xris;73690 wrote:Religion is a construct of man not a divine inspired creation.
This is a false dichotomy. Divinely inspired creations are also constructs of men.
xris;73690 wrote:The laws and the route it takes, is the religion, you cant separate the institution from its members.
Sure you can. For example, Cardinal Desmond Tutu is not the same as the Roman Catholic Church, although the Cardinal is a member of said institution.
xris;73690 wrote:Its leaders by the original founders instruction carry out their wishes.
Not necessarily. It is most certainly possible for any group to act contrary to the wishes of said groups founders.
xris;73690 wrote:If i have a fire in my belly and a certain distaste for the RC church its not born from ignorance or a need for answers.
Then why ask questions if you have no interest in the answers?
xris;73690 wrote:I dont really care what answers the RC church give because they are bigoted and biased.
All answers are bigoted? That's a strong statement. If, for the sake of argument, I were to agree with you that the institution and the members are inseparable, then examples of non-bigoted RC answers abound - answers which even you would admit are non-bigoted. For example, the activism of Father Merton against the war in Vietnam. His efforts were conducted in solidarity with the Vietnamese monks who demonstrated for peace. No bigotry, no hatred, just a desire to end a senseless war.
xris;73690 wrote:All I want is for them like so many institution of the faithful is to disappear.
I am very sad to hear that you would like to see the largest and most important charitable organizations in the world disappear. I am very sad to hear that you champion such a massive increase in suffering around the world. It's also quite out of character for you, seeing as you're a generally nice and concerned person.
xris;73690 wrote:If a political party made a law enforced with the same vengeful attitude towards contraception, the world and you would react with the same venom as me.If by a man made law it caused the death of thousands innocent children, you'd throw a fit.
And I stand with you when criticizing the RC Church for it's stance on contraception and abortion. The difference between us on the matter is something akin to the difference between Malcolm X and ML King. There's no hate or anger in my disagreement; that anger you harbor will prove counter productive.
xris;73690 wrote:I have no inbuilt respect for religion, i despise them all, my anger does not kill or harm anyone unlike these perverted demands
But that anger does harm you. It is not good for the mind because it occupies contemplation that could be used to seek out ways to improve the situation. Seeking productive solutions is far better than seething in anger.