Bible Party of the USA

Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 02:23 pm
wvpeach;39862 wrote:
So until the US passes a law saying that all kids must be sent to public schools and cannot attend private schools or be homed schooled your argument is not valid. In fact it is untrue. As a Christian parent it was my responsibility to teach my children about God. Not the governments.

Roger that, it is the responsibility of every Jew and Christian to teach their children the Word of God and to live by that Word. When the government contradicts that teaching or ridicules the children for their Biblical beliefs, it has crossed that imaginary line people keep touting about separation of church and state.

Have you read about the Judicial ruling that prevents parents from opting their children out of public school classes that teach promiscuity and sexual experimentation? I know this may not be happening in WV, but it is elsewhere in the USA. Do you have the income to send you children or grandchildren to private school? Did you when your children were children?
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 02:24 pm
wvpeach;39863 wrote:

You do realize that during Jesus lifetime , Roman rule was the law of the land and that teaching about God was not main stream? The romans had many God and myths they worshipped and yet the Jewish God believers still remained stead fast in their faith?

You do realize that at many times down through history Christians have faced death if they met together to worship God?

Compared to history we are in a fairly good state where our religion is concerned in this country. We can teach our children as we please and we can meet together without fear of a army arresting and killing us all.

Have you read George Orwell's Animal Farm?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 02:43 pm
wvpeach;39862 wrote:
The hate crime legislation just passed. I don't hear anybody telling Christians or pastors they cannot teach the bible anywhere. Now perhaps you will hear that somebody landed in jail that should have been taught the entire bible. Like some poor person who had parents that taught them that being gay is wrong without teaching them that Christ also said we are not to take it upon oursleves to judge or take revenge. You might hear some person who was not taught the real teachings of Christ gets prosecuted under the Hate crimes act because they killed or beat somebody up. But then they would not really be acting on the teachings of christ , because he never told us to beat or kill anybody.

Maybe not yet, just wait. They will. Please don't tell me you are like the president of Iran, wishing to hasten the end of the world by allowing evil to grow exponentially.

One reason we have the crime we have is that people have a vested interest in using the quote about, judging not lest ye be judged, to justify their behavior. They can do this by lifting it from the context and ignoring the fact that identification of the bad behavior as bad behavior is different from judging whether someone is a good enough Christian. The passage in question does not tell us not to call sin, sin. It tells us not to judge the salvation of another Christian.

People who want to persist in their sin use this line to shut you up and intimidate you into silence so you won't remind them what they are doing is sin/wrong. If their concience has quit working and no one tells them they are wrong to behave in a certain way, then they can persist in that behavior without consequence in the here and now. That seems fine for them since they have blinded themselves to the Truth.

On the side of the Christian it is another matter. The Christian who chooses to remain silent is not helping those who continue in sin to be saved from an eternity in Hell. Are you content to allow that situation to continue? Are you content to let someone whose conscience has become flabby die in sin in the delusion that there will be no consequence?

Are you unaware that under the hate crimes construct, stating that something is wrong to someone who is doing something wrong is defined as verbal assault if that statement conflicts with the recipient's view of the world and they can show that your statement distressed them? The element of physical violence is not the issue since physical violence was already against the law. If the hate crimes ammendment did ride on the backs of our troops into law, the issue is now thought crimes, not action.

If you are happy this law is about to or has passed, I feel sorry for you and predict there will come a day when you, if you remain a Christian, will feel its bite.
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 02:53 pm
wvpeach;39863 wrote:

You do realize that during Jesus lifetime , Roman rule was the law of the land and that teaching about God was not main stream? The romans had many God and myths they worshipped and yet the Jewish God believers still remained stead fast in their faith?

You do realize that at many times down through history Christians have faced death if they met together to worship God?

Compared to history we are in a fairly good state where our religion is concerned in this country. We can teach our children as we please and we can meet together without fear of a army arresting and killing us all.

The United State of America is not pagan Rome. Pagan Rome was not founded on the Word of God and dedicated to honor God. The United States of America was.

Pagan Rome was not a democracy in which the common citizen had the vote. In the United States of America we do. Women did not have the vote. In the United States of America you do. Christ and Christian civilisation elevated women from second class to near domination of society.

