Bible Party of the USA

Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 07:06 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46519 wrote:
My replies in bold

Obviously this is an emotional issue for you.

no not really, i simply debate christanity for entertainment, knowledge, and to improve my arguments. Why do you debate for the existance of your deity?
yes i would, i find it entertaining!
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 07:15 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46851 wrote:

Hitler definitely wasn't an atheist he made many many statements about working for god....

Saying you are Christian doesn’t make it so. Have you heard of a wolf in sheep’s clothing? If not, read the Bible. It describes the situation perfectly.

I'm pro-life....don't make too many assumptions about my political beliefs!

Why are you pro-life?

Whos says i'm still exploring? I'm an about as atheistic as they come...i use debate to further educate myself, I don't learn about other religions because i am considering them.

Does this mean you are a good atheist, by whose standard?

atheism technically isn't a belief, it's lack of belief (in a god).

The way it is being manifest in you, is a vociferous denial of God and His Word. This is illogical if you really don't believe in God. If one really doesn't believe in something, then one just doesn't consider it worth their time.
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 08:13 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46523 wrote:

The other statements you make above indicate a world view based on a lifetime of absorbing your ideas from TV and movies.

was Satan not in snake form when he talked to eve?...

Do you understand what an allegory is?
Definition of allegory - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

One entry found.
Main Entry: al•le•go•ry
Pronunciation: \ˈa-lə-ˌgȯr-ē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural al•le•go•ries
Etymology: Middle English allegorie, from Latin allegoria, from Greek allēgoria, from allēgorein to speak figuratively, from allos other + -ēgorein to speak publicly, from agora assembly — more at else, agora
Date: 14th century
1: the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence; also : an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression
2: a symbolic representation : emblem 2

Do you understand what a parable is?
Definition of parable - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
One entry found.
Main Entry: par•a•ble
Pronunciation: \ˈpa-rə-bəl\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin parabola, from Greek parabolē comparison, from paraballein to compare, from para- + ballein to throw — more at devil
Date: 14th century
: example; specifically : a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle

Do you not understand why God’s Word contains allegories and parables?

Mark 4:1 – 20, “Again He began to teach by the sea, and a very large crowd gathered around Him. So He got into a boat on the sea and sat down, while the whole crowd was on the shore facing the sea. He taught them many things in parables, and in His teaching, He said to them: "Listen! Consider the sower who went out to sow. As he sowed, this occurred: Some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Other seed fell on rocky ground where it didn't have much soil, and it sprang up right away, since it didn't have deep soil. When the sun came up, it was scorched, and since it didn't have a root, it withered. Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it, and it didn't produce a crop. Still others fell on good ground and produced a crop that increased 30, 60, and 100 times [what was sown]." Then He said, "Anyone who has ears to hear should listen!"

When He was alone with the Twelve, those who were around Him asked Him about the parables. He answered them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been granted to you, but to those outside, everything comes in parables so that

they may look and look,

yet not perceive;

they may listen and listen,

yet not understand;

otherwise, they might turn back—

and be forgiven. "

Then He said to them: "Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand any of the parables? The sower sows the word. These are the ones along the path where the word is sown: when they hear, immediately Satan comes and takes away the word sown in them. And these are the ones sown on rocky ground: when they hear the word, immediately they receive it with joy. But they have no root in themselves; they are short-lived. When affliction or persecution comes because of the word, they immediately stumble. Others are sown among thorns; these are the ones who hear the word, but the worries of this age, the seduction of wealth, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. But the ones sown on good ground are those who hear the word, welcome it, and produce a crop: 30, 60, and 100 times [what was sown]."

By the way, this passage states that you may turn back and be forgiven. To do this, you must forgive and ask forgiveness, repent of your sin, and accept Jesus as your redeemer. That is all you have to do if you so choose. The choice is yours. It is a fatal freedom.

… Was Jesus not a Jewish carpenter who had powers superior to man?

