Bible Party of the USA

Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2007 07:12 pm
Volunteer;45083 wrote:
Whichever, through His mercy and grace, we're still sons/daughters of the King.

We (Christians) should not have a whatever attitude about any part of the scriptures. It is the truth that sets us free and we cannot be completely free if chose to ignore certain parts of the scriptures while emphasizing others. The scriptures say, “Study to show yourself approved rightly dividing the word of truth.”

It has always been by grace when God decides to act....it was by grace when God made Adam and Eve. And it was by grace when God decided to create all things, including angels.
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2007 08:27 pm
Yeah....but don't forget -- all Americans enjoy freedom of religion, and freedom from religion.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 09:11 am
Brian@764;45090 wrote:

Roger that.

My point in saying whichever (not whatever), was that the source (God's grace) and the effect (being part of the Body of Christ with the associated obligations) were the same. The term used for the mechanism is the only difference.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 09:13 am
Volunteer;45127 wrote:
Roger that.

My point in saying whichever (not whatever), was that the source (God's grace) and the effect (being part of the Body of Christ with the associated obligations) were the same. The term used for the mechanism is the only difference.

Point taken.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 09:17 am
Pinochet73;45101 wrote:
Yeah....but don't forget -- all Americans enjoy freedom of religion, and freedom from religion.

US citizens enjoy the government they create and sustain. If they choose to continue to turn their backs on the basis for that government, then they (we) reap what is sown.

If that is a society devoid of God's Word, then WE have chosen that unless we do something about it. We are not bound by their choice. We have our Savior's Word that what we bind on earth is bound.

By accepting the choice of those who choose to attempt to rid society of God's Word, we turn our back on His Word. This is true for Christains and Jews alike. It is impossible to rid anyone of God's Word since it is written on our hearts.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 09:21 am
Volunteer;45129 wrote:
US citizens enjoy the government they create and sustain. If they choose to continue to turn their backs on the basis for that government, then they (we) reap what is sown.

If that is a society devoid of God's Word, then WE have chosen that unless we do something about it. We are not bound by their choice. We have our Savior's Word that what we bind on earth is bound.

By accepting the choice of those who choose to attempt to rid society of God's Word, we turn our back on His Word. This is true for Christains and Jews alike. It is impossible to rid anyone of God's Word since it is written on our hearts.

Christians have truly been the salt of the earth and Jesus said...Christians have had a very positive effect on this country, which is what salt does to food.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 09:23 am
Brian@764;45130 wrote:
Christians have truly been the salt of the earth and Jesus said...Christians have had a very positive effect on this country, which is what salt does to food.

Roger. We are also to be light. Salt and light bro, salt and light.

Crack the pottery and let the light shine.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 09:37 am
Volunteer;45131 wrote:
Roger. We are also to be light. Salt and light bro, salt and light.

Crack the pottery and let the light shine.

Christians are the salt or the light of the world, but it does not mean that the Christian influence will last forever. The scriptures tell us that the world will steadily get worse as time goes. We should keep in mind that this world is under the influence of Satan; Satan is called the god of this world.

It is a dangeous thing for a Christian to become comfortable in this world and act as if this is where they belong. Jesus said we cannot serve two masters. Our kingdom is yet to be set up, which will be at Jesus' second coming.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 09:45 am
Brian@764;45132 wrote:
Christians are the salt or the light of the world, but it does not mean that the Christian influence will last forever. The scriptures tell us that the world will steadily get worse as time goes. We should keep in mind that this world is under the influence of Satan; Satan is called the god of this world.

It is a dangeous thing for a Christian to become comfortable in this world and act as if this is where they belong. Jesus said we cannot serve two masters. Our kingdom is yet to be set up, which will be at Jesus' second coming.

My point exactly. As I discussed with WVPeach, we are to run the race until the end. We do not know, and should not presume that the race is ending so we should slack off and let the world (or our corner of it) devolve into a perpetual recruitment ground for sin.

