The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:45 pm
Freeman15;37580 wrote:
So by your way of thinking, you're entitled to services from others. Doctors, drug companies, nurses, and insurance companies owe you something. They took the initiative to be successful, and so you think you're entitled to their skills because you lack them. Tough, grow up. I'm 21 years old and self-insured (meaning I have the assets to remain solvent even during a serious medical problem), so why can't fifty year olds figure this out? We should encourage excellence by not rewarding failure. I don't owe you a cent, and neither does the medical profession.

Put the marijuana down....
If you're 21 years old...you're still green. You don't know anything about the workings of the world, or its' meaning....talk to me in 15 or 20.
If your company does an "Enron", you'll be stuck out like the rest of us...wondering were your benefits went.
I didn't say drs. drug companies, and insurances companies and the like owe me something...what they owe me is not to "gouge" me..
I was in healthcare for more than 15 years...so don't talk down to me, like "i'm green", or something. I know better than you, boy.
No, you don't owe me a cent...but you do owe the government your fair share of taxes, which I am seeking to pay and subsidize those who cannot afford it...especially, children, the elderly and the terminally ill. No heart, no soul.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 07:49 pm
I agree he is witnessing me passing judgement on you.

Still I think I'll take my chances with my own sins, wouldn't want to trade them for yours.

Drnaline;37493 wrote:
He is also witnessing you pass judgement on us. I think he frowns on such things you?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 07:50 pm
naw believe me I would not stone you drnaline

You might also recall that the bible says all sins are the same to God.

If your going to sin, might as well do it with gusto.

Drnaline;37497 wrote:
Oh to be above it all, you get dizy looking down from so high? Or are you a sinner too, LOL.
How does it go WV, he who has not sinned cast the first stone? Is that a rock in your hand?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 07:54 pm
@Red cv,
Well red since you are a beneficiary of socialized medicine doubt you know what you are talking about.

people are not dying in your country from lack of care.

Move to the US why don't you? You'd fit right in here.

Why are you still in Canada since you dislike it so much?

Or at least refuse your own health care card. Insist in the name of revolt you will pay for all your own medical care from now on out of pocket and will not accept government care.

that way you would not be a hypocrite.

Red;37549 wrote:
It brightens my day to see so many intelligent Americans shun socialized medicine, I live it daily and it doesn't work. The weak minded left/socialist will never give up their dream of utopia. If they win we shall be expected to foot the bill yet again for their social experiments.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 08:52 pm
aaronssongs;37583 wrote:
Put the marijuana down....
If you're 21 years old...you're still green. You don't know anything about the workings of the world, or its' meaning....talk to me in 15 or 20.
If your company does an "Enron", you'll be stuck out like the rest of us...wondering were your benefits went.
I didn't say drs. drug companies, and insurances companies and the like owe me something...what they owe me is not to "gouge" me..
I was in healthcare for more than 15 years...so don't talk down to me, like "i'm green", or something. I know better than you, boy.
No, you don't owe me a cent...but you do owe the government your fair share of taxes, which I am seeking to pay and subsidize those who cannot afford it...especially, children, the elderly and the terminally ill. No heart, no soul.

I don't work for a company, I am an idependent insurance adjuster. I insure myself, I have no debt, and I have been working since I was 18 (in this field), I know what I'm talking about. I OWN my car, I OWN my bike, and I pay rent three months in advance. I support myself very well without government intervention, so don't talk down to me.

Health care providers can gouge all they want, they provide a service for money, and you have no right to it without payment. You seek to use tax dollars to subsidize health care, yet I know you don't support equal taxation. You support a system where by the most productive support the least productive, and such systems ALWAYS fail. No soul? If you'd bothered to read my first post, you'd know that I support criminalizing not having adequate care for your child, and thus would support STATE-level health care plans for CHILDREN ONLY. Children don't have the same opportunities or responsibilities that adults have.

I'll compromise with you though. Hear me out before you bash it:

The federal government will provide free health care to all those seeking it in exchange for military service. Oh, right, they've already got a program like that, and it's called the DoD.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:03 pm
Freeman15;37602 wrote:
I don't work for a company, I am an idependent insurance adjuster. I insure myself, I have no debt, and I have been working since I was 18 (in this field), I know what I'm talking about. I OWN my car, I OWN my bike, and I pay rent three months in advance. I support myself very well without government intervention, so don't talk down to me.

