Bible Party of the USA

Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 07:32 am
xexon;64542 wrote:
Golly. I was going to say the same to you.

You are on the wrong side. Politically AND spiritually.

Look at the poor state of politics AND religion in this country. You folks already had your chance and blew it. People are growing weary of the trouble you've caused in the world because of God and country.

Interest in organized religion is at an all time low. Interest in politics fares no better.

Because the leaderships of both have become corrupted and now represent corruption. That's is how people see you, and it's long overdue.


What side should one be on spiritually? What side politically?

Are you advocating anarchy or Sharia?
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 07:45 am
NotHereForLong;64524 wrote:

Are you claiming that the Palestinians don't speak out against the extremists?
No, but the noise of their speech is not deafening.

1) There are some Palestinians, and some Muslims, who do speak out against it.
I assume there must be because any generalization is just that. There is almost always an exception.

3) It's true that Palestinians and Muslims are fixated on what Israeli does wrong, and they don't pay enough attention to their own wrongdoings.
No buts about it.

4) A majority of Palestinians support suicide bombings. However, an overwhelming majority also support an end to suicide bombings if a fair peace deal is negotiated. So, simply telling them not to be violent has no chance of working. But a peace deal that addresses both sides' legitimate grievances does. And i think the same is probably true in reverse. Most Israelis would probably be willing to make concessions if they thought it would end the terrorism.

What is the definition of fair? By whose standard? Concessions have been made many times. What was the outcome?

Yet, you portray the situation as if your side is right and the other side is wrong, and the other side isn't willing to make any concessions. You portray it as if it's black and white, but all i've seen you base these beliefs on are generalizations, simplifications, and bias. Thus, I think you're probably just a cheerleader for the side you relate to the most (which in this case happens to be the modern, Democratic Judeo Christian side).

Think what you like.

People like you are a hindrance to peace. I approach the issue as a pragmatist; not as a cheerleader.

What is your definition of a pragmatist?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 09:59 am
Volunteer;64557 wrote:
No, but the noise of their speech is not deafening.

Perhaps you do not fully understand the issue,

By merely speaking out against them, you've become a target, your life then is at risk. Remember the outrage with the Muhammad picture? Remember the outrage from the pope's speech? Do you remember? Try to live amongst these people. You espouse many things volunteer, lets us see how loudly you espouse them when your life is on the line.
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 10:02 am
Volunteer;64556 wrote:
What side should one be on spiritually? What side politically?

Are you advocating anarchy or Sharia?

You don't need one religion or another to be a good person.

Just be a good person.

If an uneducated, dirt poor African Bushman can invite you into his home, why can't an educated white person who professes belief in the ideas of a book, do the same?

Religion is not required. Only compassion is required.

Complex religions should not be built on such a simple thing.

Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 10:44 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;64567 wrote:
Perhaps you do not fully understand the issue,

By merely speaking out against them, you've become a target, your life then is at risk. Remember the outrage with the Muhammad picture? Remember the outrage from the pope's speech? Do you remember? Try to live amongst these people. You espouse many things volunteer, lets us see how loudly you espouse them when your life is on the line.

Duh? You make my point.
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 10:56 am
xexon;64569 wrote:
You don't need one religion or another to be a good person.

Just be a good person.

If an uneducated, dirt poor African Bushman can invite you into his home, why can't an educated white person who professes belief in the ideas of a book, do the same?

Religion is not required. Only compassion is required.

Complex religions should not be built on such a simple thing.


Define "good person." Now, where did you get that definition? How do you know that definition is correct? Wouldn't someone else's definition of a good person be just as valid? If not, why not?

What is compassion? How do you know? Where did you get the definition and who says it is correct?

A white or any other color person can do the same as the african bushman in your example. Your prejudice is showing. By the way, there is no such thing as a "white person."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 11:59 am
"No buts about it."

I said that the Israelis and those who can relate to them (American Jews and Christians) focus on Palestinian wrongdoing out of bias, and the Palestinians and those who can relate to them (other Muslims) focus on Israeli wrongdoing out of bias. And after i said that, this was your response.

And it's exactly this kind of extremely silly response that tells me you're not interested in being fair, and that you're not open minded on the issue. If you had wanted to respond to my point seriously, you wouldn't have ignored half of my statement.

