“so? geesh it is a sign of success to be hated. Lots of people still hate Jesus, and anyone who is successful in this world has a number of enemies.”
Right. But I’m referring to the survival of Christian Civilization, and not individuals. Didn’t 911 teach you anything? That’s tragic.
“In fact it is a part of life. I allow my enemies to propel me to greatness.”
Man, don’t I know it. I live that way myself.
“In fact one enemy was so busy being jealous and vindictive l sent him a Christmas card, and thanked him for his unrelenting attack as he made me look so amazing and himself so silly.”
No offense, but that wasn’t very Christ-like, was it? Also, tactically speaking, you lowered yourself to his level.
“I also passed on the insight that he was propelling me to greater success, since l was now aware of the incredible threat l was to him, and now valued myself greatly.”
That’s better.
“I think that the "holy war" concept is illogical.”
How can survival be ‘illogical’? I think anyone who doesn’t want to survive is a loser, and maybe even an illogical one at that.
“Both sides believe that their God is right, and therefore they must impose this on whoever doesn't agree, this in fact is opposite of what the teachings of the Bible, the Kabballah, and the Laws of the Universe.”
Not exactly. The Old Testament is chuck full of holy war-driven genocide on the part of the Jews. Much of my inspiration is derived therein. I don’t care about the Kabballah, and the laws of the universe don’t have squat to do with tribal conflict and ascendancy.
“There is one God we are taught, and all is one. So regardless of the stupidity of the belief, it is infinately more stupid to fight over something that is suppose to unit and promote love.”
Yeah, I felt so united with and loved by Islam on 911. I also felt overwhelming fraternity with the executioners who sawed off Nick Berg’s head with a dull kitchen knife. And Iran……ah, yes…….Iran. I’m so relieved they took more hostages to terrorize and use as leverage to build nukes to blow up Israel and start a nuclear holocaust. You live in the Land of Oz, my friend. You’ll figure it out the day SHTF.
“There are two emotions that humans have- love and fear. love unites and fear rips apart. We need to look at the decisions being discussed and those being made and ask ourselves, are these being done in love or in fear.”
And don’t forget a few others – fight or flight. Presently, you live in the comfort of a powerful, materially aristocratic, secure country. You can afford to think like Woodrow Wilson or Ghandi or MLK, but your fantasies about fraternity having any impact at all on Al Qaeda and its 200 million followers are childlike and irrelevant to reality. Dream on, Grasshopper. Dream on. The day on which you can wish away the explosives strapped to suicide bombers, or the swords sawing off the heads of innocent hostages in the Middle East, you will be ready to leave the Shaolin Temple. Until then, Grasshopper, you must continue to train in the ways of life, and LEARN its most basic lessons first.