Bible Party of the USA

Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 04:18 am
Because you're mixing religious belief with laws that affect everybody.

What do you think Muslims, Buddhists and all the rest think of your party? And people like myself, who want nothing to do with any religion?

You think we're just going to sit still and allow Christians and Jews to run our lives?

It's not going to happen.

Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 04:18 am
xexon;64242 wrote:
You mean etheric?

I'm as flesh and blood as you are. It's not things on the outside that change as one matures spiritually. It's on the inside.

The door opens inwardly. Not out into this world.

That, would be the wrong direction


Luke 6:37-45, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure- pressed down, shaken together, and running over- will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you."

He also told them a parable: "Can the blind guide the blind? Won't they both fall into a pit? A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.

"Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but don't notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye,' when you yourself don't see the log in your eye? Hypocrite! First take the log out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck in your brother's eye.

"A good tree doesn't produce bad fruit; on the other hand, a bad tree doesn't produce good fruit. For each tree is known by its own fruit. Figs aren't gathered from thornbushes, or grapes picked from a bramble bush. A good man produces good out of the good storeroom of his heart. An evil man produces evil out of the evil storeroom, for his mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.

"Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and don't do the things I say? I will show you what someone is like who comes to Me, hears My words, and acts on them: He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. When the flood came, the river crashed against that house and couldn't shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears and does not act is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The river crashed against it, and immediately it collapsed. And the destruction of that house was great!"
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Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 04:32 am
Volunteer;64239 wrote:
In the military there is a thing called raising the BS flag. I'm raising it.

The need for a rallying cry implies the battle is already in progress and people in the conflict are disorganized with effort not applied to the most critical areas to create mass. This means something is being done and those who are not helping to create mass need to reassess their effort and apply it where it is needed to acheive victory. The goals are already defined at this point. Having defined goals means work has been accomplished/done.

Rallying is when you bring people together for a cause. You must rally your troops before they can start a battle. This means attention must be brought to a problem before anything can be done to solve the problem, you can't solve problems you don't know exist, this is why you must make problems known.

battle cry =/= rallying cry
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 04:33 am
You can keep your bible verses to yourself. I don't care to be preached at. After having grown up in the biblebelt, I had my fill of holy parrots repeating things they themselves do not understand.

I laid down my answer book. Now I speak from direct experience. Much to the shock and horror of those who still seek answers from a book.

A democracy cannot exit if there is any kind of religious bias in it's workings. Look at Israel and the mess it's in.

Proclaims to be a democracy, but only if you're Jewish. For everybody else, Israel is an abomination of racial and religious hatred.

Don't bring that here.

Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 04:36 am
xexon;64244 wrote:
Because you're mixing religious belief with laws that affect everybody.

What do you think Muslims, Buddhists and all the rest think of your party? And people like myself, who want nothing to do with any religion?

You think we're just going to sit still and allow Christians and Jews to run our lives?

It's not going to happen.


You've expressed the exact motive for forming this party.

A while back Jesse Jackson chanted, "Hey, hey, ho, ho western civ has got to go." This statement has been the "call to action" for several decades. It has had a negative effect on the laws and morality of this country and in extension the rest of the western world. It doesn't matter what "Muslims, Buddhists and all the rest...people like myself, who want nothing to do with any religion" think any more than it did/does when these groups of people modify the laws and values of our society to match their world-view. Laws are a codification of values.

Telling someone they cannot organize is a violation of their civil rights under the Constitution of the United States of America. Telling someone they must keep their mouth shut when they wish to express their ideas is a violation of their civil rights under the Constitution of the United States of America.

If you don't understand that, your education was lacking or you are not a US citizen. It could be both.