"Do you know me? No. Why do you call my views extreme?"

Let me walk you thru it.

I know what your views are because you've been talking about them on this thread. You have a purely black and white view on an issue where neither side is black or white. That is an extreme position.

You've made silly statements on the issue and tried to defend your views with silly arguments. A person who bases their views on logic would not do that; therefore you must base your views on something other than logic. The only other thing i can think of is bias. You are a fundamentalist American Christian or Jew, so it makes sense that you'd be biased towards the Israelis (much like your counterpart- a fundamentalist Arab Muslim- would be biased towards the Palestinians).

All this leads me to conclude that you're just an irrational cheerleader for the side that you think you relate to the most, and you're not worth any more of my time.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 12:00 pm
Semantics don't scare me.

Neither do the racist views of certain religions who see themselves as somehow "chosen" above the rest of the people.

People are good by nature. It is the culture of personal desire that corrupts that nature. People who think of others are far less violent than those who think of themselves.

Compassion is a human trait, but it needs to be cultured so that it can throw off the influence of the mind and it's bag full of beliefs.

Until that has been accomplished, such people should avoid positions of leadership, as you will just spread your own beliefs around instead of encouraging people to move beyond belief into the realm of direct perception.

Therefore, a secular government is the only one that can treat all people as equals.

Your idea of government would brand people. And force religious ideas upon them they may disagree with.

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 01:25 pm
Volunteer;64570 wrote:
Duh? You make my point.

What point is that? That only a hypocritical *@#$& would criticize others for not putting their life and their family at risk by speaking out against some religious zealots?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Mar, 2009 06:08 am
NotHereForLong;64485 wrote:
Volunteer, you're making a false dichotemy. You're implying that we have to choose between supporting Israel's actions 100% or supporting the Palestinians actions 100%. We don't. You're also implying that all Palestinians (and Muslims in general) speak with one voice. They don't. You imply that they're unwilling to accept any compromise and that they want global conquest. The vast majority do not. Not only are these claims false. They are laughable.
Hamas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hamas charter (or covenant), issued in 1988, calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine, in place of Israel and the Palestinian Territories, and the obliteration or nullification of Israel. Specifically, the quotation section that precedes the charter's introduction provides the following quote, attributed to Imam Hassan al-Banna: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." The quotation has also been translated as follows: "Israel will be established and will stay established until Islam shall nullify it, as it nullified what was before it." The charter's advocacy of an Islamic state in the territory of the Palestinian territories and Israel is stated as an Islamic religious prophesy arising from Hadith, the oral traditions relating to the words and deeds of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. In this regard, the charter states that "renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion; the nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its faith. . ."

This wording has not been renounced by Hamas.

Fatah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Mar, 2009 06:18 am
xexon;64579 wrote:
Semantics don't scare me.

Neither do the racist views of certain religions who see themselves as somehow "chosen" above the rest of the people.


Jews are chosen by God. However, prior to the coming of Jesus the Christ anyone could become a Jew and be justified by faith.

Christians are not chosen above anyone. Not one of us is pure or clean in and of themselves. Anyone can choose to believe the Word of God. God is not willing that anyone should be condemned by their sin. He does insist on our free will and we can choose to believe or not to believe in His Word. This is not semantics. It is fact.
Reply Sat 21 Mar, 2009 06:28 am
xexon;64579 wrote:
Until that has been accomplished, such people should avoid positions of leadership, as you will just spread your own beliefs around instead of encouraging people to move beyond belief into the realm of direct perception.

Therefore, a secular government is the only one that can treat all people as equals.

Your idea of government would brand people. And force religious ideas upon them they may disagree with.

What is the role of government? A secular government does not treat people as equals any more than any other government. It is not the government that treats people in any fashion, it is the people who make up the government who treat other people in the fashion displayed by their government.

What makes your ideas better than mine?

I disagree with many of your ideas. I disagree with many of the ideas of the people now in office in the House and Senate. Does that mean they should be barred from office as you suggest people who hold the beliefs of the Bible Party of the USA should? I believe people who disagree with action taken by other people in their name have a responsibility to stand up and participate.