No, the context is not “was,” in the past tense. He Is. He is not just a Jewish carpenter. He was, Is, and ever shall be, the Son of God.
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 01:46 pm
Volly, you're pummelling FF so hard he probably has blood in his underwear by now.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 05:42 pm
Volunteer;47109 wrote:
Fatal_Freedoms;47004 wrote:

If you were raised as a christian, that upbringing included learning from the Bible what God says about you and our world,

yes, i did "learn" about it, i just grew up to not "believe" in what i learned

and you continue to blaspheme and spew the spirit of the anti-christ without repentance,

now i do, but not when i was a christian

then you have no excuse and no redemption. Read the Bible with adult eyes and you'll see what I mean. It states this explicitly.

i am aware of what it says

Just as there is a difference between saying you are a christian and actually being one, there is also a difference between "being raised as a christian" and actually reading or learning from the source documentation of our beliefs, the Bible, God's Word.

if what you're are saying is that i wasn't a christian, or that i wasn't raised as a christian, then you are wrong, you have no idea of how i thought or how i was raised so i will politely ask you to not make assumptions about my upbringing, and i will return the favor!

If you grew up in a family that went to a church like this then you did not have the benefit of "knowing what christians believe" You only learned the form, not the function or the reason for the form. This is indicated by your statement that you are more interested in why christians believe.

Why people believe in something is a personal matter, not something that can be found in a book!

If you were actually raised as a christian, being given the knowledge that is the birth right of christians, then you would already know why.

I have asked christians before and some of them don't know why they believe! Why people choose to believe something is Not a universal issue but it varies from person to person

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 05:57 pm
Volunteer;47119 wrote:
The other statements you make above indicate a world view based on a lifetime of absorbing your ideas from TV and movies.

as do yours


Do you understand what an allegory is?

yes i do, and by what you say, you are suggesting that some parts are literal and others are not, by what process do you determine what is literal and what is not, and how did you come to adpot this process? How do you know your interpretation is correct?


it was the writing style of the time, of course i expect you to reject this answer!


By the way, this passage states that you may turn back and be forgiven. To do this, you must forgive and ask forgiveness, repent of your sin, and accept Jesus as your redeemer. That is all you have to do if you so choose. The choice is yours. It is a fatal freedom.

and yet the Vedas asks me the same thing, the Qu'ran asks me the same thing, the Talmud asks me the same thing. I contend that we are both atheists i just believe in one less god than you, and when you understand why you don't believe in any of the pagan gods, you will understand why i don't believe in your god.


Yes, jesus WAS a carpenter, unless you think he is still making wooden sheds in heaven, which is quite silly.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 06:04 pm
Volunteer;47115 wrote:

I said i WAS a christian.


Why are you pro-life?

because i don't believe it's a mother's right to decide who lives and who dies!


Does this mean you are a good atheist, by whose standard?

It makes me neither a good or bad atheist, there is only one requirement to be an atheist!


The way it is being manifest in you, is a vociferous denial of God and His Word. This is illogical if you really don't believe in God. If one really doesn't believe in something, then one just doesn't consider it worth their time.

entertainment purposes only! I debate on this site because thats what we do and thats what i know. I don't go looking for random christians and anounce "there is no god", in-fact i don't even talk about it unless the subject comes up!
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 06:09 pm
Volunteer;47114 wrote:
Obviously this is an emotional issue for you.

no it's not, i do this for entertainment! Very Happy


I real life i don't talk about it unless the subject comes up, but on this site i talk about it because it is a subject that intrests me!


It is for me, i don't have to worry about eternal damnation because i don't believe in it to begin with, so i have nothing to lose by debating such an issue.
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 04:42 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47250 wrote:


Then I feel sorry for you and pray that you will turn back toward God instaed of forsaking Him and being forsaken in turn.
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 04:44 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47251 wrote:
Yes, jesus WAS a carpenter, unless you think he is still making wooden sheds in heaven, which is quite silly.

Why is it silly? Is time linear?
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 04:45 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47253 wrote:
no it's not, i do this for entertainment! Very Happy

It is for me, i don't have to worry about eternal damnation because i don't believe in it to begin with, so i have nothing to lose by debating such an issue.

If you don't believe in a bus' or a truck's ability to kill you if it hits you, it will kill you just the same.
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 04:49 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47252 wrote:
I said i WAS a christian.