Again, the purpose of this party is to peacefully address these issues through the legislative process by populating public office with people who value God's Word and take passages like 1st Samuel 8 and Luke 6 to heart.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 04:38 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;64247 wrote:
Rallying is when you bring people together for a cause. You must rally your troops before they can start a battle. This means attention must be brought to a problem before anything can be done to solve the problem, you can't solve problems you don't know exist, this is why you must make problems known.

battle cry =/= rallying cry

This viewpoint assumes your troops are undisciplined, untrained, and do not already form or have the immediate capability to form a governable (self) body.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 04:45 am
xexon;64248 wrote:
You can keep your bible verses to yourself. I don't care to be preached at. After having grown up in the biblebelt, I had my fill of holy parrots repeating things they themselves do not understand.

I laid down my answer book. Now I speak from direct experience. Much to the shock and horror of those who still seek answers from a book.

A democracy cannot exit if there is any kind of religious bias in it's workings. Look at Israel and the mess it's in.

Proclaims to be a democracy, but only if you're Jewish. For everybody else, Israel is an abomination of racial and religious hatred.

Don't bring that here.


I can speak as I wish and you cannot change that.

I am sorry if reading the Bible hurts you. If it does, you need to examine why.

If you are being truthful, I am sorry you cut loose from the Rock.

It may have been a freudian slip. You stated, "A democracy cannot exit if there is any kind of religious bias in it's workings." Is it your purpose and that of people who believe as you do that this democracy must exit?

The purpose of this thread is not to discuss the hatred you or anyone else has for the State of Israel. The purpose of this thread is to discuss the ideals, formation, and action of a political party in the United States of America.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 04:52 am
The separation of church and state trumps free speech.

The forefathers saw the danger of this mingling and wrote the law prohibiting it. You're trying to skirt this with an application of semantics.

People came to the new America to escape the iron grip the church had in those days. America wasn't formed as a "Christian" nation as many believe.

It was formed as a place where everyone could practice their beliefs freely, no matter the religion.

Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 05:13 am
xexon;64253 wrote:
The separation of church and state trumps free speech.

The forefathers saw the danger of this mingling and wrote the law prohibiting it. You're trying to skirt this with an application of semantics.

People came to the new America to escape the iron grip the church had in those days. America wasn't formed as a "Christian" nation as many believe.

It was formed as a place where everyone could practice their beliefs freely, no matter the religion.


That's a lie.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 05:30 am
Prove it.

Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 05:46 am
xexon;64257 wrote:
Prove it.


Sorry, the burden of proof is on you. Telling a lie over and over does not make it true. It only propagates the lie. I suppose the old saying is true that if the lie is told often enough people will begin to believe it. That is the case with the things you said. You are the one who has to prove what you said, not I.
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 06:10 am
Volunteer;64258 wrote:
Sorry, the burden of proof is on you. Telling a lie over and over does not make it true. It only propagates the lie. I suppose the old saying is true that if the lie is told often enough people will begin to believe it. That is the case with the things you said. You are the one who has to prove what you said, not I.

Again, You are the one who has to prove what you said, not I.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 06:47 am
I'm going to have to agree with Volunteer on this one, the burden of proof in this case rests on Xexon who claims that church and state trumps freedom of speech.

Personally I don't see how the two would even conflict. Church and State applies only to government entities and freedom of speech applies to individuals.
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 07:31 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Have a read, then we'll discuss.

Americans United: Is America A 'Christian Nation'? Religion, Government And Religious Freedom

An Interview with Jon Butler ... Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 09:08 am
xexon;64240 wrote:
I've stated elsewhere on this forum that truth is always individual at the human level. Its not that I'm better than anyone else as you suggest, just different. In the same way an adult is different from a child.

Minds and bodies have differences. The spirit is the same in all. Until you break the chokehold the mind has on spiritual expression, you have no choice but to deal with the world on a mental level.

It's your "default" setting. You have to work to move beyond it. Most are too involved in their human lives of family and career to give it that much time. I've been able to pursue it because I've structured my life accordingly. This was more important to me than getting married, having kids, or having a bunch of degrees on the wall behind me telling the world how big my brain is.

If I'm commenting on something political, I do so out of compassion. In the case of zionism or any of the other political movements, I demonstrate the lack of compassion people have for their fellow man.

