Fatal_Freedoms;46851 wrote::lightbulb:
Quote:Huh? That is very poorly phrased, forgive me for not understanding the point you are trying to make.
Try harder. Did you ever read or have read to you The Little Engine That Could?
Quote:The fallacy of your conclusion is that you've made the assumption that a person would know if they were wrong, and that is certainly not the case. It is possible for someone to believe something that they think is true when it is actually false! People may die for a belief that they think is true but in reality it is false!
Could this be true of atheists/anti-theists?
Quote:The bible makes self-references, this is an academic "no-no"!
The Bible was not written in a classroom. The Bible is not politically correct. Political correctness was a concept created by totalitarian regimes.
Quote:Like the discovery of talking snakes and a global flood? I have asked for these discoveries and have yet to see any! The Bible says that bats are birds, but anyone with a 6th grade education can tell you otherwise.
When you communicate, do you always do it without using allusions or allegories?
Quote:You didn't say 'most christians' you just said 'christians' don't coerce people into believing, which is not true as i have just demonstrated.
No, I said, “A bad apple can spoil the whole basket. This is one of the tactics of the devil, to deceive believers into the idea they can use Satan’s tricks or coerce people into belief in God. The essence of God’s Word is that man must be free to choose. Freedom in this sense means no coercion.”
Quote:Hitler definitely wasn't an atheist he made many many statements about working for god....and stalin was an atheist but he was not motivated by atheism, in-fact the personallity cult of Stalin is very dogmatic, specificly you are talking about communist genocide not atheist, the truth is NO Democratic atheist-dominated nation EVER commited genocide, current nations with high proportions of atheists in the population are doing better in the way of education and have much lower crime rates than in the US.
Someone saying they are a Christian doesn’t make it so. Your slip with asserting that Thor and Zeus are gods indicates you believe there is such a thing as a god. That doesn’t match your stated belief that you don’t believe in gods or God.
Name three atheist/anti-theist dominated nations with democratic or true representative governments.
Quote:I'm pro-life....don't make too many assumptions about my political beliefs!
Quote:Whos says i'm still exploring? I'm an about as atheistic as they come...i use debate to further educate myself, I don't learn about other religions because i am considering them.
I say you are based on your stated desire to explore and continue poking at things you say you don’t believe in., If you truly don’t believe, then you are wasting precious minutes of your biological life in arguing over something you don’t believe in. That sounds like you are either conflicted about your belief, you are lying (probably to yourself), or you are seeking truth because you haven’t yet found it.
Quote:atheism technically isn't a belief, it's lack of belief (in a god).
Sure it is, uh huh, I really, really believe you.
Quote:That's too bad, one should consistantly look for the truth whether it corrosponds or contradicts current belief. Believing you have the absolute truth and there is no possibility of being wrong is the very epitimy of closed-mindedness.
What is the point in practice bleeding?
Quote:talking with people of different beliefs will educate you (and me).
Can you say seeker?
Quote:I'm not sure, i think it's black, i could be wrong.
Look it up.