The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 08:31 am
kmchugh;37433 wrote:
Perhaps you should look up the definition of untenablehere.)

The courts have upheld, time and again, that for this text to have any meaning whatsoever, freedom of religion has no meaning unless there is freedom from religion. As such, no law can be passed that is based solely on the religious beliefs of a person or group of persons. So, if this is the strongest part of your argument, then go sit in the corner and study your civics textbook until you understand.

Gave you the facts. Still waiting for you to talk.
You keep this up KM and your gonna be labeled biggot, racist, tyrant and a host of other names called by our tolerant openminded brothers, LOL.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 08:35 am
kmchugh;37449 wrote:
It's interesting that you would offer the potential of another Russian Revolution of 1917 as an example of where we are going if we don't get our healthcare. Because that revolution led to 75 years of socialism. Interestingly enough, at the end of that period, the whole system collapsed, primarily because the socialist economy could not sustain itself. It overburdened itself trying to provide everything to everyone, and in the end could provide nothing to anyone. The "Workers Paradise" was a misery to it's people, with rates of alcoholism higher than anywhere in the world. Standing in long lines to get chance to buy a roll of toilet paper. And that's what you want here? To quote your own post: "Those who fail the lessons of history, are doomed to repeat it."

It's also interesting that you, a Christian, would quote to me the King James version of the bible. Perhaps before you go any further, you should study on the history of that particular version of the good book. It isn't quite as pure as you might think.

And you still have not answered my question: Do we ever reach the point where we can say "enough taxation to support others?" Can we ever claim the remainder of what we earned as ours to support ourselves? Or must we support one social program after another, as infinitum? Where does this spiral end.

Well, if you believe the precepts of the Bible, and Christ's message to us, that we are, in fact, our brother's keeper, then it's not such a stretch to imagine "a state", where the those who cannot fend for themselves are cared for. What is the alternative, a trip to the ovens, as they did in Nazi Germany, as their solution to those seen as "unwanted"...What is the answer? You cannot have it both ways?
If we can spend resources on programs and projects that benefit a select few, we certainly can "rethink" our initiatives , and redirect those resources to serve "the many.
Between big business and big government there are resources enough to have universal healthcare. Doctors and providers don't have to have such a high profit margin...they could reduce their fees to reflect a more reasonable and affordable system...drug companies are notorious for their profits which are disproportionate to the cost per dose. Give me a break.
You're either pro-people or you're pro business...it's obvious which side of the fence you're on.
Socialized medicine doesn't mean a socialist state...you suggest that that is an inevitable outcome...I suggest it is not. Healthcare, simply should not be seen as a good or a commodity...I believe in free market for goods and services...universal healthcare, while service driven, should not be a commodity...of course you have to change your outlook and your perspective....some are unwilling to do what is necessary.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 08:35 am
kmchugh;37449 wrote:
It's interesting that you would offer the potential of another Russian Revolution of 1917 as an example of where we are going if we don't get our healthcare. Because that revolution led to 75 years of socialism. Interestingly enough, at the end of that period, the whole system collapsed, primarily because the socialist economy could not sustain itself. It overburdened itself trying to provide everything to everyone, and in the end could provide nothing to anyone. The "Workers Paradise" was a misery to it's people, with rates of alcoholism higher than anywhere in the world. Standing in long lines to get chance to buy a roll of toilet paper. And that's what you want here? To quote your own post: "Those who fail the lessons of history, are doomed to repeat it."

It's also interesting that you, a Christian, would quote to me the King James version of the bible. Perhaps before you go any further, you should study on the history of that particular version of the good book. It isn't quite as pure as you might think.

And you still have not answered my question: Do we ever reach the point where we can say "enough taxation to support others?" Can we ever claim the remainder of what we earned as ours to support ourselves? Or must we support one social program after another, as infinitum? Where does this spiral end.

Great post, don't expect an answer, from this point on you'll get a lot of running around the prevebial bush.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 08:48 am
Drnaline;37456 wrote:
You keep this up KM and your gonna be labeled biggot, racist, tyrant and a host of other names called by our tolerant openminded brothers, LOL.

The ninth commandment is : Thou shalt not bear false witness

You need to go and pray, and ask for forgiveness for your sin.
I don't just accuse folks of being bigoted, or racist, for no good reason. If folks make racist or bigoted statements then, and only then, is it addressed by me.
You are the least "open-minded and tolerant" person on this board, so I don't see where you get off, calling me such. You would like to be a tyrant, but you don't have that power....and I may be a brother to many, but you wouldn't be included in that fray. You have to bring some (brotherhood) to get some.
And I doubt if you understand much of what has been written anyway.
Do you even know about the Russian Revolution, as to its' causes?
Didn't think so.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:29 am
Pinochet73;37386 wrote:
Aaron, do you find this offensive?


