Bible Party of the USA

Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 08:07 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46443 wrote:
Your subconsious is telling you there is no god, why is it that you are afraid of death if heaven awaits you?

You are projecting your own feelings on me.

What makes you believe I am afraid of death. I have asked God to take me out many times. He refuses.

I have faced death many times, trusted in God, and He has brought me through.

How can you be afraid of something everyone must experience?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 08:11 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46444 wrote:
No, your faith is your trust of the men who wrote the bible....The simple truth is that you can't justify your trust of the bible without using a circular argument or personal rhetoric!

Jesus is Truth.

God's work testifies for Him. He doesn't need men to testify. He uses men to testify for other men who may be a bit slow or cantankerous.

If you don't live in a city in which man's works surround you, you can open your eyes or ears and experience the evidence of His work. You feel it in every breath you take.

Why do you take a breath? I mean physically/physiologically, not metaphysically.

In the same vein, (no puin intended) why can you move your arm or why does your heart pump blood?
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 08:19 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46444 wrote:
No, your faith is your trust of the men who wrote the bible....The simple truth is that you can't justify your trust of the bible without using a circular argument or personal rhetoric!

Obviously this is an emotional issue for you. If it weren't and if you didn't believe so passionately that God deosn't exist, you'd not bother with a discussion like this.

For someone who does not believe and refuses to accept evidence that might change their predisposition, no amount of evidence or logic will suffice.

The fact that you continue to discuss this indicates to me that your are not satisfied with the choice you've made and are looking for a reason to believe. This is similar to C.S. Lewis. Eventually, he learned the truth through logic. If you wish, you can pick up a copy of his books in any Barnes and Noble or Border or other large book selling chain. He walks through "non-circular" logic to explain what you are experiencing. I double dare you to read his works.
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 08:25 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46445 wrote:
and belief in an invisible man in the sky is logical? and belief in a talking snake is logical? Belief in a magical tree is logical? belief of jewish carpenter with magic powers is logical?

God is not a man. He doesn't reside in the sky. He created the sky. He existed before and independent of the sky. Stating He resides in the sky is a simplistic and childish view which indicates your scope of thought is not wide enough.

The other statements you make above indicate a world view based on a lifetime of absorbing your ideas from TV and movies. That is a rotten/corrupt basis for a world view.
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 08:40 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46444 wrote:
No, your faith is your trust of the men who wrote the bible....The simple truth is that you can't justify your trust of the bible without using a circular argument or personal rhetoric!

The New Testament was written by men who were willing to sacrifice their lives to save others. They were unwilling to compromise the truth in the face of mortal danger. They did this, not for themselves, but for us based on the command of Christ Jesus. There was no coersion to do this. They were working through moralsuasion as Jesus did. Jesus did not come to abolish the Old Testament, but to fulfill it.

I would rather evaluate and follow men or women who conform to the above description than to follow men or women who have never (and would never)put their lives on the line for what they believe in. To people in the latter category belief is a fad.

The truth is, I (and other believers) don't have to justify my (our) trust in the Bible. It's mine (ours), not yours. It can be yours if you choose. That is what Genesis 3 describes.
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 09:21 am

Are you eating Turkey or some similar feast today???
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 03:50 pm
Volunteer;46472 wrote:
As to the mythological creatures, Thor and Zeus, not that I know of. Although I didn't pry into peoples' belief systems. If I became aware of what they believed it was because I broke bread with them or was invited into some aspect of their lives.

1) Thor and Zeus are gods not creatures

2) Quit dodging the question! do you know personally of people who believe in Thor or Zeus?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 03:56 pm
Volunteer;46474 wrote:
Jesus is Truth.
Truth is Truth

God's work testifies for Him. He doesn't need men to testify. He uses men to testify for other men who may be a bit slow or cantankerous.

There is no physical evidence or proof that shows that the universe was created by a god especially the specific god you believe in!