The majority of Roman citizens did not identify themselves as Christian. most people in the United States of America do identify themselves as Christian.

The examples you give as justification for innaction are based on the faulty premise that Christians in the USofA have the same political influence they did in pagan Rome. We don't. If we allow society to continue to deteriorate, we will be the guilty ones. We know better.

Would you rather vote to prevent conditions from deteriorating to the point you cite, or would you rather do nothing and have you or your family have to choose between remaining Christian and speaking the Gospel or imprisonment and death?

Why would you choose to practice bleeding?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 03:16 pm
I attended catholic schools and we are not catholic. I attended because Cleveland area public schools were a mess clear back in the 60's and my parents wern't about to send us to public schools.

None were available within a 2 hour distance of my home for my own children. Two other sets of parents did car pool with me for one year , but we all decided the drive was counter productive to the kids lives.
But as parents in mass we were active in the school and that is all it takes to make a difference in the public schools. And believe me the schools got the message. My sons we athletes and good ones too. They got the message when they were not allowed to practice or play until after church on Sundays . I continued this right through college , asking college coaches at universities that were founded on Christian principles and still proudly point to them in their recruiting litrature exactly how they could always justify having scheduled games on Sunday mornings since that is the nationally accepted time of worship. Believe me football, basketball, and baseball coaches would have liked to see me disappear and keep my sons. But that was not happening.

The town my kids grew up in does now have two Christian schools and one goes through high school just this year.

My children and I have already decided that we will be home schooling any kids they have. Actually God willing and he leaves me alive till I finally get some grandchildren it looks like that job might be mine by popular demand.

And that is not to say we are giving up on public schools as I said my oldest son is a high school history teacher and educational director of the boys and girls clubs in the city he lives in. None of us believe you can give up on trying to make the schools better for the millions of kids that have to attend them. But academically they have gotten so bad we all agree we will not be sending our own children. ( there children , my grandchildren to public schools ) unless there is a drastic change when they finally come up with a grandchild.

And this is the parents responsibility. A responsible parent thinks about things like education before they have children. And makes what is right happen through involvement. I get so tired of the parents who think the school should babysit their kids. Parents should make the time to sit down nightly and go over what the kid has learned that day in school. Its important. Its the most important thing they can do to raise good kids. Now I know a lot of kids are stuck in bad schools through no fault of their own and that is why we cannot give up on them. But that does not mean I would send my grandchild to one and apparently many agree with me.

Volunteer;39864 wrote:
Roger that, it is the responsibility of every Jew and Christian to teach their children the Word of God and to live by that Word. When the government contradicts that teaching or ridicules the children for their Biblical beliefs, it has crossed that imaginary line people keep touting about separation of church and state.

Have you read about the Judicial ruling that prevents parents from opting their children out of public school classes that teach promiscuity and sexual experimentation? I know this may not be happening in WV, but it is elsewhere in the USA. Do you have the income to send you children or grandchildren to private school? Did you when your children were children?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 04:14 pm
Volunteer;39857 wrote:
The mythical separation of church and state is one major example. There is no statement in the Constitution or Bill of Rights of the USA that implies a separation of church and state. Yet this has become the law of the land based on a ruling from the Supreme Court of the USA.

This ruling has opened the door for the removal of all prayer from our puiblic schools; the removal of the Bible as a book of instruction in our public schools; changing the history taught to our children and grandchildren in our public schools from the actual facts, in which the nature of our founders' Christian relationship with God has been replaced by a sanitized version that excludes the role of Christianity in the founding and building of the USA. It has also led to an exclusion of publicly professing Christians from many walks of life.

With the introduction of the hate crimes legislation now being considered as an ammendment to the FY 2008 Defense Appropriations Act, if this passes, Christians will be prohibited from teaching their children the Word of God and church leaders will be prohibited by law from preaching the Gospel.

Already, the forces of the anti-Christ are forcing Christians to remove the cross from their gravestones/markers. Christian symbols placed on memorials are in jeopardy every day from a concerted effort to remove all reference to Christ Jesus and His Father from the public eye.

