This morning, listening to NPR, I was musing over the women I know who have crushes on Scott Simon. That led me to laugh over the women who have crushes on Ryan Stiles.
Both men are in the personality category. When the women are asked what they find so appealing about Scott and Ryan, they answer, "Their brains."
Of course, like JJ says beauty fades dumb is forever.
No wonder you laughed POM. Brains are a turn off for you. You like grovellers and sychophantic uxoriousness of the "yes my dear, no my dear, three bags full my dear type" like your new mate who you have suddenly found you have so much in common with.
Dumb is forever Spendius take notes.
I know. I only like dumb women. Back row D stream types without the slightest shred of decency.
Dumb women are usually skint in a meritocracy which causes them to be impressed with reasonable amounts of expenditure.
@The Pentacle Queen,
Hiya Queenie. Did you take my advice?
No names. I'm discreet.
Something like the character Josiane Tanzilla played in my very favourite movie.
What's your favourite movie?
Amarcord. I can talk about that movie forever.
I don't know it, give us a quick run down please. No spoilers I may get to watch this film of yours.
Yinyangery with a left wing agenda. But it's just a collection of wonderful scenes and the most amazing casting I've ever seen. It's really about how to make movies.
You don't "watch" movies like Amarcord. You live with them. The more I saw of it the more it opened out. It goes miles too fast for one viewing to do much good.
Well I'll definitely keep a look out for it, sounds bloody good.
@The Pentacle Queen,
About getting down to a media centre with your certificate and an attractive frock.