If you don't live in a city in which man's works surround you, you can open your eyes or ears and experience the evidence of His work. You feel it in every breath you take.

...again as i've stated above.

Why do you take a breath? I mean physically/physiologically, not metaphysically. In the same vein, (no puin intended) why can you move your arm or why does your heart pump blood?

Answer= My own body's will to live!

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:05 pm
Volunteer;46475 wrote:
Obviously this is an emotional issue for you.

no not really, i simply debate christanity for entertainment, knowledge, and to improve my arguments. Why do you debate for the existance of your deity?

If it weren't and if you didn't believe so passionately that God deosn't exist, you'd not bother with a discussion like this.

yes i would, i find it entertaining!

For someone who does not believe and refuses to accept evidence that might change their predisposition, no amount of evidence or logic will suffice.

I would say this descibe you perfectly!

The fact that you continue to discuss this indicates to me that your are not satisfied with the choice you've made

on the contrary, atheism is the best choice i've made for myself, i am finally free of the mental restraints of religion!

This is similar to C.S. Lewis.

not at all

Eventually, he learned the truth through logic. If you wish, you can pick up a copy of his books in any Barnes and Noble or Border or other large book selling chain.

You can also read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins...

He walks through "non-circular" logic to explain what you are experiencing. I double dare you to read his works.

Only If you read Why God is Not Great or The God Delusion...

My replies in bold
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:15 pm
Volunteer;46478 wrote:
The New Testament was written by men who were willing to sacrifice their lives to save others. They were unwilling to compromise the truth in the face of mortal danger. They did this, not for themselves, but for us based on the command of Christ Jesus. There was no coersion to do this. They were working through moralsuasion as Jesus did.

Where did you get this information?

I would rather evaluate and follow men or women who conform to the above description than to follow men or women who have never (and would never)put their lives on the line for what they believe in. To people in the latter category belief is a fad.

Whether someone is willing to die for their belief has nothing to do with how valid their belief is or whether they are good people or not......EXAMPLE: Muslim Extremists!

The truth is, I (and other believers) don't have to justify my (our) trust in the Bible. It's mine (ours), not yours. It can be yours if you choose. That is what Genesis 3 describes.

You're right you don't have to justify your belief, but a justified belief is better than an unjustified belief! So shouldn't you try to justify your belief with outside sources? like i've said before many times(to other people), i'm not here to change your belief, in-fact you should be happy for people like me who constantly challenges you belief, if your belief is not strong enough to withstand the criticism perhaps you shouldn't have the belief!

Replies in bold
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:21 pm
Volunteer;46476 wrote:
God is not a man.

But he was made in man's image...(and yes, this is backwards on purpose)

He doesn't reside in the sky. He created the sky.

I know he doesn't reside in the sky, but heaven is always described as sky-like....either way it is just as silly.

The other statements you make above indicate a world view based on a lifetime of absorbing your ideas from TV and movies.

was satan not in snake form when he talked to eve? Was Jesus not a jewish carpentar who had powers superior to man?

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 22 Nov, 2007 04:23 pm
Volunteer;46479 wrote:

Are you eating Turkey or some similar feast today???

Already did!

Nothing like celebrating the one day the european's weren't massacrering the American Indians by stuffing you face full of food!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Nov, 2007 07:10 pm
Keep pounding them, Volly. Keep pummelling with the TRUTH. You betchya.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 26 Nov, 2007 09:51 pm
It will come as no surprise this is not by far the first time i've had a debate like this....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 06:07 pm
Fatal_Freedoms;46521 wrote:

Where did you get this information?

History books.

Whether someone is willing to die for their belief has nothing to do with how valid their belief is or whether they are good people or not......EXAMPLE: Muslim Extremists!

That statement starts with a faulty premise and makes an ignorant comparison.

Die, rather than give up their beliefs, not die to prove they believe.

