I've stated elsewhere on this forum that truth is always individual at the human level. Its not that I'm better than anyone else as you suggest, just different. In the same way an adult is different from a child.
Minds and bodies have differences. The spirit is the same in all. Until you break the chokehold the mind has on spiritual expression, you have no choice but to deal with the world on a mental level.
It's your "default" setting. You have to work to move beyond it. Most are too involved in their human lives of family and career to give it that much time. I've been able to pursue it because I've structured my life accordingly. This was more important to me than getting married, having kids, or having a bunch of degrees on the wall behind me telling the world how big my brain is.
If I'm commenting on something political, I do so out of compassion. In the case of zionism or any of the other political movements, I demonstrate the lack of compassion people have for their fellow man.
Compassionate people would never behave in such a way to begin with, so the answer to many of the world's problems is the cultivation of compassion, not power.
Groups like this bible party are not spiritual entities. They're after power like all the rest.