xris;75669 wrote:I dont know if you are being obtuse on purpose or by ignorance.
I'm not the one making the absurd claim that Church dogma never changes.
xris;75669 wrote:As the muslim faith denies christian beliefs and came after our saviour jesus of Nazareth it can not be considered as dogma revealed by scriptures or tradition.
What are you talking about? No one is saying that Islam is dogma; instead, it is being evinced that Church dogma
regarding Islam has changed. Talk about obtuse, Xris, this is really straightforward stuff.
xris;75669 wrote:Dogma is the traditions of the church eg. that contraception is a sin and the scriptures as we read them are to be obeyed.If the Pope has been informed by god to change these dogmas it has to be considered by the papal court and no such court has ever been held that changes these dogmas.
It's called an Ecumenical Council, and, yes, there have been such councils. Besides, the Pope can change dogma on his own by issuing what is called a Papal Bull.
xris;75669 wrote:Making sounds of reconciliation are not changes in dogma but pragmatic views taken by successive popes.
If it is a change in Church teaching, it is a change in Church dogma. By definition.
xris;75669 wrote:I restate my view that the RC church by its intransigent conviction is unable to modernise and we need its destruction before these problems can be resolved.I have the same opinion of all organised faith driven organisations.I am a revolutionist in the purest of causes.
No, you're an ahistorical obstinate dogmatist who does everything he can to paint religion in the worst light possible in spite of facts.
Honestly, I have never seen such a stubborn unwillingness to accept such a simple fact on this forum.
All the evidence has been presented. Why you are unable or unwilling to process and accept such a simple fact as the Church's ability to alter doctrine is something I can only guess at - but to publicly air my guesses as to the source of your stubbornness would require me to break forum rules and say rather negative things about you. As such, I'm done. :nonooo:
Your stubbornness is especially strange to me as admitting that the Church can change doctrine would in no way impede upon your ability to criticize the Church for harmful dogma - and even stranger because, in the case of contraception and abortion, I agree with your assessment of Catholic dogma.
For the erudition of anyone who gives a damn about gaining an honest understanding of this matter:
"FOUR decades ago, Roman Catholics were hit over the head by revisions of church teaching and practice authorized by the world's bishops at the Second Vatican Council."