Campbell34;19177 wrote:Just looking at the first two verses, it states God was pleased with what He made and then it states He was not pleased with what He had made, and this they call a counterdiction.
When God first made man he was good, because man did not use his free will to sin against God. Yet by the time we get to the sixth chapter man had made the decesion to turn from God, and this took place after God made the first statement. It is obvious that a change had occured. There is no counterdiction there, even if some out there want you to believe there is.
Man was good at the time God made the first statement, and remained good until he decided to sin against God afterwords. If you read the Bible in the proper context these apparent counterdictions simply vanish away.
The Bible is the best road map to God.
Jesus the best guide.
Some contradictions do work out some do not.
Though shall not kill with though shall not suffer a witch to live, for one.
Regardless of the contradictions, the Bible was not meant to be read literally.
If you do then incest is almost immediate.
Not what God would plan. Right.
If you do not read the Bible literally then the Perfection of God and the Perfection of His systems shine through right up to today because as stated, nothing changes.
The world is as Perfect today as it was on day one.
Eve, bless Her, saved us from a life in the garden of ignorance and sent us to our duty of reproducing and learning of good and evil.
I don't want to screw up the op so I will end here.