I find it childish and I am sure you meant it to be offensive.

You shouls be ashamed of your self Pinochet.

I think you must be one of the anti christs the bible warns us about
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:30 am
I am your witness and whats more Christ is a witness to the wrongs being committed all over the planet and in these wretched weak peoples minds

aaronssongs;37389 wrote:
"Untenable" because you said so??? Oh, contraire ...it is my business if you are purporting an ideology contrary to my own, which, if unattended could become law....a "bad law". I have as much say so about how money is spent as you do...

Perhaps you've forgotten the example of Christ, God on Earth....he gave to the poor, the outcast, the dregs of humanity...those were his sheep...and I see nothing like Him in you and your crew...

""Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me."
That should dictate policy concerning healthcare in the US or anyplace else...otherwise listen to false prophets. Can I get a witness?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:35 am
I totally agree the seperation of church and state is a imperative and must be maintained at all costs. Because who's faith would rule the country if we didn't keep church and state seperate? The catholics, the baptists, the Mormons ? Faith and governemt must be removed.

But just as congress starts off each morning with a prayer , because the majority wants this prayer. You cannot seperate the person from their faith.

And for christians to say they are christians , yet want to let the needy sick or even the just stupid and lazy fend for themsleves is not what Christ taught.

So called christians who claim to be against helping the sick and needy in this country are no christians at all. They work for their real father the devil and are anti christs.

Can't put it any plainer than that!:headbang:

kmchugh;37433 wrote:
Perhaps you should look up the definition of untenablehere.)

The courts have upheld, time and again, that for this text to have any meaning whatsoever, freedom of religion has no meaning unless there is freedom from religion. As such, no law can be passed that is based solely on the religious beliefs of a person or group of persons. So, if this is the strongest part of your argument, then go sit in the corner and study your civics textbook until you understand.

Gave you the facts. Still waiting for you to talk.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:43 am
aaronssongs;37464 wrote:
The ninth commandment is : Thou shalt not bear false witness

You need to go and pray, and ask for forgiveness for your sin.
I don't just accuse folks of being bigoted, or racist, for no good reason. If folks make racist or bigoted statements then, and only then, is it addressed by me.
You are the least "open-minded and tolerant" person on this board, so I don't see where you get off, calling me such. You would like to be a tyrant, but you don't have that power....and I may be a brother to many, but you wouldn't be included in that fray. You have to bring some (brotherhood) to get some.
And I doubt if you understand much of what has been written anyway.
Do you even know about the Russian Revolution, as to its' causes?
Didn't think so.
Are you under the assumption i was talking about you?
I don't just accuse folks of being bigoted, or racist, for no good reason. If folks make racist or bigoted statements then, and only then, is it addressed by me.
So what your saying is your making a judgement about our remarks? What would Jesus say? Shouldn't you prave for forgiveness for judging us?
You are the least "open-minded and tolerant" person on this board, so I don't see where you get off, calling me such.
Did i call you such in this post?
You would like to be a tyrant, but you don't have that power....and I may be a brother to many, but you wouldn't be included in that fray.
Jesus, did you hear Aaron, he says he's not my brotha from another mother? How Christian of you Aaron.
And I doubt if you understand much of what has been written anyway.
Do you even know about the Russian Revolution, as to its' causes?
You assume.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:44 am
wvpeach;37487 wrote:
I am your witness and whats more Christ is a witness to the wrongs being committed all over the planet and in these wretched weak peoples minds
He is also witnessing you pass judgement on us. I think he frowns on such things you?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:46 am
aaronssongs;37459 wrote:
Well, if you believe the precepts of the Bible, and Christ's message to us, that we are, in fact, our brother's keeper, then it's not such a stretch to imagine "a state", where the those who cannot fend for themselves are cared for. What is the alternative, a trip to the ovens, as they did in Nazi Germany, as their solution to those seen as "unwanted"...What is the answer? You cannot have it both ways?
If we can spend resources on programs and projects that benefit a select few, we certainly can "rethink" our initiatives , and redirect those resources to serve "the many.
Between big business and big government there are resources enough to have universal healthcare. Doctors and providers don't have to have such a high profit margin...they could reduce their fees to reflect a more reasonable and affordable system...drug companies are notorious for their profits which are disproportionate to the cost per dose. Give me a break.
You're either pro-people or you're pro business...it's obvious which side of the fence you're on.
Socialized medicine doesn't mean a socialist state...you suggest that that is an inevitable outcome...I suggest it is not. Healthcare, simply should not be seen as a good or a commodity...I believe in free market for goods and services...universal healthcare, while service driven, should not be a commodity...of course you have to change your outlook and your perspective....some are unwilling to do what is necessary.

