Survey: some questions about Psychology in general

Reply Thu 7 Feb, 2013 07:31 am
Hello everyone ! I'm a French student in first year of Psychology, and for my english lesson, I've to make a project and I chose to work on the things what people knows and thinks about Psychology.

So, if you have only three minutes to lose, I thank you very much and I'm grateful too ! There are only nine questions, you don't need to developpe anything, a few words are enough.

Please, if you agree, write down the country where you are coming from, because I know that Psychology isn't the same everywhere on this planet !

1) What is the first word you think when someone says: PSYCHOLOGY ?

2) Do you think that psychology is a scientific discipline ?

3) Do you think that we study this subjects in a classical University of Psychology in France ?
- Embryology (YES/NO)
- Philosophy (YES/NO)
- Clinical Psychology (YES/NO)
- Sociology (YES/NO)
- Statistics (YES/NO)

4) Where can work a Psychologist ?
- In Jail (YES/NO)
- In a firm (YES/NO)
- In a hospital (YES/NO)
- In a bank (YES/NO)
- In a reality-show (YES/NO)

5) What is the differences you know between a psychologist and a psychiatrist ?

6) In your opinion, can a psychologist treats this troubles ?
- Hand's paralysis ? (YES/NO)
- Phobia (YES/NO)

7) Can you quote one or two famous psychologist ?

8) Who need to consult a psychologist ?

9) What kind of objects can we find in a psychology office ?

THANK YOU AGAIN, and have a nice day !
(Sorry for the mistakes !)
Reply Thu 7 Feb, 2013 08:05 am
1) What is the first word you think when someone says: PSYCHOLOGY ?
2) Do you think that psychology is a scientific discipline ?
A big yes.
3) Do you think that we study this subjects in a classical University of Psychology in France ?
What exactly are you asking here? Is the question really "Do you think that we study this subjects..." or "Do you think that we SHOULD study this subjects?"
- Embryology (YES/NO) Yes. "Should" they? Not sure why they would.
- Philosophy (YES/NO) Yes and meh.
- Clinical Psychology (YES/NO) YES and SHOULD.
- Sociology (YES/NO) Yes and shouldn't be necessary as sociology is a hack science ... like communications is a hack degree.
- Statistics (YES/NO) YES and All students of science heavy disciplines should ....

4) Where can work a Psychologist ?
- In Jail (YES/NO) YES
- In a firm (YES/NO) YES, under the guise of corporate psychology and marketing
- In a hospital (YES/NO) Without a doubt, yes.
- In a bank (YES/NO) You can but why would you?!
- In a reality-show (YES/NO) Depends on the nature of the TV series. A rare educational TV series? Yes. If not an educational show? Why waste ones talents?!

5) What is the differences you know between a psychologist and a psychiatrist? The ability to prescribe medicine. Big differences in post graduate degrees and education which include specializations for psychiatrists not available for psychologists.

6) In your opinion, can a psychologist treats this troubles ?
- Hand's paralysis ? (YES/NO) Depends on the cause of the illness, so a maybe is my answer here.
- Phobia (YES/NO) Yes.

7) Can you quote one or two famous psychologist? No. Not without using Google to cheat.

8) Who need to consult a psychologist? Anyone should have access if they feel the need for help with their mental and emotional problems.

9) What kind of objects can we find in a psychology office? Books, lamps, desks, chairs, a clichéd sofa, etc....

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Feb, 2013 02:30 pm

1) What is the first word you think when someone says: PSYCHOLOGY ?

Arm twisting

2) Do you think that psychology is a scientific discipline ?
Sure why not

3) Do you think that we study this subjects in a classical University of Psychology in France ?
I presume Gae you mean "these subjects"

- Embryology (YES/NO)
Guess not

- Philosophy (YES/NO)
Likely yes

- Clinical Psychology (YES/NO)
Yes to be sure

- Sociology (YES/NO)
Would suppose so

- Statistics (YES/NO)
Couldn't even guess. All right, yes

4) Where can work a Psychologist ?

- In Jail (YES/NO)

- In a firm (YES/NO)
Depends on the firm. Sure, guess so

- In a hospital (YES/NO)
Yes to be sure, absolutely, my God man

- In a bank (YES/NO)
No never, why even ask

- In a reality-show (YES/NO)

5) What is the differences you know between a psychologist and a psychiatrist
The former is a generalist, the latter specialist but trained in interpersonal technique

6) In your opinion, can a psychologist treats this troubles ?

- Hand's paralysis ? (YES/NO)
Guess maybe so

- Phobia (YES/NO)

7) Can you quote one or two famous psychologist ?

