Volunteer;15913 wrote:OK sorry for calling you a liberal. What's the difference between a moderate republican and a liberal?
Well I support the war, even if we're there another 5 years, there's a start.
I am personally Pro-Life, but I do not think that it's up to me to push my ethics on others, even if Abortion is disgusting, so I'm Pro-Choice politically. If we really want to stop abortion it has to be done in the classroom, not the courtroom.
I'm anti gun control, I even think that assault rifles with burst capability should be legalized to persons over the age of 25 with clean records who can pass a certification.
I'm also super pro death penalty, I think even Texas isn't aggressive enough on this. And I don't believe felons need rehab, they need punishment for their crimes and then the option of rehab once there debt's paid.
I'm in favor of complete separation of Church and state, but that's all religion, not just Christianity. When Kansas put foot baths in their airport to accommodate Muslims it was me who posted the thread about how wrong it was. I'm not Anti-Religion, but faith is a personal matter and it should remain that way so that nobody feels like a second class citizen.
And lastly I'm pro stem cell research, as the current plan opposed by Bush would only use stem cells from aborted fetuses, and it could help people, it's simply making the best out of a bad situation.