We already have that, Aaron. It's called welfare. :FU2:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:47 am
wvpeach;37490 wrote:
I totally agree the seperation of church and state is a imperative and must be maintained at all costs. Because who's faith would rule the country if we didn't keep church and state seperate? The catholics, the baptists, the Mormons ? Faith and governemt must be removed.

But just as congress starts off each morning with a prayer , because the majority wants this prayer. You cannot seperate the person from their faith.

And for christians to say they are christians , yet want to let the needy sick or even the just stupid and lazy fend for themsleves is not what Christ taught.

So called christians who claim to be against helping the sick and needy in this country are no christians at all. They work for their real father the devil and are anti christs.

Can't put it any plainer than that!:headbang:
Oh to be above it all, you get dizy looking down from so high? Or are you a sinner too, LOL.
How does it go WV, he who has not sinned cast the first stone? Is that a rock in your hand?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:48 am
wvpeach;37490 wrote:

So called christians who claim to be against helping the sick and needy in this country are no christians at all. They work for their real father the devil and are anti christs.

Donate away, give everything you want to the poor and needy, it still isn't going to be a law. My concern starts in MY home, for MY family, and no damn politician is going to tell me I have to look out for someone else.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 09:51 am
Were all going over to WV and eat her out of house and home. We know she won't mind, it's the Christian thing to do right?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:02 am
Drnaline;37492 wrote:
Are you under the assumption i was talking about you?

So many times, my posts are not directed to you, but you feel free enough to comment anyway...so, doesn't matter who you were talking to.

So what your saying is your making a judgement about our remarks?

I'm saying learn to write English, so that you can be understood. "your" is not the same thing as "you're". Like you don't make judgements about others??? What gives you the right, and not others. I don't judge...I call into accountability...there is a difference.

What would Jesus say?
I don't rightly know what Jesus would say, but neither do you, or anyone else here on these boards. So what is your point?

Shouldn't you prave for forgiveness for judging us?
"Prave" is not a word....many times you've been instructed to consult a dictionary...your reluctance to do so, causes one to think many things...for one, that you cannot read..that may or may not be the case, but, surely you can see the importance of being clear and being understood, something you clearly don't hold in high regard.
I don't judge...I merely comment and react to what you have said. Don't fault me if you're unable to explain yourself, clearly and concisely.

Did i call you such in this post?Jesus, did you hear Aaron, he says he's not my brotha from another mother?
I'm sorry...but one of my shortcomings is my inability to abide stupidity and intolerance. You are no brother of mine. I'll answer to Jesus, later, on my own, without your intercession.

How Christian of you Aaron.
Kettles calling pots "black" (no pun intended)...you'd first have to be Christian ( an all that that entails) to point out how much I'm not one.
Your posts signify that you don't practice Christian principles or doctrine, therefore, "calling ones'self Christian, becomes nothing more than "empty rhetoric", and "flag waving".

You assume.

I assume nothing.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 11:08 am
Drnaline;37493 wrote:
He is also witnessing you pass judgement on us. I think he frowns on such things you?

There are none more judgemental, on these boards than Socalgolfguy, Pinochet79, Volunteer, and yourself, Drnaline....so, you feel free to pass out judgement on others, but become quite indignant, when it is done to you...I think that would be the height of hypocrisy, wouldn't you say?
But then, since you're unfamiliar with a dictionary...hypocrisy might be too big of a word for you.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 01:15 pm
It brightens my day to see so many intelligent Americans shun socialized medicine, I live it daily and it doesn't work. The weak minded left/socialist will never give up their dream of utopia. If they win we shall be expected to foot the bill yet again for their social experiments.
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 01:26 pm
Well Drnaline I will take my chances as I know I am not without sin.

But your sin in like a elephant in the room.

I will take my judgment by the Lord for my sin and would not trade for your selfsih world view and the sin it pours like hot coals on your head.

Have at it Drnaline

I am sure I will feel sorry for you at judement , because christ lives in me.

But his side that administers justice he has not given to me.

So I will hide when judgment is proclaimed on you my brother I am sure, terrified but I would not want to be you!]]

