The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:12 am
Well hubby and I are both members of " Riders For Christ" here in WV and we host a bike blessing every april that has grown over the last seven years to over 340 bikes this year and the little old ladies at my church can't wait to see the bikers , some even wear tee shirts now with particular bikers names on them to that days services..

Its a hoot to see a 70 year old gray haired lady wear a " cowboys girl" tee shirt to church because a big burly biker gave it to her the year before! :headbang: and boy do those old ladies cook for the bikers , best food you ever ate!

And hubby and I go to biker rodeos regularly . Him on his Harley and me on my honda where we rescue drunk women from worse fates than sleeping under a tarp at our camp and generally let people know that God and Christ loves bikers too!

I'm also a cowboy for christ member too. God loves cowboys too I am sure of that.

You see drnaline Christ knows our hearts and that is what counts.

nothing wrong with easyrider or chopper magazine unless you happen to think the naked body is a sin ful thing. They do post some naked pictures in those magazines. But I happen to believe their is nothing wrong with being naked once you come of age.

Drnaline;37764 wrote:
Chopper mag, easyrider? Are those Christian publications? What would Jesus think?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:14 am
I'll take my chances with jesus on these magazines .

Maybe the fact I do so much for the poor , needy and sick might let me squeak by on reading these magazines.

At any rate I will answer for it and gladly for all I do.

Drnaline;37764 wrote:
Chopper mag, easyrider? Are those Christian publications? What would Jesus think?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 11:51 am
wvpeach;37718 wrote:
Well I was not going to bring it up but since you did its open game.

freeman has opened up a whole can of worms now. he says he has been a insurance adjuster since the age of eighteen. Which could have only happened one way his father or relative owns the company he works for. He says he has no medical insurance but i doubt that seriously , he is on daddy's insurance or some other relatives if he even is a insurance adjuster.

No insurance company will hire a 18 year old to be a adjuster with no college education.

So freeman to me has opened the possibility he is a big fat liar of one sort or the other. He makes no sense and I know the insurance industry.

So yeah dranaline , just like you believe we should go to war in Iraq cause the boggey man is going to get you. Believe the line of BS freeman has posted. Believe a fairy tale if you want. I prefer the truth.

I don't believe a word of it now coming from freeman !:no:

I worked part-time for my father during college, an A adjuster for Pilot. I came IN to college with two semesters down because I hauled ass in high school and knocked out dual-credit courses, and during my first years in school I had an NROTC scholarship, which paid for most of my education. I was removed from that program for medical reasons, at which point I devoted myself to the industry. I've worked full-time every summer, and currently appraise for National Lloyd's and Beacon insurance companies. You have no grasp of the insurance industry; the Texas Insurance Bureau licenses people at 18, and the course can be taken at 17. I do not have health insurance on any program from any carrier. I was on Bluecross/Blueshield until I graduated, at which time my parents and I had me removed from the plan. Don't impune my integrity, just because others my age are still binge-drinking and working for minimum wage doesn't mean all of us are. In fact, two of my friends still in school are doing quite well, and making between $30-40k annually (we don't get into specifics). We haul ass, we work hard, and we take care of ourselves. It's a novel idea, but it shouldn't be.

Here's an idea, rather than make shallow, unfounded attempts to discredit my opinions through accusations of falsifying my background, why not take that time to make a coherent point concerning the socialization of medicine? I know I'm just a wee baby, but it occurs to me that as the elder of the two of us, you should be the one with a hold on the intellectual high ground.

I'd also like to see SOME evidence from ANYBODY that proves socialized medicine to be possible given the current federal deficit, national debt, and mean taxable income. Please, SOMEBODY PROVIDE A FACT.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 12:20 pm
Didn't I tell you guys? Hillary's plan is to FORCE people to buy health insurance whether they want it or not.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 12:21 pm
Crito;37784 wrote:
Didn't I tell you guys? Hillary's plan is to FORCE people to buy health insurance whether they want it or not.

Yup. Aint freedom fun?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 12:24 pm
yeah, thats a thought, lets see some, there is no money for any kind of real workable solutions to be funded to solve any of the US's problems. That may never be the case
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 12:25 pm
communism is ringing a bell!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 12:28 pm
The insurance industry cartel is doing backflips over the idea. She's such an obvious corporate shill it's not even funny anymore.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 12:29 pm
It's about as far from communism as you can get. It's guaranteed profits for her corporate sponsors.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 12:34 pm
by communism I mean you have to even if you do not want to. that is a communist like situation, freedoms are being stipped. Oh, I am sure it is engineered in a way that it will profit her and her supporters, they want their money back!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 12:35 pm
Crito;37789 wrote:
The insurance industry cartel is doing backflips over the idea. She's such an obvious corporate shill it's not even funny anymore.