Aren't we to cultivate? Aren't we to spread our seed (The Gospel)? Aren't we to help those who are blinded by the world to see? Are we to allow the briars and the tares to choke out the good seed our Father has planted?
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 10:37 am
Volunteer;45133 wrote:
My point exactly. As I discussed with WVPeach, we are to run the race until the end. We do not know, and should not presume that the race is ending so we should slack off and let the world (or our corner of it) devolve into a perpetual recruitment ground for sin.

Aren't we to cultivate? Aren't we to spread our seed (The Gospel)? Aren't we to help those who are blinded by the world to see? Are we to allow the briars and the tares to choke out the good seed our Father has planted?

As children of God's coming kingdom yes we should be about our Father's business. We should be telling others the good message of the kingdom of God. This does not mean that we should force it down those who reject that message, or condemn those who don't believe, because no one can come to Jesus if the Father has not called them to repentance. Scriptures show that the vast majority of humanity will be called at later time; even those who have died with out hope, God will resurrect them to their former state and pure out His Spirit on them, as He has done to us. God has a master plan for all, and it started with Jesus, but through those who have been given salvation now, they will at Jesus second coming will rule as kings and priest on the earth over the nations. Nations will go up to Jerusalem (which is were the kingdom of God will be set up) to be taught God's ways. It is a marvelous plan when one fully understands it.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 01:32 pm
Pinochet73;44904 wrote:
I'm afraid a Bible Party might eventually succumb to denominational squabbling and turn against the Catholic Church, in a typical 'Fundie vs. Catholicism' food-fight.

That is why this Party is/will not be based on the Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, ot Episcopal book of prayers.

It is based on the Bible/Torah.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 01:35 pm
Brian@764;45136 wrote:
As children of God's coming kingdom yes we should be about our Father's business. We should be telling others the good message of the kingdom of God. This does not mean that we should force it down those who reject that message, or condemn those who don't believe, because no one can come to Jesus if the Father has not called them to repentance. Scriptures show that the vast majority of humanity will be called at later time; even those who have died with out hope, God will resurrect them to their former state and pure out His Spirit on them, as He has done to us. God has a master plan for all, and it started with Jesus, but through those who have been given salvation now, they will at Jesus second coming will rule as kings and priest on the earth over the nations. Nations will go up to Jerusalem (which is were the kingdom of God will be set up) to be taught God's ways. It is a marvelous plan when one fully understands it.

The thorns came up and choked them. Why not be about our Father's business, till and prepare the ground, trim the thorns, move the rocks, and generally do as we are told to enable roots to grow instead of being choked?
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 02:22 pm
Volunteer;45143 wrote:
The thorns came up and choked them. Why not be about our Father's business, till and prepare the ground, trim the thorns, move the rocks, and generally do as we are told to enable roots to grow instead of being choked?

Well unfortunately as that the parable that you just hinted to some do not poses the kind of soil that is needed. In fact some have the mind of stone where it is impossible for anything to grow, some have the soil, but because their mind is full of thorns it also make it impossible for God's seed to grow. Notice that in God's eyes we are liken to the ground/soil. The soil cannot prepare itself for the seed to grow; it's the farmer who has to prepare the ground for the seed. This means that God has to prepare our mind to accept His word. Here is a scripture to illustrate my point.

Ezekiel 36:26 (KJV)
26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

For God's word to have the desired effect on our mind He has to first remove any and all obstacle or obstacles that would prevent His message from taking roots and grow. We don't naturally have a mind that is receptive to His word...if we did, then we could boast, which would mean that it was our own goodness that made us receptive to His word.
Reply Sun 11 Nov, 2007 05:00 pm
I love the Bible. I want to crawl inside it right now and forget about the world I actually live in -- that thing that's burning me out, fast.
Reply Mon 12 Nov, 2007 07:33 am
Pinochet73;45154 wrote:
I love the Bible. I want to crawl inside it right now and forget about the world I actually live in -- that thing that's burning me out, fast.

Discouragement is one of the chief tools of evil. We fight not against flesh and blood.