If we took your premise and said a person who claims to be a Christian was a god as you claim to be, then why would their values be somehow less worthy than yours?

The bottom line is that they are not. What you are concerned about is that yours is a minority view and that people who hold your view have a proclivity to avoid public service. Therefore you don't want people who strongly believe something else to become active in the public policy debate and put that belief into action.
Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2009 02:37 am
Volunteer;64664 wrote:
Jews are chosen by God. However, prior to the coming of Jesus the Christ anyone could become a Jew and be justified by faith.

Christians are not chosen above anyone. Not one of us is pure or clean in and of themselves. Anyone can choose to believe the Word of God. God is not willing that anyone should be condemned by their sin. He does insist on our free will and we can choose to believe or not to believe in His Word. This is not semantics. It is fact.

Balderdash. God chose nobody because God does not judge. Only men do.

Let's examine a few facts.

The bible was written by Jews. I suppose that out of this written work, it was mere chance that Jews were listed as the chosen people above all others on earth?

Couldn't be a little literary licence at work, could it? Write yourself into history as the "chosen". It worked for a long time too. Now the plating has begun to wear off the myth. Turn out Jews are just as crappy as everybody else.

New testament. Also written by Jews. Once again, Jews to the rescue of mankind. After 2000 years, that top is beginning to loose it's spin as well.

Zionism is the new God, and certain Jews within government are preparing to make you bow to them. They've grown tired of waiting for God. These radicals are taking things into their own hands, because in Judaism, the Messiah is a mortal man. A leader. The danger is this leader is a zionist, not an enlightened soul.

Zionism is attempting to fulfill the prophcies of the Jewish faithful to bring them into the family, thereby cementing their hold on Judaism in both dogma and action.

Your party is not helping the situation.

You're contributing to the approaching abomination that your own scriptures warn you of.

That's why religion is dying. That's why it should.

Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2009 02:47 am
Volunteer;64665 wrote:
What is the role of government? A secular government does not treat people as equals any more than any other government. It is not the government that treats people in any fashion, it is the people who make up the government who treat other people in the fashion displayed by their government.

What makes your ideas better than mine?

I disagree with many of your ideas. I disagree with many of the ideas of the people now in office in the House and Senate. Does that mean they should be barred from office as you suggest people who hold the beliefs of the Bible Party of the USA should? I believe people who disagree with action taken by other people in their name have a responsibility to stand up and participate.

If we took your premise and said a person who claims to be a Christian was a god as you claim to be, then why would their values be somehow less worthy than yours?

The bottom line is that they are not. What you are concerned about is that yours is a minority view and that people who hold your view have a proclivity to avoid public service. Therefore you don't want people who strongly believe something else to become active in the public policy debate and put that belief into action.

You and any other person is welcome to have input in the system. But we can never allow any one religion to have a majority rule. It has to be balanced.

Because those beliefs will eventually become law that all must live under. That would likely conflict with the religious beliefs of others. It would certainly inflame people like me who don't want to live under that kind of law.

This isn't a Christian country anymore. At least not the white bread/white skinned America it tends to represent. America is now going in the other direction, away from organized religion.

I'm helping.

Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2009 03:19 am
xexon;64673 wrote:
Balderdash. God chose nobody because God does not judge. Only men do.

Let's examine a few facts.

The bible was written by Jews. I suppose that out of this written work, it was mere chance that Jews were listed as the chosen people above all others on earth?

Couldn't be a little literary licence at work, could it? Write yourself into history as the "chosen". It worked for a long time too. Now the plating has begun to wear off the myth. Turn out Jews are just as crappy as everybody else.

New testament. Also written by Jews. Once again, Jews to the rescue of mankind. After 2000 years, that top is beginning to loose it's spin as well.

Zionism is the new God, and certain Jews within government are preparing to make you bow to them. They've grown tired of waiting for God. These radicals are taking things into their own hands, because in Judaism, the Messiah is a mortal man. A leader. The danger is this leader is a zionist, not an enlightened soul.

Zionism is attempting to fulfill the prophcies of the Jewish faithful to bring them into the family, thereby cementing their hold on Judaism in both dogma and action.

Your party is not helping the situation.

You're contributing to the approaching abomination that your own scriptures warn you of.

