according to the document: god.
Quote:done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord
The founding fathers did not invent the dating system.
Quote:Did you ever watch Checkov on Star Trek? He had a penchant for asserting that Russia inwented everything under the sun.
no, but the relevancy is?
Quote:What was the historical context of the enlightenment? What was the primary religion in western civilization during the enlightenment? Christianity and Judaism include the choice to believe or not to believe without human retribution.
The idea of "freedom of religion" was developed over a thousand years after the foundation of Christianity.
although i'm certain you will argue that the bible gives you the choice of the god(s) you may worship but that is as much of a s choice as having to choose between ice cream and a punch in the face.
God advises through His Word and leaves the choice to the individual.
wow...i saw that one coming, good thing i already answered it.
What do you mean by separation of church and state?
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, drafted by James Madison, declares that Congress "shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Madison's friend and mentor Thomas Jefferson was proud of his role in drafting and winning assent to Virginia's religious liberty law (1786). In a letter of 1802, he referred to the need for a "high wall of separation" between church and state. Both men considered religious liberty not just a convenient political response to the actual diversity of denominations in the new Republic but as a natural right.
TRANSLATION: I know whats best for people more than they know whats best for themselves!
Quote:More serious answer: To prevent others from imposing their will upon me and others who wish to practice Christianity and preserve traditional western values for our posterity.
Fight fire with fire eh?
Good thing firemen haven't adopted this philosophy, otherwise we might see people's homes crumble as fire fighters try to extinguish the flames with flamethrowers.
Quote:Russia and China assert they have true neutrality in government toward religion. How is that working for their citizens or should I say serfs?
Yet both of us i'm sure would disagree with that assertion. Both Russia and China have an Atheocracy which is just as bad as theocracy. They are not secular nations, far from it.
Quote:They can. However, they have more than enough power within the established parties to carry out their agenda. This is evidenced by their ability to remove laws that were made based on Judeo-Christian values and prevent new ones from being passed.
:rollinglaugh: Damn you Pete Stark!!!
*shakes fist*
Quote:And your point is? This is what all political parties do.
and you wish to repeat their mistakes?
I am perfectly aware of this, why do you insult my intelligence so?
....or simply base your decision on their policies.
No, hold your religion, embrace your religion, but do not impose it on others, do not make laws based solely on religious doctrine. If you do make laws based on religious doctrine support it with facts that everybody can agree on.
an example of this...
Many people oppose abortion on religious grounds, but they have other reasons to support their view such as the suffering of the child and the damage to the mother.
Quote:Your religion seems to be humanism. Why should your religion win out over mine by being allowed to flourish in the public square when mine is not? This does not seem to be an egalitarian viewpoint.
Humanism is not a religion nor am i an Adherent if it was. Although there are a lot of major points that i agree with, but I consider myself a Utilitarian over a humanist.