Compassionate people would never behave in such a way to begin with, so the answer to many of the world's problems is the cultivation of compassion, not power.

Groups like this bible party are not spiritual entities. They're after power like all the rest.


Likening me to a child aye?

I couldn't give **** about the Bible party, I abhor all religions and what they stand for.

Spirituallity is an individual thing and as long as it's kept that way, more power to ya. Unforunatley this never happens because people as so damn proud of them selves because they are 'enlightened' they gotta just tell everyone. Think I am wrong? Then why do I know you have have found 'God' but not the 'conventional' way? Because you had to tell us all.

Gotta go but I will be back with more.
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 09:32 am
I'm not looking for converts or students.

Since spiritual blindness is the rule here, you have to create some visibility in other ways, because people can't see you as you are. Their inner vision hasn't opened yet.

If I say I'm a yogi, it invites conversation that would not arise otherwise. People need some hope for the future. If I can share what has happened in my own path, who is going to the the worse for it? Compassionate people would be glad for me that I've managed to climb outside the box.

You've had the major religions drummed into you the whole of your life, telling you how to live and how to behave.

I have no desire to impose myself on other people. I've been a vegetarian over 25 years. I've never converted a single person in that time.

Government must always be secular. We don't need to attach religious strings to ethical behavior. A rank atheist can be a good person just as much as biblethumper. That is what needs to be translated into law, not this religion or that religion. Leave it outside the doors of government.

"Bibleparty" is pretty self explanatory as to their agenda.

Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 09:42 am
xexon;64272 wrote:

You've had the major religions drummed into you the whole of your life, telling you how to live and how to behave.


Your not listening.

Read my post again, No Religion has influence over me and again I abhor any form of organised Religion.

I stepped outside that box a long long time ago. I go with what we know as fact. We are a complex organism made up of chemical reactions and Atoms, evolved over Millions of years. This is what we know. What you have is faith. Which you will only find out whether you where right or wrong when you die.
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 10:19 am
I'm not saying that you subscribe to any religion. I'm saying that the society in which we exist, religious influence is unavoidable.

The fact that you have no more love of religion than myself means that you did taste of it in your early years. Yes?

I've encountered many people with your "show me" attitude over the years.

I can't show you anything, but I can help you understand that not everyone is like you. Some have different abilities that you may not understand or even believe in.

Your own evolution will convince you otherwise when you're ready. You're not. Thats why I call you a spiritual child. You're not old enough to see over the fridge just yet.

But you will. Because you're growing. And you're asking the right questions about the way things are.

Death? More religious mythology.

Only the body dies.

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 10:57 am
xexon;64274 wrote:
I'm not saying that you subscribe to any religion. I'm saying that the society in which we exist, religious influence is unavoidable.

The fact that you have no more love of religion than myself means that you did taste of it in your early years. Yes?

I've encountered many people with your "show me" attitude over the years.

I can't show you anything, but I can help you understand that not everyone is like you. Some have different abilities that you may not understand or even believe in.

Your own evolution will convince you otherwise when you're ready. You're not. Thats why I call you a spiritual child. You're not old enough to see over the fridge just yet.

But you will. Because you're growing. And you're asking the right questions about the way things are.

Death? More religious mythology.

Only the body dies.


speaking of ego....:eek:
Reply Mon 23 Feb, 2009 11:28 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Would you prefer someone speaking on behalf of their religion?

Because I speak from personal revelation instead of scripture, people will naturally think ego is at work. They likely have no experience with anything else.

But what else can I use? Communication has to go through ego to reach you. Same for the rest. You employ the ego to communicate with me.

The difference is I see ego as a tool. Most others are locked into it and see nothing else. It's all they are. Their human identity.

When you ask the question "is this all that I am?", a spiritual journey starts to unfold.

It's a natural progression that has nothing to do with religion. You leave spiritual puberty behind just as you leave physical puberty behind. You gain new perceptions and skills.

Making fun of me is like a 10 year old wanting the beard I have and not able to grow it themselves. You'll get what I have when you're ready to. Not before.


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