That's why religion is dying. That's why it should.

Could it be your own racisim that motivates your viewpoint?

The truth cannot die, because it is the truth. Truth is not subjective. It is objective. People can try to obscure the truth. They can try to muddie the waters so people can't see the bottom of the stream and can't see the water in the stream.

You are attempting to obfuscate or you do because you are confused. At one point you claim to be god. At another, you claim there is no god, that everthing and everyone is god. At another point you validate the idea that there is a God and claim that He does not judge.

The truth is that God created everything. God lives. God has rules and laws. Rules and laws mean something. They are put in place to order things. When something attempts to contradict those rules or laws it incurs effects of that attempt to contradict the rules or laws. This is the judgement.

If, you know that a fire will burn, you place your hand in a fire, and you get burned, who is at fault? Where is a the judgement?

The historical record and archeological finds outside of the Bible have not disproved a single sentence of the Bible. Someone who doesn't want the Bible to be true will always find ways to refute or argue with the Word, attempt to discredit its historical validity, or attempt to cast aspersions on the people who used their hands to record that history or people who believe The Word. The Bible is not some myth created by a group of people bent on world domination. It was created by recording history over a period of 6000 years. It is consistent and coherent throughout, from the first Word to the Last. It is incorruptible.

You are right, men do judge. Men are jealous and envious and mean and evil if they allow themselves to be these things. Jealous men and women create ugly names to lable things they hate and focus their hatred. Your words indicate that you hate.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2009 04:01 am
xexon;64674 wrote:
You and any other person is welcome to have input in the system. But we can never allow any one religion to have a majority rule. It has to be balanced.

Because those beliefs will eventually become law that all must live under. That would likely conflict with the religious beliefs of others. It would certainly inflame people like me who don't want to live under that kind of law.

This isn't a Christian country anymore. At least not the white bread/white skinned America it tends to represent. America is now going in the other direction, away from organized religion.

I'm helping.


So correct me if I am wrong about your viewpoint. You say, anyone is welcome to have input into a democratic system as long as there are not enough of them (people who believe the same) to jeopardize your agenda. Your agenda is OK to become law, but theirs is not.

What kind of law(s) do you believe would be made by a body politic that has a majority of Christians or Jews? Isn't what you just stated a prejudging of those two groups of people?

How can you equate mmany people who believe the same voting for what they think is sensible or right to an organized religion. I think you are confusing Islamic societies with ones from the Judeo-Christian heritage.

White-bread? White-skinned? What is this, you have a predjudice against Wonder Bread? What if they increased the fiber content?

Equating religion with a person's skin color is just stupid. Again, this is an attempt to play to peoples' predjudice. Have you ever met a person whose skin is actually white? That would be one for the record books.

The only countries in the world in which there is any semblance of freedom of religion and freedom of speech or thought is in those of the western (Judeo-Christian) world. Why is this? Because God's Word tells us we each have free will. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness bud.
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2009 07:44 am
Let me put it to you more directly.

Zionism is going down. Israel with it.

If you have any connection to it, or it's intrusion into the federal government, you'll be taken out with the rest of the trash when the time comes.

People are tired of the religious influence in government.

If you think I'm alone, think again.

Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2009 09:11 am
xexon;64682 wrote:
Let me put it to you more directly.

Zionism is going down. Israel with it.

If you have any connection to it, or it's intrusion into the federal government, you'll be taken out with the rest of the trash when the time comes.

People are tired of the religious influence in government.

If you think I'm alone, think again.


Promises, promises. You sure sound like a facist to me.
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2009 09:52 am
I'm glad you brought facism up, because it's a speciality of mine.

The link below provides some guidelines for that judgement. Written by a friend of mine, no less, but plagerized by this site.

The 14 Characteristics of Fascism, by Lawrence Britt, Spring 2003

It seems to me that the neocons, their right wing religious power base (Read...PRO Israel), and their zionist pimps have lead this country more towards fascism than anybody else these past few decades.

Ever since Reagan, there has been a strong zionist presence in the Whitehouse.

Put 2 + 2 together.

Israel is not our friend.

Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2009 10:53 pm
Additional reading: The Coming Evangelical Collapse | | AlterNet

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