Better start funding Obama then, because right now she's looking like the nominee, and the GOP has an uphill battle no matter who the DNC runs.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 12:38 pm
freeman I am the mother of three of your peers who have lots of life long friends who call me mom too. Sort of my youngest is 28 which makes him a good bit older than you too.

My daughter is a pharmacist who did six years in the army reserve. My oldest son is a high school history teacher My youngest son is in his second year of residency as a orthopedic surgeon.

Among their friends I can count many nurses, insurance adjusters, It professionals and Iraq vets. I know what it takes to be successful in this country and your peers that know me would credit me with pushing them on to their own sucess.

I have a health and life license in escrow myself. I know a lot about the insurance industry . So at the very least you are over stating what you do.
wasn't it you who somewhere said you made 3 figures?

And what kind of health problem kept you from your scholarship ? Just curious as it might just be a good idea for you to shell out for insurance before you become a drain on the tax payer dollar , you seem so opposed to that after all.

And some time in the future I will set down a plan on how the individual states can come up with the money and manage their own universal health care plans , but not today, its too pretty and I'm going to walk my dogs in the woods and maybe clean some brush off the hill.

Freeman15;37776 wrote:
I worked part-time for my father during college, an A adjuster for Pilot. I came IN to college with two semesters down because I hauled ass in high school and knocked out dual-credit courses, and during my first years in school I had an NROTC scholarship, which paid for most of my education. I was removed from that program for medical reasons, at which point I devoted myself to the industry. I've worked full-time every summer, and currently appraise for National Lloyd's and Beacon insurance companies. You have no grasp of the insurance industry; the Texas Insurance Bureau licenses people at 18, and the course can be taken at 17. I do not have health insurance on any program from any carrier. I was on Bluecross/Blueshield until I graduated, at which time my parents and I had me removed from the plan. Don't impune my integrity, just because others my age are still binge-drinking and working for minimum wage doesn't mean all of us are. In fact, two of my friends still in school are doing quite well, and making between $30-40k annually (we don't get into specifics). We haul ass, we work hard, and we take care of ourselves. It's a novel idea, but it shouldn't be.

Here's an idea, rather than make shallow, unfounded attempts to discredit my opinions through accusations of falsifying my background, why not take that time to make a coherent point concerning the socialization of medicine? I know I'm just a wee baby, but it occurs to me that as the elder of the two of us, you should be the one with a hold on the intellectual high ground.

I'd also like to see SOME evidence from ANYBODY that proves socialized medicine to be possible given the current federal deficit, national debt, and mean taxable income. Please, SOMEBODY PROVIDE A FACT.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 12:54 pm
Freeman15;37793 wrote:
Better start funding Obama then, because right now she's looking like the nominee, and the GOP has an uphill battle no matter who the DNC runs.

If all of Oprah's money can't buy him the nomination then we're all doomed to a future of Furer Hitlery forcing people to pay her corporate friends no matter how bad the care is and no matter how much they gouge us on premiums. Kind of like how car insurance is today. I mean, so what if they refuse to pay and overcharge? What are you going to do about it? Stop paying for the privilege? Then you're a criminal!


Communism my arse... this is fascism, plain and simple.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 01:00 pm
wvpeach;37794 wrote:
freeman I am the mother of three of your peers who have lots of life long friends who call me mom too. Sort of my youngest is 28 which makes him a good bit older than you too.

My daughter is a pharmacist who did six years in the army reserve. My oldest son is a high school history teacher My youngest son is in his second year of residency as a orthopedic surgeon.

Among their friends I can count many nurses, insurance adjusters, It professionals and Iraq vets. I know what it takes to be successful in this country and your peers that know me would credit me with pushing them on to their own sucess.

I have a health and life license in escrow myself. I know a lot about the insurance industry . So at the very least you are over stating what you do.
wasn't it you who somewhere said you made 3 figures?

And what kind of health problem kept you from your scholarship ? Just curious as it might just be a good idea for you to shell out for insurance before you become a drain on the tax payer dollar , you seem so opposed to that after all.

And some time in the future I will set down a plan on how the individual states can come up with the money and manage their own universal health care plans , but not today, its too pretty and I'm going to walk my dogs in the woods and maybe clean some brush off the hill.

I said I made 5 figures, but I am poised to make six this fiscal year if a hurricane hits Florida with any force (you can turn 30k a month during storm if you work hard).

