The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:00 am
Well I was not going to bring it up but since you did its open game.

freeman has opened up a whole can of worms now. he says he has been a insurance adjuster since the age of eighteen. Which could have only happened one way his father or relative owns the company he works for. He says he has no medical insurance but i doubt that seriously , he is on daddy's insurance or some other relatives if he even is a insurance adjuster.

No insurance company will hire a 18 year old to be a adjuster with no college education.

So freeman to me has opened the possibility he is a big fat liar of one sort or the other. He makes no sense and I know the insurance industry.

So yeah dranaline , just like you believe we should go to war in Iraq cause the boggey man is going to get you. Believe the line of BS freeman has posted. Believe a fairy tale if you want. I prefer the truth.

I don't believe a word of it now coming from freeman !:no:

Drnaline;37713 wrote:
Funny they didn't say anything about it till they new your age? Shows the intellects lack of arguement is exchanged for age of inexperience. Can't come up with a better arguement so we'd better call into question ones age now that we know it, LOL.
P.S. Your probably on your way to being one of the "so called Christians"?
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:04 am
wvpeach;37714 wrote:

You know very well that Jesus died for both your sins and mine . But if you think that lets you off the hook and you can sin any way you want, you are sadly mistaken.

There will be a judgment for each of us. And to he who is given much , much will be expected. the followers of Christ will be expected to follow the teachings of Christ or as the bible says Jesus will tell us depart from me I knew you not.

I can tell you the judgment will not be easy on you or me dranaline. We will both cringe with shame when the Lord looks at our sins. So I try to follow the teachings of Christ closely and keep my sins to a minimum , however I still sin and therefore will be horrified I am sure when Christ looks at my sins.

I as a follower of Christ put my own money into following the teachings of Jesus. And advocate others do the same.

But its up to you dranaline, you can do as you please, you will answer for every decision you make as will I.:thumbup:

good luck to you, and I am sure you wish me the same!:thumbup:

You know very well that Jesus died for both your sins and mine . But if you think that lets you off the hook and you can sin any way you want, you are sadly mistaken.
What i think is you think it lets you off the hook. Your the one saying "so called Christians", I'm just inquiring if that is a very Christian thing to do. You Say Jesus would frown on it yet you do it so carelessly, why? Because you assume Jesus will side with you, what proof do you have? Nothing. We have scripture saying Jesus would do the opposite of what your doing yet i'm condemed to hell and your going to heaven, not even close there missy.
There will be a judgment for each of us. And to he who is given much , much will be expected. the followers of Christ will be expected to follow the teachings of Christ or as the bible says Jesus will tell us depart from me I knew you not.
So when Jesus come again and see's how you treated some on this board, what's he gonna say? Right on or i new you not?
I as a follower of Christ put my own money into following the teachings of Jesus. And advocate others do the same.
All the money in the world doesn't make up for your hypocracy.
But its up to you dranaline, you can do as you please, you will answer for every decision you make as will I.:thumbup:
And will Jesus be in favor of your actions here?
good luck to you, and I am sure you wish me the same!

Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:14 am
Could you supply even one verse of scripture where jesus says we are not to help the sick or needy?

I will await your response .

I have all the proof i the world drnaline, Jesus tells his followers clearly in the NT how we are to behave and what we are to concern ourselves with.

The first is Love , all. And forgiveness seven times seventy.

Then we are not to hold back our charity from those in need as it is through love and charity that we model Christ and a world that does not know him can see him through us his followers.

But I will wait to hear from you drnaline how what I have written above , is disproved in the bible.

Again good luck to you, because I know the bible well, and what you are looking for is not in the teachings of Christ! But good luck anyway:thumbup:

I will wait to hear from you a scripture where Christ said we are not to help the needy, sick, father less, or widows . LOL Even for you drnaline that would take a lot of warping of the scriptures to come up with that misinterpretation?

Drnaline;37720 wrote:
What i think is you think it lets you off the hook. Your the one saying "so called Christians", I'm just inquiring if that is a very Christian thing to do. You Say Jesus would frown on it yet you do it so carelessly, why? Because you assume Jesus will side with you, what proof do you have? Nothing. We have scripture saying Jesus would do the opposite of what your doing yet i'm condemed to hell and your going to heaven, not even close there missy.So when Jesus come again and see's how you treated some on this board, what's he gonna say? Right on or i new you not?All the money in the world doesn't make up for your hypocracy. And will Jesus be in favor of your actions here?GL.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:19 am
Could you supply even one verse of scripture where jesus says we are not to help the sick or needy?
I'll look once you post a quote where i said they are not to be helped? What do you do above and beyond your taxes to help the poor?
I will wait to hear from you a scripture where Christ said we are not to help the needy, sick, father less, or widows . LOL Even for you drnaline that would take a lot of warping of the scriptures to come up with that misinterpretation?
I'm waiting for a quote from you saying i said they are not to be helped? I'm waiting?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:20 am
And as for your tag line

Christians have a lot more babies that the rest of the people in demographic groups.

