Prove there isn't. (any god)
Similar is not equal to the same. Further honest study will expose the differences.
Sounds like wishful thinking to me.
My frame of reference is based on the Bible, God's Word. Researchers have yet to disprove anything in the Bible and over thousands of years events related in the Bible have been proven to have happened. New evidence is uncovered every day that supports the Bible with physical evidence. Eyewitness testimony supports the Bible as truth.
Are you delusional? Science has proved the bible wrong on many occasions including but not limited to: 6 day earth creation, global flood, young earth, 2 white oldest ancestors etc...
I value, yes. You must value something to believe in it. If you don't believe in anything it is easy to find everything silly. If you believe parts is parts and that is your world view then you have that as your religion. How is that working out for you?
Atheism is not a religion as defined by the dictionary, and yes my decision to be an atheist is the best damn decision i ever made!
You act like you do.
how so? does my believing you are wrong make me all-knowing?
7. ...and? Sorry but i don't see your point in this!
Think harder about it. Or, if you prefer think smarter.
sorry, you must be making a connection that is not present in my mind, as i still don't see your point.
Correct assumption. I don't need to be to decide my belief system. I only need to know what is right for me. As for me and my family we shall serve the Lord (Jesus). You are given the right, same as I am, to serve whomever you wish.
then why do you ask me if i am a theologian?
It's not my list, it's yours. I have been exposed to other religions and cultures. I have lived in those cultures, not just visited.
I have done a great deal of research on my own time...
I believe mine is true and the others are false. My basis for this belief is 50 years of experience and learning with God's Word as the foundation.
and yet, someone of a different religion would probably answer the same with a different conclusion, so let me ask this again: How is your conclusion better than that of another faith?
My replies are in red^