If you believe this does not constitute a prohibition against the individual Christian obeying God's Word, then consider this as only one passage that these societal actions have caused Christians to ignore or shun:

Dt 11:18-11:19, “Impress these words of Mine on your hearts and souls, bind them as a sign on your hands, and let them be a symbol on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

It is hardly "mythical", the separation of Church and State, but one of the precepts this nation was founded upon, for very important reasons.
Because "freedom" is a paramount value, and the seat of our belief as Americans, as mentioned in the "Secular views" section..."in order to keep a religion from enforcing its' social or ethical paradigm on government", it is necessary to maintain and enforce the separation, while acknowledging the freedom of people to express their religions or their non-religions, within the framework of society.
And you seem to be "over-the-top", with your suggestion that "hate crimes legislation now being considered as an ammendment to the FY 2008 Defense Appropriations Act, if this passes, Christians will be prohibited from teaching their children the Word of God and church leaders will be prohibited by law from preaching the Gospel." If this means in a public school setting, then I, personally, think it is appropriate to prohibit the teaching from the Bible and the preaching of the Gospel, as that is a function of the church and a practice within the confines of a home. It should not be forced down someone's throat, or be required. Christ beckoned those to come to Him, that were heavy-laden...not under threat of damnation or at the tip of a sword, but "freely", of their own volition. How then now, are we( or better, 'you") to force your beliefs on others?
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 04:35 pm
volunteer you must be one of those people who only believes part of the Holy Scriptures? Is this true?

Because if you believe all of them then we will have to discuss the mistranslations , man has inserted in the bible in modern times.

The concept of hell is not one I believe in and indeed do not believe it was in the original hebrew, and greek texts of the Holy Word of God. It was inserted about 400 years after Christs death and many church leaders have written extensively about this fact. I believe God will destroy the unrepentant. I do not believe our mercy filled God will torture them.

What Does the Bible Teach About Hell? is one of the sites that explains this simply. Volunteer if you desire to know the truth of God's word I suggest you read this site and we can discuss it further.

We can continue discussing the bible together if you are open and learning from the Holy Spirit in prayer that you be taught the truth.

There is no point if you are one of those who sees as though through a thick veil and has eyes that are covered in scales. And I am not insulting you, I see no point in further discussions if we are not on the same page or learning curve being taught by the Holy Spirit . Let me know? I am not interested in talking with people who spew forth the teachings of men as God's Word. I am only interested in what God has to say on the matter.

Volunteer;39866 wrote:
Maybe not yet, just wait. They will. Please don't tell me you are like the president of Iran, wishing to hasten the end of the world by allowing evil to grow exponentially.

One reason we have the crime we have is that people have a vested interest in using the quote about, judging not lest ye be judged, to justify their behavior. They can do this by lifting it from the context and ignoring the fact that identification of the bad behavior as bad behavior is different from judging whether someone is a good enough Christian. The passage in question does not tell us not to call sin, sin. It tells us not to judge the salvation of another Christian.

People who want to persist in their sin use this line to shut you up and intimidate you into silence so you won't remind them what they are doing is sin/wrong. If their concience has quit working and no one tells them they are wrong to behave in a certain way, then they can persist in that behavior without consequence in the here and now. That seems fine for them since they have blinded themselves to the Truth.

On the side of the Christian it is another matter. The Christian who chooses to remain silent is not helping those who continue in sin to be saved from an eternity in Hell. Are you content to allow that situation to continue? Are you content to let someone whose conscience has become flabby die in sin in the delusion that there will be no consequence?

Are you unaware that under the hate crimes construct, stating that something is wrong to someone who is doing something wrong is defined as verbal assault if that statement conflicts with the recipient's view of the world and they can show that your statement distressed them? The element of physical violence is not the issue since physical violence was already against the law. If the hate crimes ammendment did ride on the backs of our troops into law, the issue is now thought crimes, not action.