Oh do they really? That would depend, many call themselves Christians and they are far from that in truth.

You know the bible tells us they will claim to be christians but really be doing the work of their real father who is not God.

And what about birth control. 99.9% of women now days have used birth control to keep from having more children. Are all those so called christian women in God's will?

after all God would have sent them more kids if they had not taken that little pill.

How do you know he's not pissed about that alone and leaving them to the imaginations of their own worldly minds as the bible says?
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:26 am
wvpeach;37729 wrote:
And as for your tag line

Christians have a lot more babies that the rest of the people in demographic groups.

Oh do they really? That would depend, many call themselves Christians and they are far from that in truth.

You know the bible tells us they will claim to be christians but really be doing the work of their real father who is not God.

And what about birth control. 99.9% of women now days have used birth control to keep from having more children. Are all those so called christian women in God's will?

after all God would have sent them more kids if they had not taken that little pill.

How do you know he's not pissed about that alone and leaving them to the imaginations of their own worldly minds as the bible says?
Oh do they really? That would depend, many call themselves Christians and they are far from that in truth.
You ressemble this remark. IMO
You know the bible tells us they will claim to be christians but really be doing the work of their real father who is not God.
Again, fits you to a tee.
And what about birth control. 99.9% of women now days have used birth control to keep from having more children. Are all those so called christian women in God's will?
So you have never used any form of birth control? Go ahead cast the first stone? For you have sinned not!
How do you know he's not pissed about that alone and leaving them to the imaginations of their own worldly minds as the bible says?
How do you?
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:29 am
Drnaline;37720 wrote:
We have scripture saying Jesus would do the opposite of what your doing .

Heres your sign drnaline.

"we have scripture saying Jesus would do the opposite of what your doing."

All I am doing is saying we should follow the teachings of Jesus and help the sick and needy , fatherless, widows and the like. That is what I have done for many years.

Now a scripture please that shows Jesus did not say we were to do what i say above?

In fact Christ says we will be judged on how we follow this command of his to do what we can as people and certainly as a nation who puts in God we trust on our money and tells the world how christian we are. .... LOL thats a joke .

We as a nation are like those religious leaders Jesus condemned , who stand on the street and offer loud prayers and give alms to the poor to be recognized by men. Jesus said I tell you truly such as these have received their reward on earth and none awaits them in heaven.

So drnaline Tag your it. How does anything I have ever said on this forum or any other for that matter go against the teachings of Christ as you suggested above in this quote of your own words?

I will await your response. Or are you going to ban me because you don't like what I say? If so , so be it!:dunno:
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:35 am

exactly he who is without sin , let them cast the first stone.

yet those of your ilk are quick to say if a person needs help they are lazy, stupid, undeserving. That is casting the first stone.

Certainly I used birth control. My grandmother has 22 children and after 3 I decided to put a stop to the child rearing . My three are chosen by me. I am sure God had more children planned for me and I will have them one day.

You see God is just that powerful, man not you or I can stop or alter the plans of God. I suspect I will bear and raise any further children God decreed I'd have in another time and place of God's choosing.

But I do not cast stones at people who use birth control or have abortions , because I know this will not change the plans of a all powerful God. How about you drnaline, do you cast a stone or two?

And please your debates are elementary , can you kick it up a notch?

I will wait to hear from you how anything I have said about helping the sick and needy is against the teachings of Christ? ..... LOL good luck with that one

Drnaline;37731 wrote:
You ressemble this remark. IMOAgain, fits you to a tee.So you have never used any form of birth control? Go ahead cast the first stone? For you have sinned not!How do you?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:39 am
wvpeach;37734 wrote:
Heres your sign drnaline.

"we have scripture saying Jesus would do the opposite of what your doing."

All I am doing is saying we should follow the teachings of Jesus and help the sick and needy , fatherless, widows and the like. That is what I have done for many years.

Now a scripture please that shows Jesus did not say we were to do what i say above?

In fact Christ says we will be judged on how we follow this command of his to do what we can as people and certainly as a nation who puts in God we trust on our money and tells the world how christian we are. .... LOL thats a joke .

We as a nation are like those religious leaders Jesus condemned , who stand on the street and offer loud prayers and give alms to the poor to be recognized by men. Jesus said I tell you truly such as these have received their reward on earth and none awaits them in heaven.

So drnaline Tag your it. How does anything I have ever said on this forum or any other for that matter go against the teachings of Christ as you suggested above in this quote of your own words?

I will await your response. Or are you going to ban me because you don't like what I say? If so , so be it!:dunno:
Heres your sign drnaline.

"we have scripture saying Jesus would do the opposite of what your doing."