I'm an asthmatic according to the Navy, which was diagnosed by the UT health system after I had trouble breathing during a PT session. I buy generic respiratory steroids (OTC inhaler) during allergy season for $10 for whenever I get to breathing hard. I don't need insurance because I have enough cash to my name to pay for any expenses I might incur. I don't have credit cards (sans the VISA logo on my check card), I'm saving to buy my home in cash (but for now I live in a one-bedroom apartment), I don't buy trendy toys, and I own both my truck and my motorcycle, so if I do end up shelling out major dough for medical expenses, I'm not missing payments, and I've got two items I can sell. So I guess I do have health insurance, I just call it sound financial planning.

I guess I was just raised differently, but I was always taught that debt was bad, so I don't have any. The reason people go broke from medical expenses is because they've got car payments they can't afford (and shouldn't have), credit card debt incurred by buying things they don't need, and through the roof rent from apartments/homes that are out of their price range. I don't live a spartan lifestyle, but my truck has its scratches and dings, and my tv sure isn't top of the line. Health insurance costs are only a problem when people live beyond their means, and if they do, that's not society's responsibility.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 01:09 pm
Well freeman I applaud what you have accomplished and you should be proud too sounds like you are a young man with his head on straight , i know many just like you.

But you are wrong on the health insurance deal. A battle with cancer can cost in the millions under this system and unless you have got that you could be in trouble.

You are hedging your bets and you know it. Heaven forbid some idiot side swipes you on the motorcycle and you wake up 2 months later , then you'll understand why health care cannot be optional it must be available for all , regardless of ability to pay. I like your idea about staying out of debt , but you do realize that you could find yourself with all assets sold to pay for care in a nursing home one day.

except for the grace of God or luck there goes you campbell and it happens every day to really good people who have worked hard and never thought to find themselves in that position either.

Freeman15;37803 wrote:
I said I made 5 figures, but I am poised to make six this fiscal year if a hurricane hits Florida with any force (you can turn 30k a month during storm if you work hard).

I'm an asthmatic according to the Navy, which was diagnosed by the UT health system after I had trouble breathing during a PT session. I buy generic respiratory steroids (OTC inhaler) during allergy season for $10 for whenever I get to breathing hard. I don't need insurance because I have enough cash to my name to pay for any expenses I might incur. I don't have credit cards (sans the VISA logo on my check card), I'm saving to buy my home in cash (but for now I live in a one-bedroom apartment), I don't buy trendy toys, and I own both my truck and my motorcycle, so if I do end up shelling out major dough for medical expenses, I'm not missing payments, and I've got two items I can sell. So I guess I do have health insurance, I just call it sound financial planning.

I guess I was just raised differently, but I was always taught that debt was bad, so I don't have any. The reason people go broke from medical expenses is because they've got car payments they can't afford (and shouldn't have), credit card debt incurred by buying things they don't need, and through the roof rent from apartments/homes that are out of their price range. I don't live a spartan lifestyle, but my truck has its scratches and dings, and my tv sure isn't top of the line. Health insurance costs are only a problem when people live beyond their means, and if they do, that's not society's responsibility.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 01:19 pm
Aren't you people listening? Hitlery will not make health care available to everyone. She'll force everyone to buy health insurance.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 01:24 pm
wvpeach;37805 wrote:
Well freeman I applaud what you have accomplished and you should be proud too sounds like you are a young man with his head on straight , i know many just like you.

But you are wrong on the health insurance deal. A battle with cancer can cost in the millions under this system and unless you have got that you could be in trouble.

You are hedging your bets and you know it. Heaven forbid some idiot side swipes you on the motorcycle and you wake up 2 months later , then you'll understand why health care cannot be optional it must be available for all , regardless of ability to pay. I like your idea about staying out of debt , but you do realize that you could find yourself with all assets sold to pay for care in a nursing home one day.

except for the grace of God or luck there goes you campbell and it happens every day to really good people who have worked hard and never thought to find themselves in that position either.

That's why I am all for private charity, and I always encourage those who can give, to give. My problem arises when people look to the government to provide health care, primarily because:

The government is inefficient and wasteful
The government WILL mandate healthy behaviors under socialized health care.

After Katrina the Red Cross and Salvation Army were there before FEMA, and unlike FEMA, these organizations don't require government bureaucrats to approve the allocation of funds. After 9/11, Americans donated millions of dollars to those same private charities to help the families affected by the attacks. Americans aren't going to let their neighbors suffer and die.

I try to give when I can (but admittedly I could give more), and I tell you that I feel better about voluntarily giving my money (and it is MINE, I worked for it, not the poor or the government) to the needy than a leviathan government taking it from me through excise taxes. If we keep taxes low and create a society of compassion instead of one of entitlement, we will see significantly fewer issues with health care bankrupting families.