Health care providers can gouge all they want, they provide a service for money, and you have no right to it without payment. You seek to use tax dollars to subsidize health care, yet I know you don't support equal taxation. You support a system where by the most productive support the least productive, and such systems ALWAYS fail. No soul? If you'd bothered to read my first post, you'd know that I support criminalizing not having adequate care for your child, and thus would support STATE-level health care plans for CHILDREN ONLY. Children don't have the same opportunities or responsibilities that adults have.

I'll compromise with you though. Hear me out before you bash it:

The federal government will provide free health care to all those seeking it in exchange for military service. Oh, right, they've already got a program like that, and it's called the DoD.

I don't give a good g.d. who you think you are, or what you do, or what you have. I want my tax dollars to go to the needy, and I don't need you to tell me who that is supposed to be. It's my money. Your money and my money go into a pot...a common pot...so we have equal sayso. You can say whatever you will about where your money goes, as I do mine.
You haven't lived long enough to tell me anything...therefore, I will not listen to idle talk or empty rhetoric. You left out old people who may not have family and may be on fixed or no income...what do you propose to do about them?
You have revealed that you have little or no heart, no soul, and no conscience. Therefore, you're to be ignored, because you offer nothing of value. Get a life, because you have none.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:24 pm
aaronssongs;37606 wrote:
I don't give a good g.d. who you think you are, or what you do, or what you have. I want my tax dollars to go to the needy, and I don't need you to tell me who that is supposed to be. It's my money. Your money and my money go into a pot...a common pot...so we have equal sayso. You can say whatever you will about where your money goes, as I do mine.
You haven't lived long enough to tell me anything...therefore, I will not listen to idle talk or empty rhetoric. You left out old people who may not have family and may be on fixed or no income...what do you propose to do about them?
You have revealed that you have little or no heart, no soul, and no conscience. Therefore, you're to be ignored, because you offer nothing of value. Get a life, because you have none.

You argue like a seven year-old. "I'm older so I win", childish and as usual, you provide no fact-based analysis, only an emotion-based spiel filled with anger geared towards the asshole on the other end of a computer. I need to get a life? I'd say we're both pretty lifeless considering the degree to which our time is spent on this board. Is it so hard to remain civil?

I suggest cutting taxes and permitting individuals to give to charities who provide health care assistance. This allows me to keep my money, and you and the rest of the socialized medicine crowd to implement your plan. The elderly had an entire lifetime to put together as nestegg, if they chose not to, then they live with the consequences of their actions, or rely on the love of their family to help them. My parents will be well off in retirement, neither will file for social security, and they lived in a trailer for the first few years of their marriage. Success is possible, you simply don't think it is.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:17 pm
wvpeach;37589 wrote:
I agree he is witnessing me passing judgement on you.

Still I think I'll take my chances with my own sins, wouldn't want to trade them for yours.
Your getting more Christian by the minute, LOL. Would Jesus trade sins with me, since you know so much of how he feels?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:19 pm
Freeman15;37610 wrote:
You argue like a seven year-old. "I'm older so I win", childish and as usual, you provide no fact-based analysis, only an emotion-based spiel filled with anger geared towards the asshole on the other end of a computer. I need to get a life? I'd say we're both pretty lifeless considering the degree to which our time is spent on this board. Is it so hard to remain civil?

I suggest cutting taxes and permitting individuals to give to charities who provide health care assistance. This allows me to keep my money, and you and the rest of the socialized medicine crowd to implement your plan. The elderly had an entire lifetime to put together as nestegg, if they chose not to, then they live with the consequences of their actions, or rely on the love of their family to help them. My parents will be well off in retirement, neither will file for social security, and they lived in a trailer for the first few years of their marriage. Success is possible, you simply don't think it is.
If it wasn't for emotion he wouldn't have a base at all.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 04:56 am
I'm short on time this AM but, just for fun, could we quit throwing about who is sinning and who isn't? I get it. I am an agent of Satan for not wanting my taxes raised to support a national healthcare program. Now, can we move on to the actual debating points?
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 06:31 am
Most of the Republicans here have no debate skills.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 06:48 am
FedUpAmerican;37673 wrote:
Most of the Republicans here have no debate skills.

Well, considering the only "debate" coming from the pro-socialization of America crowd has been emotional "for the kids, and needy" out pouring, with the anti-socialization, stand up and take responsibility people using things like facts, I'd say you got that backwards.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 07:00 am
92b16vx;37676 wrote:
Well, considering the only "debate" coming from the pro-socialization of America crowd has been emotional "for the kids, and needy" out pouring, with the anti-socialization, stand up and take responsibility people using things like facts, I'd say you got that backwards.

