Quote:Why? Since you seem to agree with me, why is my position "over the top?"
I neither agree not disagree, really.
I don't think we have sufficient evidence to claim absolute knowledge, which you appear to be doing.
What I DO agree with is the harm done by therapists who went about "recovering" memories.
Your amnesia claim is a point against you by the way.
There occasionally appear to be genuine cases of amnesia as a kind of conversion disorder...where a person is so overwhelmed that they become amnesic for a period.
Of course, there is no absolute way to determine if they are faking to some extent.
Conversion disorders are an interesting case in in point, actually, as some people seem capable of genuinely experiencing serious physical symptoms without a physical basis...
Whether people are totally unconscious of what they are doing, or whether they are capable of deflecting their consciousness from reality to this extent is a kind of meaningless distinction.
Actually, re-reading your post, it seems that you are happy with "set aside"...if you are and are just worrying about the word repressed, fine.
I can't quite see the quibble, but I certainly haven't looked up the Freudian beliefs about the mechanism for an age.
Seems to me likely we can make ourselves unaware of certain thoughts, feelings or memories by mechanisms we don't really understand, but likely will at some point.
Whether the unawareness is complete or partial I have no idea.