The issue of Mississippi being the most charitible state in the union was brought up earlier. This is the way our society SHOULD be. Nobody makes these people give up their hard-earned money (and they have very little of it to boot), they do it because they feel it is their responsibility to help their fellow man, and they do so with fantastic results. The government takes our money, creates a welfare program, and now go to any federal housing development and you'll find three things; drugs, crime, and unemployment.

The ONLY solution to the health care crisis that will WORK is to discourage debt and encourage charity and healthy behavior. If our government has taught us nothing else (and god knows, there is NOTHING else), it is that they are incapable of helping people effectively (except for the Coast Guard, Semper Paratus boys).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 01:48 pm
FedUpAmerican;37766 wrote:
For the record how many threads have you locked as a mod? Until that was stripped from you for your abuse. Now you just hijack threads that you don't agree with.

I would love to see anything remotely intelligent come from you.

I have challenged you on many occasions to debate. A good opportunity to show that you have a brain. Yet you backpeddal and dodge with your little pansy ass comments TRYING to appear witty.

I think flying at those altitudes without oxygen has destroyed WAY to many of your brain cells.

Or are you just a coward? :dunno:

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! :rollinglaugh:

Drnaline, baby, you are free to post whatever, as to why you banned me....whatever you present, I can defuse, as a patent "lie".
You have proven yourself not to be in most of our leagues...so, go on, and tell us what we already know.
Thanks for the support Fed, Peach, TV, Scooby, and the remaining few.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 01:50 pm
Freeman15;37793 wrote:
Better start funding Obama then, because right now she's looking like the nominee, and the GOP has an uphill battle no matter who the DNC runs.

There is a God! And he's a Democrat, to be sure.
Reply Mon 17 Sep, 2007 02:55 pm
wow. a lot happened in this thread in the few days i've been away for moving....

aaronssongs;37606 wrote:
I want my tax dollars to go to the needy, and I don't need you to tell me who that is supposed to be. It's my money. Your money and my money go into a pot...a common pot...so we have equal sayso. You can say whatever you will about where your money goes, as I do mine.

but if we give it to the gov't, we don't have a choice. they do with it what they please.

i'd rather have less tax dollars taken out, and which will allow me to give/donate/ or whatever to what ever clause event or charity i want to.

personally, i want my tax dollars to go into schools, roads, and so on. stuff EVERYONE uses.


You left out old people who may not have family and may be on fixed or no income...what do you propose to do about them?

this is where medicare comes in. It's already established social medicine.

how many will agree with me that medicare needs to be reformed and just isn't working? probably everyone.

guess what. these problems will extend to the ENTIRE country with socilistic medicine.

The real answer for the elderly is to reform medicare.
the real answer to uninsured is to get a job and buy f'in insurnace.

I DON'T WANT IT. I like what I pay for and chose on my own. it works, keeps me healthy enough, and doesn't cost me all that much.

wvpeach;37709 wrote:

But it still doesn't change the fact that a 21 year old knows absolutely nothing about life! ...... I repeat nothing!

He may know more than you think.

He's got his act together, has his vehicles paid for, and is saving to buy a house in cash??? who does that?!

If you ask me, he's a model 21 year old, and more people his age should look at what he's doing as a model for their lives.

In fact, he sounds a lot like me at that age...... :headbang:

wvpeach;37718 wrote:
No insurance company will hire a 18 year old to be a adjuster with no college education.

sure they will. a buddy of mine doesn't even have his GED, and he is an evaluator for accidents. he's not 18, but hes not 30 either...

wvpeach;37727 wrote:
Could you supply even one verse of scripture where jesus says we are not to help the sick or needy?

God/jesus/etc have nothing to do with healthcare. if anything, jesus would say take care of one another... not 'give money to the king and hope he disperses it to everyone'.

tvsej;37788 wrote:
communism is ringing a bell!

socialism is a form of Marxism is a form of communism... all of which history has proved doesn't work.

Crito;37799 wrote:


that pic rocks Very Happy :headbang:

Freeman15;37803 wrote:
so if I do end up shelling out major dough for medical expenses, I'm not missing payments, and I've got two items I can sell. So I guess I do have health insurance, I just call it sound financial planning.

you're screwed if you get sick dude. even if your truck and bike are worth 50 grand, how do you plan to sell them if you are in a coma?

you're thinking is good, but it's not going to save you. You might as well consider yourself uninsured. Cancer, chemo, mri, heart attack, stroke, broken back w/ rehab, and you'll be in debt 500 grand faster than you can say "oh ****".

Health insurance costs are only a problem when people live beyond their means, and if they do, that's not society's responsibility.

then, why don't you have any? :dunno:

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