There is a great difference between Christians and Islamists. Christians rely on internal faith and belief based on the knowledge that Christ died to redeem all for their sins and therefore they are saved from damnation. Islamists kill themselves and innocent people to prove to themselves and their leaders that they believe and are worthy of their idea of heaven. Christian leaders teach self sacrifice in order to bring the Word to people so they can choose for themselves to believe or not to believe. Christians know you can’t coerce someone to believe in God or His Word. Islamic leaders teach and exhort their followers to violence or death to increase their span of control through destabilization operations using human bombs.

How many Christian terrorists have you heard of? How many of those were turned in by other Christians? How many Islamic terrorists have you heard of? How many of those were turned in by other believers in Islam?

You're right you don't have to justify your belief, but a justified belief is better than an unjustified belief! So shouldn't you try to justify your belief with outside sources? like i've said before many times(to other people), i'm not here to change your belief, in-fact you should be happy for people like me who constantly challenges you belief, if your belief is not strong enough to withstand the criticism perhaps you shouldn't have the belief!

We can’t all be glib and able to address every argument on the spot. You asked questions. I didn’t have the time or inclination to continue to develop answers to your questions since you seem not to want the answers. Therefore, I suggested you read some of C.S. Lewis’ works. They go into great detail concerning many of your questions. If you truly do want the answers to your detailed questions, it would be better to get the answers from someone who had you mindset (atheism) and came through examination, to be a believer in Christ. If you don’t want answers and are just trying to be an irritant, like a gnat flying around and distracting people, then you don’t need my answers either. If your purpose is to attempt to convert me to the religion of atheism, you should save your effort, it won’t happen. You should also watch out because the monitors on this forum prohibit proselytizing with the intent to convert people to your religion.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 06:40 pm
Volunteer;46829 wrote:
History books.


That statement starts with a faulty premise and makes an ignorant comparison.

what exactly is my faulty premise?

Die, rather than give up their beliefs, not die to prove they believe.

again, how intently someone believes has nothing to do with valadidity of a claim....Some people may believe that they are napolean, and are willing to die for this belief...does this make it true? No.

There is a great difference between Christians and Islamists.

the difference is irrelevent, truth is not subjective! If the intensity of belief has nothing to do with valididity of a claim for Muslims, then the same is true for christians!

Christians know you can’t coerce someone to believe in God or His Word.

Really!? Then explain the Spanish inquisition to me...

How many Christian terrorists have you heard of? How many of those were turned in by other Christians? How many Islamic terrorists have you heard of? How many of those were turned in by other believers in Islam?

This is irrelevent to how 'true' a belief may be.

We can’t all be glib and able to address every argument on the spot. You asked questions. I didn’t have the time or inclination to continue to develop answers to your questions since you seem not to want the answers.

No, actually i am quite interested in your answers! The more i know about other beliefs the more true to mysel i feel i am being!

Therefore, I suggested you read some of C.S. Lewis’ works. They go into great detail concerning many of your questions. If you truly do want the answers to your detailed questions, it would be better to get the answers from someone who had you mindset (atheism) and came through examination, to be a believer in Christ.

You have a great point here, but i think the vice versa also applies for you as well!

If you don’t want answers and are just trying to be an irritant,

that is not my intent at all, it is quite selfish to think my sole purpose here is to irritate you, infact you should be happy for me, becuase if your faith can withstand great criticism then it is better than holding a belief that cannot withstand great criticism, and makes you a better christian for putting your faith through trials!

If your purpose is to attempt to convert me to the religion of atheism,

Atheism isn't a religion anymore than bald is a hair-color. My purpose is not to convert anyone, i am here for belief-awareness, i want not to know what you believe but rather why you believe. I think it makes me more of an intellectually honest individual to understand my beliefs and that of others. It also makes my arguments for atheism that much better by understanding the reasoning of other beliefs!

you should save your effort, it won’t happen. You should also watch out because the monitors on this forum prohibit proselytizing with the intent to convert people to your religion.

I attempt to (de)convert no one!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 07:50 pm
Fatal_Freedoms;46835 wrote:

what exactly is my faulty premise?