Paula Very Happy

Drnaline;37493 wrote:
He is also witnessing you pass judgement on us. I think he frowns on such things you?
Red cv
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 01:52 pm
Here's a link regarding socialized medicine in Scotland, check out the right hand side of the page and look at the hot topics the socialist system is dealing with. Link: Scotsman.com News - Health of the NHS - Fears over patient care as doctors accused of not trusting specialist nurses

Those running social healthcare programs sink to lowly depths to pay for their utopia.

Story: Sturgeon orders review of hospital car-park chargesHeart Surgery in United Kingdom
Surgeons' mortality rates
Notes for interpretation
NHS Scotland
Scotland's Health on the Web (NHS Scotland)
BMA Scotland
NHS 24
UNISON Scotland
UNISON Scotland Home
Royal College of GPs Scotland
Royal College of General Practitioners - RCGP Scotland
Royal College of Nursing
RCN: nursing news, professional issues and advice for nurses
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Home - RCPCH
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Royal Pharmaceutical Society - Scotland
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Scottish Executive Health Departmentt
SHOW - Scottish Executive Health Department
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
Related topic

Health of the NHS
Scotsman.com News - Health of the NHS
This article: Scotsman.com News - Health of the NHS - Sturgeon orders review of hospital car-park charges

Last updated
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 01:57 pm
@Red cv,
Red;37549 wrote:
It brightens my day to see so many intelligent Americans shun socialized medicine, I live it daily and it doesn't work. The weak minded left/socialist will never give up their dream of utopia. If they win we shall be expected to foot the bill yet again for their social experiments.

Anyone can see that you are, undoubtedly, "childless", and have no elderly dependents (i.e "grandparents") living. I am not interested in doctors and hospitals and insurance companies getting "rich" off of the backs of patients and patient care. A bedpan and a urinal are practical hospital items that need not be "gold-plated", and can be used by rich and poor, alike.
I got a $21,000 + bill for a 3 day hospital stay for pneumonia, back in 2004.
I also was a hospital billing auditor, for 2 yrs....and I know that at least half of my bill was "waste" and "excess and exorbitant" charges, "unfounded"...my portion after Medicare paid out $5000 +, was $1000 +, of which is in dispute.
A 3 day hospital stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $21,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you tell me, what typical American can afford those kind of figures, on their own, without some kind of assistance.....No one, I tell you. Which means the system is broken. The only one's profiting are doctors, hospitals and insurance companies (in this case, Medicare is being "overcharged", which puts a drain on the funds available to some one else in need)...I say it again.
The system is broken....
And that joke that Congress instituted Medicare Part D, the drug benefit program....made my drug costs skyrocket, and my premiums almost unaffordable...The system is broken...my case is typical...there are thousands of people in worse shape than I'm in....The system is broken....did you understand that? The system is broken.....people are not getting the little bit of care, we're paying for. So, be looking for 'the revolution", hear?
Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 03:38 pm
aaronssongs;37558 wrote:
Anyone can see that you are, undoubtedly, "childless", and have no elderly dependents (i.e "grandparents") living. I am not interested in doctors and hospitals and insurance companies getting "rich" off of the backs of patients and patient care. A bedpan and a urinal are practical hospital items that need not be "gold-plated", and can be used by rich and poor, alike.
I got a $21,000 + bill for a 3 day hospital stay for pneumonia, back in 2004.
I also was a hospital billing auditor, for 2 yrs....and I know that at least half of my bill was "waste" and "excess and exorbitant" charges, "unfounded"...my portion after Medicare paid out $5000 +, was $1000 +, of which is in dispute.
A 3 day hospital stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $21,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you tell me, what typical American can afford those kind of figures, on their own, without some kind of assistance.....No one, I tell you. Which means the system is broken. The only one's profiting are doctors, hospitals and insurance companies (in this case, Medicare is being "overcharged", which puts a drain on the funds available to some one else in need)...I say it again.
The system is broken....
And that joke that Congress instituted Medicare Part D, the drug benefit program....made my drug costs skyrocket, and my premiums almost unaffordable...The system is broken...my case is typical...there are thousands of people in worse shape than I'm in....The system is broken....did you understand that? The system is broken.....people are not getting the little bit of care, we're paying for. So, be looking for 'the revolution", hear?

So by your way of thinking, you're entitled to services from others. Doctors, drug companies, nurses, and insurance companies owe you something. They took the initiative to be successful, and so you think you're entitled to their skills because you lack them. Tough, grow up. I'm 21 years old and self-insured (meaning I have the assets to remain solvent even during a serious medical problem), so why can't fifty year olds figure this out? We should encourage excellence by not rewarding failure. I don't owe you a cent, and neither does the medical profession.

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