All I am doing is saying we should follow the teachings of Jesus and help the sick and needy , fatherless, widows and the like. That is what I have done for many years.
My reference is to Jesus saying not to judge others. Something you seem to do zealously.
Now a scripture please that shows Jesus did not say we were to do what i say above?
You still haven't provided what i asked for? A quote where is said not to help?
In fact Christ says we will be judged on how we follow this command of his to do what we can as people and certainly as a nation who puts in God we trust on our money and tells the world how christian we are. .... LOL thats a joke .
You still haven't answered what you do beyond your taxes for the poor?
So drnaline Tag your it. How does anything I have ever said on this forum or any other for that matter go against the teachings of Christ as you suggested above in this quote of your own words?
You admitted you judge us, shall i quote you? What would Jesus do? According to scripture, not what your doing.
I will await your response. Or are you going to ban me because you don't like what I say? If so , so be it!
Ban, your it.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 09:53 am
No doubt this is the silliest post I have ever seen.

[SIZE="3"] We are talking about the fact Jesus said we are to help the poor and sick.[/SIZE]'

I am not judging when people advocate not helping the poor and sick and say things like its okay as long as they do not tax me to do it, but happily shell out taxes for war. This is just plain biblical. We are to help the sick and poor Jesus said so.

I am stating a fact when I tell people this , nothing more. In fact drnaline I do not judge you or anybody else that takes the same short sighted position you do yet claims Christianity.

Actually i pray for people like you and my heart aches at the emptiness that must fill people who claim Christ but yet follow none of his teachings. That is not something I can understand. So I do not judge what I cannot understand, but I would be remiss if i did not point out what the bible says when the subject comes up.

And the bible says to help the poor ,sick, fatherless and widows. just as it says to pray for our enemies and not return evil for evil.

And ban me if you want. If you ban me because you and I are having a conversation and we do not agree and no where have I gotten out of line in my postings, then this forum is not worthy of my time anyway. Ban me, I will not waste my time here after if that is what you are allowed to do. That would be a pathetic childish act on your part and I do not waste time with such childish acts. At 49 years of age I know when you encounter a brick wall , there is no point trying to go through it. Maybe around it, but not through it.

Drnaline;37738 wrote:
My reference is to Jesus saying not to judge others. Something you seem to do zealously.You still haven't provided what i asked for? A quote where is said not to help?You still haven't answered what you do beyond your taxes for the poor?You admitted you judge us, shall i quote you? What would Jesus do? According to scripture, not what your doing.Ban, your it.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 10:00 am
Don't go wvpeach, your post are a needed point of view and debate, it would be less active if you go. I sometimes just read post I have missed or do not want to get into anymore, your posts add alot to it.:headbang:
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 10:00 am
Re: The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage
This is the title of the thread. Not "We are talking about the fact Jesus said we are to help the poor and sick.'"
I am not judging when people advocate not helping the poor and sick and say things like its okay as long as they do not tax me to do it, but happily shell out taxes for war.
Your not? News to me.
I am stating a fact when I tell people this , nothing more. In fact drnaline I do not judge you or anybody else that takes the same short sighted position you do yet claims Christianity.
I bet Jesus thinks different, LOL.
At 49 years of age I know when you encounter a brick wall , there is no point trying to go through it. Maybe around it, but not through it.
Oh by the way, it's a Christian wall. One you'll not make it through, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 10:03 am
For the upteenth time. I am not a mod. For the record when i was one i had only banned one person and that was Aaron, while i'd like to repost why, i don't think he would want me too. But you can ask him.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 10:25 am
Never saw the guy again. I imagine though as he was a bum who did not work, the state paid for the care .

Drnaline;37715 wrote:
So WV, the guy you shot in the leg. Did you pay for his healthcare after you shot him? Or did you let the state pay for it? What would Jesus do???
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 10:28 am
That's what i figured.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 10:34 am
Thanks TV I have no intention's of going anywhere.

I now know that drnaline is not a mod here and that gives me a lot more respect for this forum.

After all come on if a biased person like him was allowed to say who goes and who stays what would be the point.

I like conflicting views and have more respect for it than ever before now that i know the likes of drnaline are not running the place.

tvsej;37750 wrote:
Don't go wvpeach, your post are a needed point of view and debate, it would be less active if you go. I sometimes just read post I have missed or do not want to get into anymore, your posts add alot to it.:headbang:
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 10:38 am
Happy to hear you will be staying. I sent you a message about CHopper Magazine did you get it?
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 10:58 am
Chopper mag, easyrider? Are those Christian publications? What would Jesus think?
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:04 am
Drnaline;37752 wrote:
For the upteenth time. I am not a mod. For the record when i was one i had only banned one person and that was Aaron, while i'd like to repost why, i don't think he would want me too. But you can ask him.

For the record how many threads have you locked as a mod? Until that was stripped from you for your abuse. Now you just hijack threads that you don't agree with.

I would love to see anything remotely intelligent come from you.

I have challenged you on many occasions to debate. A good opportunity to show that you have a brain. Yet you backpeddal and dodge with your little pansy ass comments TRYING to appear witty.

I think flying at those altitudes without oxygen has destroyed WAY to many of your brain cells.

Or are you just a coward? :dunno:

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! :rollinglaugh:
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:04 am
No I am bad about not checking PM's but I will .


tvsej;37759 wrote:
Happy to hear you will be staying. I sent you a message about CHopper Magazine did you get it?
0 Replies

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