Maybe your work environment isn't what it should be to use your God given talents to the best effect. Maybe it is, but the powers that we fight against just seem to be winning. Take a step back and know that He is God. That He has won the victory and we just need to fear not, go about our Father's business and trust in Him.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Nov, 2007 07:39 am
Brian@764;45146 wrote:
Well unfortunately as that the parable that you just hinted to some do not poses the kind of soil that is needed. In fact some have the mind of stone where it is impossible for anything to grow, some have the soil, but because their mind is full of thorns it also make it impossible for God's seed to grow. Notice that in God's eyes we are liken to the ground/soil. The soil cannot prepare itself for the seed to grow; it's the farmer who has to prepare the ground for the seed. This means that God has to prepare our mind to accept His word. Here is a scripture to illustrate my point.

Ezekiel 36:26 (KJV)
26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

For God's word to have the desired effect on our mind He has to first remove any and all obstacle or obstacles that would prevent His message from taking roots and grow. We don't naturally have a mind that is receptive to His word...if we did, then we could boast, which would mean that it was our own goodness that made us receptive to His word.

Right. However, the famer is to till his own field and ensure it remains frree of weeds and brambles. How can we do that when laws like ENDA or tyhe recent law in California that prohibits the use of the terms mother and father in the school systems are passed because there are not enough God fearing representatives in our government?

Farmers clear fields of rocks and weeds that would choke any crop they attempt to plant. The USA is getting to the point or will reach the point rapidly if we don't do something, in which mothers and fathers will be unable to teach God's Word to their children. As it is now, when God fearing mothers and fathers do teach their children, the rest of society attempts to steal those words and turn the children against their parents and their parents' teaching.

The only way to prevent this is to engage in the political instruments that cause this situation to increase or decrease. Otherwise, we leave the political battlefield open to the hard hearted.
Reply Mon 12 Nov, 2007 08:27 am
Volunteer;45191 wrote:
Right. However, the famer is to till his own field and ensure it remains frree of weeds and brambles. How can we do that when laws like ENDA or tyhe recent law in California that prohibits the use of the terms mother and father in the school systems are passed because there are not enough God fearing representatives in our government?

Farmers clear fields of rocks and weeds that would choke any crop they attempt to plant. The USA is getting to the point or will reach the point rapidly if we don't do something, in which mothers and fathers will be unable to teach God's Word to their children. As it is now, when God fearing mothers and fathers do teach their children, the rest of society attempts to steal those words and turn the children against their parents and their parents' teaching.

The only way to prevent this is to engage in the political instruments that cause this situation to increase or decrease. Otherwise, we leave the political battlefield open to the hard hearted.
Reply Mon 12 Nov, 2007 08:44 am
Brian@764;45195 wrote:
No I don't believe you understand the parable....the farmer and the soil are two different people. The farmer is the one who sows the seed, which is the word of God, and the soil/ground are those to whom the seed/word is sown on....the farmer represents God. Once the soil has been prepared, the soil is ready to receive the word, once they have received the word God will give them a heart that will desire to do the will and ability to do God’s will.

Philippians 1:6 (KJV)
6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

I was not refering to that specific parable in a literal sense. I was not binding myself to that parable and attempting to understand it. I understand the parable is talking about God, the Father as the Farmer.

I was refering to the job God has set before us and things we need to do to to accomplish what God wants us to accomplish.

Dt 11:18-11:19, “Impress these words of Mine on your hearts and souls, bind them as a sign on your hands, and let them be a symbol on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Reply Mon 12 Nov, 2007 08:48 am
Dt 30:19-30:20, “I call heaven and earth as witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, love the LORD your God, obey Him, and remain faithful to Him. For He is your life and He will prolong your life in the land the LORD swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

How can we do what we are charged with above if laws are made and enforced or society is structured bny the forces of evil to prevent us from talking about God's Word or teaching our children His Word without them being told that His Word is hate or evil. This is what the world is doing every day and laws are being changed by people who've given themselves over to their own desires and want to extend their hell to everyone else.
Reply Mon 12 Nov, 2007 09:06 am
Volunteer;45197 wrote:
Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Yes one has to take responsibility for their own salvation, and it is God who is in us (Christians) that work in us, both the will and the good work as verse 13 says.

Philippians 2:12-13 (KJV)
12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

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