If you are happy this law is about to or has passed, I feel sorry for you and predict there will come a day when you, if you remain a Christian, will feel its bite.
Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 10:42 pm
I'm not disregarding the rest of your post. Quote: What Does the Bible Teach About Hell? is one of the sites that explains this simply. Volunteer if you desire to know the truth of God's word I suggest you read this site and we can discuss it further.
I was just replying to this. It isn't the last word on Hell. End Quote,

Look at Luke, chapter 16 verse 19-31. It is the only place I see the idea of Hell for the humans from then till now. The grave. 6 feet under and having knowledge of our separated or saved state with the Lord and His Father. I am surprised others don't pick up on this.
Reply Mon 1 Oct, 2007 04:11 am
I am not surprised, Satan has always desired one thing to be like the most high God.
Just as he asked Christ to worship him , and Satan offered him the kingdoms of the world because they were his to give , Satan has always desired worship for himself. Within guidelines God has set, Satan is allowed much power ( for now) on this earth. Even Satan cannot break his boundaries God has set for him.

Since most men will not knowingly bow and worship Satan , he has corrupted the man made denominations of churches. The very days of our modern calendar are named after pagan Gods and Satan has everybody worshiping on Sunday a day named after the Pagan " Sun" god. Anything to keep people from really obeying God , because once they do they receive the Holy Spirit and become a child of God in truth and then are lost to Satan .

The concept of God eternally torturing the souls of mankind is not found in the original greek and hebrew scriptures. It was inserted by men later and the word ( hell) comes from the goddess of the underworld Helena. Church leaders down through the centuries fluent in greek have written about this lie of Satans and said things like." While the concept of eternal fiery punishment is foreign to the Holy Scriptures, let it remain and be widely spread abroad , that the common man may be caused to serve his God in his fear of such torment"

Strange isn't it mlurp about lie. Repeat a lie long enough and loud enough and the whole world starts to believe its true. That is what has happened with Satans lie about God tormenting the souls of men in fire.

God will destroy the unrepentant after Satans short run at the end . Destroy meaning gone , remembered by the children of God no more. Their names never spoken of again. God will destroy them he will not torture them.

mlurp;39895 wrote:
I'm not disregarding the rest of your post. Quote: What Does the Bible Teach About Hell? is one of the sites that explains this simply. Volunteer if you desire to know the truth of God's word I suggest you read this site and we can discuss it further.
I was just replying to this. It isn't the last word on Hell. End Quote,

Look at Luke, chapter 16 verse 19-31. It is the only place I see the idea of Hell for the humans from then till now. The grave. 6 feet under and having knowledge of our separated or saved state with the Lord and His Father. I am surprised others don't pick up on this.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2007 09:35 am
wvpeach;39878 wrote:
volunteer you must be one of those people who only believes part of the Holy Scriptures? Is this true?...

There is no point if you are one of those who sees as though through a thick veil and has eyes that are covered in scales. And I am not insulting you, I see no point in further discussions if we are not on the same page or learning curve being taught by the Holy Spirit . Let me know? I am not interested in talking with people who spew forth the teachings of men as God's Word. I am only interested in what God has to say on the matter.

1. I believe the Holy Scriptures are God's Word. No.

2. I concur with what God says through His Word.

My question to you: What is a Christian?
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2007 09:58 am
A christian is one who acknowledges our Lord Jesus 's sacrifice for us . That he died , and rose again that many might be saved .
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believeth on him shall not persih but have ever lasting life.

[SIZE="5"] And a christian is one who follows the teachings of Christ.[/SIZE]

Volunteer;40641 wrote:
1. I believe the Holy Scriptures are God's Word. No.

2. I concur with what God says through His Word.

My question to you: What is a Christian?
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2007 06:34 pm
wvpeach;40645 wrote:
A christian is one who acknowledges our Lord Jesus 's sacrifice for us . That he died , and rose again that many might be saved .
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believeth on him shall not persih but have ever lasting life.

[SIZE="5"] And a christian is one who follows the teachings of Christ.[/SIZE]

Saved from what?
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2007 07:04 pm
Volunteer;40714 wrote:
Saved from what?

[SIZE="3"] Saved from separation from God![/SIZE]
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2007 07:21 pm
wvpeach;40716 wrote:
[SIZE="3"] Saved from separation from God![/SIZE]

What is the wrath of God?

Should we fear it?
Reply Sun 7 Oct, 2007 08:09 pm
Volunteer;40717 wrote:
What is the wrath of God?

Should we fear it?

I don't fear it as i am a child of God , though he slay me I will have faith.

But the world should fear it as the bible says this time the earth will be destroyed by fire.
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2007 08:35 am
wvpeach;40731 wrote:
I don't fear it as i am a child of God , though he slay me I will have faith.

But the world should fear it as the bible says this time the earth will be destroyed by fire.

Roger, I understand that and I surmise that unless you were born Jewish, you probably have been a grafted child of Israel since baptizism near birth, confirmed or baptized in water around age 10 and continued from that age in the firm knowledge of your salvation through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

However, put yourself outside yourself (as a child of Israel) for a minute and think about it from an unsaved person's point of view. What does separation from God in this situation mean?

Then, think about God's grace that you rely upon. When you come face-to-face with Jesus or Yahweh, what will your reaction be based on descriptions of Their holiness and your knowledge of our sinful state, even as people who've been redeemed? Despite the fact you and I are saved, based on descriptions given in the Bible, when we come face-to-face with Him, we will be hit with an almost physical understanding of how unclean we are and unworthy we are of that grace.

My point in the post you had a problem with was that while we are saved, those who have not heard or been taught God's Word are lost and without a shepherd in the world we live in. This leaves them completely vulnerable in today's world. Without The Word, they have no valid measure with which to discern right and wrong.

The purpose of this party is to reverse that situation by strengthening the moral fiber of our nation.
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2007 08:38 am
Consider this article at:

Air America Launches Nationwide Atheism Program -- 10/08/2007

Air America Launches Nationwide Atheism Program
By Nathan Burchfiel
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
October 08, 2007

(CNSNews.com) - The liberal talk radio network Air America announced this week it will launch a nationwide show focusing on atheism. The first national show will feature Christopher Hitchens, author of "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything."

The Freethought Radio Program, hosted by the co-presidents of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, has been airing on Air America's Madison, Wis., affiliate since April 2006.

On Saturday, Oct. 6, the show will begin airing on 14 other affiliates from Palm Springs, Fla., to Eugene, Ore., and on XM Satellite radio.

"You can turn on the radio or TV 24/7 to be preached at," Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the FFRF, said in a statement. "This is one hour a week of the public airwaves that offers an alternative."

Gaylor said the program "offers irreverent views, news, music and interviews," including a regular news feature called "Theocracy Alert."

Peter Sprigg, vice president for policy at the Family Research Council, noted that atheists have the same free speech rights as all Americans. Yet, as he told Cybercast News Service, "I doubt atheist radio will be any more popular than liberal radio."

"Conservative talk radio dominates, as do Christian radio programs," he said. "I don't think Dr. James Dobson, with Focus on the Family, has anything to worry about from atheist radio."

Sprigg further said that liberals often claim that one can be a Christian and a liberal at the same, but, in his view, the step to promote atheism on the airwaves is indicative perhaps that liberalism is incompatible with traditional religious belief.
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2007 09:07 am
Ah but that is where we disagree . Its apparent through my own studies of the bible that no government of man will ever prosper . God's plan does not allow for it. If you want to strengthen the moral fiber and knowledge of God in this nation, you should do it door to door as the bible tells us to do. You should do it by example, in a food pantry, or free after school program for children. It cannot be done through political parties or government, nor judges, the bible clearly tells us this. Even Christ did not go against the government , nor try to change it while he was here on earth. Slavery was common during Christs life. He did not speak out against it. Instead he told slaves to live such Godly lives they might through their service influence their masters to come to God.

Nope volunteer what you propose goes directly against the bible and God's plan. After all if what you want happened we'd be a nation unlike any other on the planet that has ever been. We'd be a nation that truly follows the teachings Of Christ . Read the bible , that will not happen. It is depressing , but true none the less.