The premise you had was the validity of a belief. I wasn't explaining the validity of my belief from your perspective. I can only explain my belief from my perspective.

I was explaining one reason I have for my for my belief. That reason was the reality that the eyewitness accounts in the Bible are from people who refused to give up their belief in the truth in the face of certain death. If what they believed was untrue, all they had to do was recant their belief and they would avoid torture and a horrible death. The fact they did not recant their belief and chose instead to retain their belief with the knowledge of torture and certain death indicates to me that these believers were not espousing an intellectual argument, but were speaking truth.

again, how intently someone believes has nothing to do with valadidity of a claim....

It can be an indication of the extent of their examination of the truth/reality. If someone experiences something, they know their experience is true. What they believe about the reasons for what they experience may be different. However, the first hand accounts in the Bible show consistency and have not been refuted for more than 2000 years despite continuous attempts by millions of people all over the globe in those 2000 years. In fact, more and more discoveries add to the body of proof that the Bible is telling the truth.

the difference is irrelevent, truth is not subjective! If the intensity of belief has nothing to do with valididity of a claim for Muslims, then the same is true for christians!

Roger that, truth is not subjective.

Really!? Then explain the Spanish inquisition to me...

A bad apple can spoil the whole basket. This is one of the tactics of the devil, to deceive believers into the idea they can use Satan’s tricks or coerce people into belief in God. The essence of God’s Word is that man must be free to choose. Freedom in this sense means no coercion.

Explain the death camps of Stalin, Hitler, or any of the modern flowerings of atheistic and anti-theistic thought, love, and kindness that resulted in tens of millions of dead. Explain the 45,000,000 dead babies we have produced iun the USA since Roe v Wade. Explain why people on both sides of the debate claim to be Christians or claim to be atheists. What is the difference. The source is the same, evil.

No, actually i am quite interested in your answers! The more i know about other beliefs the more true to mysel i feel i am being!

Someday, you’ll need to settle down on a belief set and stop exploring/sampling the wines. I pray that you choose the Bible and that that will be before God calls you home. Suggest you look up the psychology hypothesis concerning integrity and despair. I believe it was posed by Piaget.

You have a great point here, but i think the vice versa also applies for you as well!

I’m not the person who’s seeking answers by attempting to tear holes in other peoples’ beliefs. I have mine and have no interest in exploring yours. At some point in every person’s life, they have to stop shifting with the wind and decide who they are and what they believe. The point of this thread is not to discuss religion. It is to discuss a political party based on the Bible. If you want to discuss religion, go to the religion and philosophy section of the forum.

that is not my intent at all, it is quite selfish to think my sole purpose here is to irritate you, infact you should be happy for me, becuase if your faith can withstand great criticism then it is better than holding a belief that cannot withstand great criticism, and makes you a better christian for putting your faith through trials!

See above. Also, see my answer concerning my age and experience. Talk, talk, talk doesn’t get you anywhere. All it gets you is time wasted. Get out the ivory tower and live a little. That will provide all the trials you or anyone needs. Fact is I and every one of us has enough sin in our lives to provide trials. We reap what we sow.

Atheism isn't a religion anymore than bald is a hair-color….

So you say. What color is a zebra’s skin?
Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 08:01 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46517 wrote:
1) Thor and Zeus are gods not creatures

2) Quit dodging the question! do you know personally of people who believe in Thor or Zeus?

I have known people who believed in Thor. I was stationed in Iceland for more than a year and a half.

You got the capitalization correct when referring to them as gods. If you assert that they are gods, then what is the basis for your assertion? I thought you didn't believe in gods.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 08:02 pm
The difference between gods and God is God is the Creator and all the gods are created things.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Tue 27 Nov, 2007 08:43 pm
Volunteer;46847 wrote:
The difference between gods and God is God is the Creator and all the gods are created things.

no, god is reference to any god, God is a reference to a specific god!

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