Volunteer;15945 wrote:I don't need to show a poll. I look at society and see it every day. Your acceptance of abortion in society unless it is your woman is a good example of a lack of criticality in personal ethics.
Now that is exactly what I didn't say. Your rather good at putting words into other peoples mouths.
What I said was that abortion is something that must be overturned in the classroom rather then the courts. With a lack of public opinion court precedents will merely be overturned by future courts.
The greatest tool against abortion is the truth of abortion. By teaching high school children in detail exactly what an abortion is America will end or limit abortion herself. And if we can stop hiding sex in our society and provide real sexual education, the kind that is proven to reduce teen pregnancy in Europe, then we can start to make it more of a non issue.
Once these things are done I believe America will choose to end most abortion, Rudy Giuliani said it best "In today's society if you end up with an unwanted pregnancy you have failed".
What you purpose to do is impose your theology over an American population that wouldn't pass that as a national ballot measure. You seek Tyranny in the name of God, imposing your will above democracy. It is you who lack critical thinking in this manner. Abortion is a cultural issue far more then a legal one.