Volunteer;40763 wrote:
Roger, I understand that and I surmise that unless you were born Jewish, you probably have been a grafted child of Israel since baptizism near birth, confirmed or baptized in water around age 10 and continued from that age in the firm knowledge of your salvation through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

However, put yourself outside yourself (as a child of Israel) for a minute and think about it from an unsaved person's point of view. What does separation from God in this situation mean?

Then, think about God's grace that you rely upon. When you come face-to-face with Jesus or Yahweh, what will your reaction be based on descriptions of Their holiness and your knowledge of our sinful state, even as people who've been redeemed? Despite the fact you and I are saved, based on descriptions given in the Bible, when we come face-to-face with Him, we will be hit with an almost physical understanding of how unclean we are and unworthy we are of that grace.

My point in the post you had a problem with was that while we are saved, those who have not heard or been taught God's Word are lost and without a shepherd in the world we live in. This leaves them completely vulnerable in today's world. Without The Word, they have no valid measure with which to discern right and wrong.

The purpose of this party is to reverse that situation by strengthening the moral fiber of our nation.
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2007 09:21 am
Atheism? Why in the world should this be any different than what has happened before. When Christ walked this earth, Rome ruled the world with their pagan multiple Gods . They worshipped the SUN and helena the God of the underworld , among literally hundreds of other fake Gods. You can be sure that Atheists were alive and well during Christs life, because smart people figured out all those false gods had no power and payed omage only for political reasons ,IE to not be shunned or killed for not worshiping the Kings favorite diety. you can bet many lost faith in gods or a God all together.And they talked about it , in bath houses and gatherings , just like we do today. The only difference is we have Radio and TV now, and we do have entire radio and TV stations dedicated to the Christian voice. I can't think of one dedicated solely to the Atheist voice. So give them a program here and there. there is no way to stop it, and Christs example does not point to the fact we are supposed to.

[SIZE="4"] King Soloman said there is no new thing under the SUN, no not one, what is , has been and will be again. This is nothing new. [/SIZE]

Involvement in government is not the answer volunteer. The answer is to produce fruit for the witness of Christ in your own life or in groups that work towards that goal. Invlovement in government is dangerous from what I see in my studies. God may blind the eyes of those that think a man made institution can bring peace, holiness , and prosperity to the world. I have some religious study mentors that believe it is a waste of time to talk about God to people who are holding govermental office while they are in office as they believe they are there because God allows it and like Pharaoh God has hardened their hearts to the truth . I agree , but like with anything else there are always exceptions.

Volunteer;40764 wrote:
Consider this article at:

Air America Launches Nationwide Atheism Program -- 10/08/2007

Air America Launches Nationwide Atheism Program
By Nathan Burchfiel
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
October 08, 2007

(CNSNews.com) - The liberal talk radio network Air America announced this week it will launch a nationwide show focusing on atheism. The first national show will feature Christopher Hitchens, author of "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything."

The Freethought Radio Program, hosted by the co-presidents of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, has been airing on Air America's Madison, Wis., affiliate since April 2006.

On Saturday, Oct. 6, the show will begin airing on 14 other affiliates from Palm Springs, Fla., to Eugene, Ore., and on XM Satellite radio.

"You can turn on the radio or TV 24/7 to be preached at," Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the FFRF, said in a statement. "This is one hour a week of the public airwaves that offers an alternative."

Gaylor said the program "offers irreverent views, news, music and interviews," including a regular news feature called "Theocracy Alert."

Peter Sprigg, vice president for policy at the Family Research Council, noted that atheists have the same free speech rights as all Americans. Yet, as he told Cybercast News Service, "I doubt atheist radio will be any more popular than liberal radio."

"Conservative talk radio dominates, as do Christian radio programs," he said. "I don't think Dr. James Dobson, with Focus on the Family, has anything to worry about from atheist radio."

Sprigg further said that liberals often claim that one can be a Christian and a liberal at the same, but, in his view, the step to promote atheism on the airwaves is indicative perhaps that liberalism is incompatible with traditional religious belief.
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2007 09:22 am
But hey voluteer I am now sure you have been warned.

If you must dabble in the government of the world , I will pray for you.

Because the bible clearly says that the world for now is the kingdom of Satan.

I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

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