wow. a lot happened in this thread in the few days i've been away for moving....
aaronssongs;37606 wrote: I want my tax dollars to go to the needy, and I don't need you to tell me who that is supposed to be. It's my money. Your money and my money go into a pot...a common pot...so we have equal sayso. You can say whatever you will about where your money goes, as I do mine.
but if we give it to the gov't, we don't have a choice. they do with it what they please.
i'd rather have less tax dollars taken out, and which will allow me to give/donate/ or whatever to what ever clause event or charity i want to.
personally, i want my tax dollars to go into schools, roads, and so on. stuff EVERYONE uses.
You left out old people who may not have family and may be on fixed or no income...what do you propose to do about them?
this is where medicare comes in. It's already established social medicine.
how many will agree with me that medicare needs to be reformed and just isn't working? probably everyone.
guess what. these problems will extend to the ENTIRE country with socilistic medicine.
The real answer for the elderly is to reform medicare.
the real answer to uninsured is to get a job and buy f'in insurnace.
I DON'T WANT IT. I like what I pay for and chose on my own. it works, keeps me healthy enough, and doesn't cost me all that much.
wvpeach;37709 wrote:
But it still doesn't change the fact that a 21 year old knows absolutely nothing about life! ...... I repeat nothing!
He may know more than you think.
He's got his act together, has his vehicles paid for, and is saving to buy a house in cash??? who does that?!
If you ask me, he's a model 21 year old, and more people his age should look at what he's doing as a model for their lives.
In fact, he sounds a lot like me at that age...... :headbang:
wvpeach;37718 wrote: No insurance company will hire a 18 year old to be a adjuster with no college education.
sure they will. a buddy of mine doesn't even have his GED, and he is an evaluator for accidents. he's not 18, but hes not 30 either...
wvpeach;37727 wrote: Could you supply even one verse of scripture where jesus says we are not to help the sick or needy?
God/jesus/etc have nothing to do with healthcare. if anything, jesus would say take care of one another... not 'give money to the king and hope he disperses it to everyone'.
tvsej;37788 wrote:communism is ringing a bell!
socialism is a form of Marxism is a form of communism... all of which history has proved doesn't work.
that pic rocks

Freeman15;37803 wrote: so if I do end up shelling out major dough for medical expenses, I'm not missing payments, and I've got two items I can sell. So I guess I do have health insurance, I just call it sound financial planning.
you're screwed if you get sick dude. even if your truck and bike are worth 50 grand, how do you plan to sell them if you are in a coma?
you're thinking is good, but it's not going to save you. You might as well consider yourself uninsured. Cancer, chemo, mri, heart attack, stroke, broken back w/ rehab, and you'll be in debt 500 grand faster than you can say "oh ****".
Quote: Health insurance costs are only a problem when people live beyond their means, and if they do, that's not society's responsibility.
then, why don't you have any? :dunno: