my points. I care about plenty of people. But I don't care about those who are able to help themselves and don't.... because 'big brother' will help them.

I think you have made your point Brain you do not understand the plight of hard working americans who have been down sized or had their factory leave for a foreign land. You have no clue how it is to try to live on $8-$10 a hour because that is all that is available.

You like to brag, and your success is great. But not everybody can do what you do. this country needs decent living wage jobs and due to Nafta and Cafta looks like those are a thing of the past.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 08:45 am
Brian, I'm curious as to your views about the recent minimum wage increase.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 08:57 am
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;34820 wrote:
I reallly think a large percentage of those who heavily favor social programs are actually the least generous people who actually need the government to force it from their hands. And somehow this clears their conscious and makes them feel caring and generous. Can you say fat cat John Edwards!!!

Want some stats for this theory? A recent study listed the most generous and the least generous states based on per capita charitable giving. Here are the top 2 and bottom 2:

1. Mississippi (red state, less support for socialism)
2. Arkansas (red state, see Mississippi)
49. Rhode Island (blue state, more support for socialism)
50. New Hampshire (blue state, see Rhode Island)
You nailed that one on the head. I asked Scoob how much he gave, he said it was proportionate to his earnings. I asked him if he ment taxes and he said "yes". IMO he thinks he gives when in actuality if they didn't take it from him he wouldn't give ****.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 09:00 am

I appreciate your response to my post. Okay my sister in christ I see that you are serious about your devotion to God.

I welcome you as a sister in faith.

Am I judging people ? maybe. But I do not think so.

It is important that people of faith understand what the bible says and to me it says simply the following about this matter of the sick and needy.

If we can help the sick and needy we are to do so . That is per the words of Jesus our Lord . The bible also says we will be judged on how we help these the least of us personally and as nations.

Personally I am not for the federal government taking over health care.

I would like to see each state do that job, which would create many different competitive models across the country . Eventually with each state operating under trial and error the best system would take hold and maybe we'd have a fix for the mess our health care system is in.

Thats the key to fixing everything in this country. Get the federal government out of it and have the states run their own .

In the richest country in the world we are allowing people to die for lack of health care bizkit. That is not christian .

Also these people cost the system in the long run in many ways. I know walmart workers who work just under the guideline that would keep them from getting kicked off their social security. Why because they almost died from some chronic illness before they could get on social security disability . Once their illness was under control they want to work , so they do, but make sure they work no more than allowable to keep those benefits , because they are afraid they will die. And working at walmart for $8 a hour is not going to pay for their medical needs.

We all pay for the uninsured anyway bizkit. Under the current system the tax payers are really getting hit. So that large insurance companies can continue to profit from those who can pay the premiumswe the tax payer pick up the tab for the working poor in this country. That is a economic fact ask any economist.
And you heard it here the insurance companies will bail out eventually. They have made their money. They will not put it back out in health care. I guess for a lot of people its going to take limited insurance available at high costs before they realize we have to offer coverage to everyone in the country cheaply.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 09:05 am
I agree Crack, the government does what's best for the government not the people.
0 Replies

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