My specific statement was not referring to you or your belief. I was referring to those who taught you or misled you into atheism. These false teachers/shepherds are also in the church.
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 08:33 pm
So....FF is an atheist. I'm saddened by that. He could use some enlightenment.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 04:59 pm
Volunteer;47291 wrote:
If you don't believe in a bus' or a truck's ability to kill you if it hits you, it will kill you just the same.

except you can see a bus....

whether i debate christanity or not that still doesn't change the fact that i don't believe in your god.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 05:01 pm
Volunteer;47292 wrote:
My specific statement was not referring to you or your belief. I was referring to those who taught you or misled you into atheism. These false teachers/shepherds are also in the church.

How do you know they "mislead" me? Jumping to conclusions are we???
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 05:02 pm
Volunteer;47290 wrote:
Why is it silly? Is time linear?

Why don't you tell me?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 05:03 pm
Volunteer;47289 wrote:
Then I feel sorry for you and pray that you will turn back toward God instaed of forsaking Him and being forsaken in turn.

I'm glad you care, but i don't need your pity i am much happier as an atheist than i ever was as a christian!
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 05:04 pm
Pinochet73;47293 wrote:
So....FF is an atheist. I'm saddened by that. He could use some enlightenment.

I'm surprised it took you this long to figure that out!
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 06:47 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47814 wrote:
I'm surprised it took you this long to figure that out!

You've said so much I can't remember anything.:no:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Dec, 2007 08:09 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;47812 wrote:
Why don't you tell me?

Time had a beginning, as it and all the universe was created by God. God was never created for he is eternal he simply exists outside the boundaries of time. Therefore if something indeed has a beginning, it indeed has to have an ending. That very well answers the question of "where did God come from", he came from nowhere and was created by nothing, for he always was the great "I AM" eternal in his being, thus He is omnipresent, existing outside of time and space to introduce himself along the time line at any place and at any time He desires. He had no beginning therefore He has no ending (He does not bow at the feet of that which He created). He created the very Laws of Physics and can very well breach them with only a spoken word, we exist at his well, and to serve him, as the apostle Paul described when speaking to the philosophers and orators in the middle of the Greek council in Athens(Areopagus), men that spent their life pondering and questioning new theories and channeling human ideologies of thought(Acts 17:26-28). Speaking as such, Paul answered a question that has baffled man throughout his history.....

WHAT IS THE MEANING AND PURPOSE OF MAN'S LIFE? And he as presented before proceeded to do so, in its simplicity (Acts 17:21). In short, it is our inherent duty to seek out and serve God, He that created us. We do so, without thought nor reason sometimes. Have none ever experienced the longing and loneliness that comes from simply gazing upon the creation of Gods handiwork, when glancing into the clear of space and the star adorned summer night sky? A feeling of missing something, or simply being "homesick"? It's in our nature, and has been from the beginning of time itself, but we are burdened by the curse of Free Will that the first man placed upon us, when he indeed did partake from the tree of Knowledge, and realized that we are made in the Image of God and have free will to guide our destiny, and that includes the choice of service....Either serve God or Man and his sin filled nature. For God indeed made these very physical laws that man must abide in, and He breaches these laws only when creating something new, i.e. the universe, man, etc....He breaches these laws of nature that He created when "confirming" new covenant relationships with man, as He continually changes and adapts the Laws to give man the ability to be in His presence eternally. The many covenants that were antiquated where done so, not due to the imperfection of God....but due to the imperfection of man being unable to overcome sin and its deceit, the failure as always rests upon the shoulders of mans burden....his inability to cease from the nature of SIN. God has shown His love for mankind one last time in the New Testament Covenant of Grace, where He Himself, came to earth in the from of the Word to take the burden of Sin away from man and simply offer eternity as a Gift....in exchange for that which is "willed" to us in this New Testament, all we have to do is accept the conditions thereof, they are not hard, as they all are contained in one concept....LOVE, to others as we to ourselves. For if we do this we will live by the Law that has been written upon our hearts and be "OBEDIENT IN ALL THINGS (11Cor.2:9), not because we must, but because we can, due to the respect and Love we have not only for one another, but for the Groom, Jesus Christ...it is our duty through love to keep His commandments, not by the Letter Which is written on Stone, but by the Spirit which is written upon our hearts. RD

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