What facts? Bush 'found facts" to go to war with Iraq....so what? Facts can be improvised. The system is broken...that's a fact. Medicare Part D is a joke...that's a fact. A sizable portion of America has no health coverage. Nada. That's a fact. Doctors, providers, drug companies, insurance companies are making a killing. That's a fact. Folks are dying because of it...that's a fact.
I'd say you don't have it backwards, you have it f..... up.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 07:30 am
92b16vx;37676 wrote:
Well, considering the only "debate" coming from the pro-socialization of America crowd has been emotional "for the kids, and needy" out pouring, with the anti-socialization, stand up and take responsibility people using things like facts, I'd say you got that backwards.


LOL!!!!!!! Laughing

Now THATS funny.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 08:36 am
To me and many that is the only debate point

Are you a decent human being who wants to help the truly sick and needy ?

Or debate point B

Are you a swine who would let others die for lack of health care?

Only two points that need discussing.

kmchugh;37669 wrote:
I'm short on time this AM but, just for fun, could we quit throwing about who is sinning and who isn't? I get it. I am an agent of Satan for not wanting my taxes raised to support a national healthcare program. Now, can we move on to the actual debating points?
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 08:41 am

For a 21 year old you certainly write and speak well and hold your own in debates.

But it still doesn't change the fact that a 21 year old knows absolutely nothing about life! ...... I repeat nothing!

In ten years you will be a different person, trust me I know this.

So I like Aaron will give little weight to anything you say from now on. Face it you should not have told us you were a youngster , green about life and so opinionated.

Take my word for it you do not know what you believe and think yet! Oh I know you think you do, but your mind will change a hundred times before your thirty. If you have a mind that thinks critically and improves that is.:thumbup:

Freeman15;37610 wrote:
You argue like a seven year-old. "I'm older so I win", childish and as usual, you provide no fact-based analysis, only an emotion-based spiel filled with anger geared towards the *** on the other end of a computer. I need to get a life? I'd say we're both pretty lifeless considering the degree to which our time is spent on this board. Is it so hard to remain civil?

I suggest cutting taxes and permitting individuals to give to charities who provide health care assistance. This allows me to keep my money, and you and the rest of the socialized medicine crowd to implement your plan. The elderly had an entire lifetime to put together as nestegg, if they chose not to, then they live with the consequences of their actions, or rely on the love of their family to help them. My parents will be well off in retirement, neither will file for social security, and they lived in a trailer for the first few years of their marriage. Success is possible, you simply don't think it is.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 08:50 am
Face it you should not have told us you were a youngster , green about life and so opinionated.
Funny they didn't say anything about it till they new your age? Shows the intellects lack of arguement is exchanged for age of inexperience. Can't come up with a better arguement so we'd better call into question ones age now that we know it, LOL.
P.S. Your probably on your way to being one of the "so called Christians"?
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 08:52 am

You know very well that Jesus died for both your sins and mine . But if you think that lets you off the hook and you can sin any way you want, you are sadly mistaken.

There will be a judgment for each of us. And to he who is given much , much will be expected. the followers of Christ will be expected to follow the teachings of Christ or as the bible says Jesus will tell us depart from me I knew you not.

I can tell you the judgment will not be easy on you or me dranaline. We will both cringe with shame when the Lord looks at our sins. So I try to follow the teachings of Christ closely and keep my sins to a minimum , however I still sin and therefore will be horrified I am sure when Christ looks at my sins.

I as a follower of Christ put my own money into following the teachings of Jesus. And advocate others do the same.

But its up to you dranaline, you can do as you please, you will answer for every decision you make as will I.:thumbup:

good luck to you, and I am sure you wish me the same!:thumbup:

Drnaline;37632 wrote:
Your getting more Christian by the minute, LOL. Would Jesus trade sins with me, since you know so much of how he feels?
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 08:54 am
wvpeach;37707 wrote:
To me and many that is the only debate point

Are you a decent human being who wants to help the truly sick and needy ?

Or debate point B

Are you a swine who would let others die for lack of health care?

Only two points that need discussing.
So WV, the guy you shot in the leg. Did you pay for his healthcare after you shot him? Or did you let the state pay for it? What would Jesus do???
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 08:54 am
Sure. YOU of all people should discuss intellect with ANYONE.

Come back to me when you learn how to spell.
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