8) Who need to consult a psychologist ?
Anyone in trouble, but the same can be said for psychiatry

9) What kind of objects can we find in a psychology office ?
Books, pens, pencils, psychologist

THANK YOU AGAIN, and have a nice day !
You too and good luck with your assignment. Please post summary of results

(Sorry for the mistakes !)
No need to apologize
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Feb, 2013 04:31 pm
Usually these questionnaires are given to fellow students, usually in the psychology field themselves. Most are 18 - 19 years old.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2013 10:43 pm
1) What is the first word you think when someone says: PSYCHOLOGY ?


2) Do you think that psychology is a scientific discipline ?

Yes, although it is more of one when blended with psychiatry

3) Do you think that we study this subjects in a classical University of Psychology in France ?
- Embryology No
- Philosophy Yes
- Clinical Psychology Yes
- Sociology Yes
- Statistics Yes

4) Where can work a Psychologist ?
- In Jail Yes
- In a firm No
- In a hospital No
- In a bank No
- In a reality-show No

5) What is the differences you know between a psychologist and a psychiatrist ?

Psychiatrists are considered actually scientists by most people while psychologists are considered therapists and otherwise non-scientists

6) In your opinion, can a psychologist treats this troubles ?
- Hand's paralysis ? I don't know
- Phobia Yes

7) Can you quote one or two famous psychologist ?

I am not that well versed in psychological studies

8) Who need to consult a psychologist ?

People who need help

9) What kind of objects can we find in a psychology office ?

I've never been in one so I can't say for certain (besides a psychologist)
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 03:40 am
1) What is the first word you think when someone says: PSYCHOLOGY ?
C.G. Jung

2) Do you think that psychology is a scientific discipline ?
If purely scientific without judgement of humankind it is of no real help

3) Do you think that we study this subjects in a classical University of Psychology in France ?
- Embryology NO)
- Philosophy Yes
- Clinical Psychology (YES
- Sociology (YES
- Statistics (YES

4) Where can work a Psychologist ?
- In Jail (YES
- In a firm NO)
- In a hospital (YES - but too few do
- In a bank NO - but as things have changed it seems like both bankers and customers could need one.
- In a reality-show NO - not in a show but probably needed afterwards

5) What is the differences you know between a psychologist and a psychiatrist ?
A psychaiatrist can give medicine

6) In your opinion, can a psychologist treats this troubles ?
- Hand's paralysis ? (YES if it is psychosomatic NO if it is not
- Phobia (YES

7) Can you quote one or two famous psychologist ?
quote I can´t . Name I can - Jung, Freud, Adler, von Franz

8) Who need to consult a psychologist ?
Anybody with problems whom s/he thinks they need help to solve

9) What kind of objects can we find in a psychology office ?
Desk, books, chairs - by a Freudian often a coach - by a child psychologist also toys - preferable no personal things like pictures of his/hers family or dog or cat.

Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 08:42 am
Gaelle wrote:

Hello everyone ! I'm a French student in first year of Psychology, and for my english lesson, I've to make a project and I chose to work on the things what people knows and thinks about Psychology.

So, if you have only three minutes to lose, I thank you very much and I'm grateful too ! There are only nine questions, you don't need to developpe anything, a few words are enough.

Please, if you agree, write down the country where you are coming from, because I know that Psychology isn't the same everywhere on this planet !
United States (Texas)

1) What is the first word you think when someone says: PSYCHOLOGY ?

2) Do you think that psychology is a scientific discipline ?
Yes and no. There is definitely a lot of good science being done. Analyzing the efficacy of treatments. Human factors.

On the other hand, there's a lot of junk science that gets presented to the public. (Psychology is not, by any means, the only subject where this occurs.)

3) Do you think that we study this subjects in a classical University of Psychology in France ?
- Embryology (YES/NO)
- Philosophy (YES/NO)
- Clinical Psychology (YES/NO)
- Sociology (YES/NO)
- Statistics (YES/NO)

4) Where can work a Psychologist ?
- In Jail (YES/NO)
- In a firm (YES/NO)
- In a hospital (YES/NO)
- In a bank (YES/NO)
Unlikely (no)
- In a reality-show (YES/NO)
Yes, although it is often ethically questionable

5) What is the differences you know between a psychologist and a psychiatrist ?
A psychiatrist is an MD, who often sees people just long enough to prescribe a particular medicine. A psychologist can work in many roles. Therapist. Consultant. Experimental Psychologist. Etc.

6) In your opinion, can a psychologist treats this troubles ?
- Hand's paralysis ? (YES/NO)
- Phobia (YES/NO)

7) Can you quote one or two famous psychologist ?
Name them? Freud, Skinner, Hare, Maslow

8) Who need to consult a psychologist ?

9) What kind of objects can we find in a psychology office ?
Books, toys, tests, computers, furniture

THANK YOU AGAIN, and have a nice day !
(Sorry for the mistakes !)

Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 09:11 am

forgot to say I am from Sweden
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 12:38 pm
2) Do you think that psychology is a scientific discipline ?
Yes, although it is more of one when blended with psychiatry
Having had some experience with this realm, Joi, I suppose most shrinks might agree with you. However there's a large camp that won't; while even the psychiatrist himself concedes his calling as somewhat controversial

4) Where can work a Psychologist ?
- In a hospital No
Why not

5) What is the differences you know between a psychologist and a psychiatrist ?

Psychiatrists are considered actually scientists by most people
Not too sure about that


while psychologists are considered therapists and otherwise non-scientists
Some of us--many perhaps--would maintain you've got that backward. I am wondering for instance what proportion are not even involved in therapy

Not criticizing in any way Joi, you're entitled to your opinion and that's what Gae askes for

8) Who need to consult a psychologist ?
People who need help
Good one Joi, you've made my day
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 12:41 pm
2) Do you think that psychology is a scientific discipline ?
If purely scientific without judgement of humankind it is of no real help
Well put Saab

9) What kind of objects can we find in a psychology office ?
……..no personal things like pictures of his/hers family or dog or cat.
On maybe this point alone Saab I'd disagree. Of course I'm no expert but I'd haver a couple such, just to gage any spontaneous reaction
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 12:58 pm
2) Do you think that psychology is a scientific discipline ?
Yes and no…... there's a lot of junk science…...
Well put Dad

5) What is the differences you know between a psychologist and a psychiatrist ?
A psychiatrist is an MD, who often sees people just long enough to prescribe a particular medicine.
It's been my experience that the shrink typically belittles conventional meds. Furthermore he will earnestly persuade you to return--and on a regular basis--mark my words

8) Who need to consult a psychologist ?
You too Dad have made my day--maybe tomorrow too
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 01:09 pm
no personal things like pictures of his/hers family or dog or cat.

On maybe this point alone Saab I'd disagree. Of course I'm no expert but I'd haver a couple such, just to gage any spontaneous reaction

the reason why I said no personal pictures is that it can happen more or less often, that a client/patient gets jealous of the private life of their psychologist. Somehow they like to be the most important person in the life of their psychologist.
A neutral enviroment is the best for everybody.
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2013 01:21 pm
Somehow they like to be the most important person in the life of their psychologist. A neutral enviroment is the best for everybody.
Thank you Saab for explaining that. It will be interesting to hear from others more qualified than I

Incidentally, to put somebody's phrase in the box: Just highlight then click on "Quote" in the box above
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2013 02:47 am
Thanks for the tip but no matter how I look and look I can´t find a box with "quote"
Is it me, my glasses or the PC?
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2013 12:31 pm
I can´t find a box with "quote"
It's supposed to come with the editing window. Try clicking on "Open BBCode Editor"
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2013 12:55 pm
It's supposed to come with the editing window. Try clicking on "Open BBCode Editor

So I did - thanks to you - then I made your sentence blue and pressed Quote - nothing happened. Just like this .

Guess I have to continue just copying.

One minute later. I think I know now what to do.
It's supposed to come with the editing window. Try clicking on "Open BBCode Editor

Copied your sentence, put it between the qoute and when you send it it comes into the square-
Let me see if it works.

One minute later - it worked. Good - I feel less stupid now
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2013 01:11 pm
Saab you're not alone, I've felt that way for decades

But there's an easier way, simply highlight the sentence before hitting "Quote"
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2013 01:13 pm
Saab - go to your preferences (click on preferences in the blue bar at the bottom of the page) and say yes to "enable quote button".
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Feb, 2013 01:32 pm
United States

1) What is the first word you think when someone says: PSYCHOLOGY ?
Allen Parducci, my psych 1A professor (great teacher)

2) Do you think that psychology is a scientific discipline ?

3) Do you think that we study this subjects in a classical University of Psychology in France ?
- Embryology (YES/NO) Perhaps
- Philosophy (YES/NO) Probably
- Clinical Psychology (YES/NO) Yes
- Sociology (YES/NO) Probably
- Statistics (YES/NO) I certainly hope so.

4) Where can work a Psychologist ?
- In Jail (YES/NO) Yes, if you mean prison. Probably not in local jails.
- In a firm (YES/NO) Do you mean a firm made up of more than one psychologist? Then yes. Also possibly in some corporations.
- In a hospital (YES/NO) Yes.
- In a bank (YES/NO) Unlikely.
- In a reality-show (YES/NO) It happens.

5) What is the differences you know between a psychologist and a psychiatrist ?
Different studies for differing degrees. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor and can prescribe psychiatric medications. Fewer psychiatrists now do talk therapy with patients in the concerted way they did not many decades ago.
6) In your opinion, can a psychologist treats this troubles ?
- Hand's paralysis ? (YES/NO) I don't know if that can be psychosomatic or not; I'll say No.
- Phobia (YES/NO) Yes

7) Can you quote one or two famous psychologist ?

8) Who need to consult a psychologist ? People having trouble making their lives workable and seeking reasons why.

9) What kind of objects can we find in a psychology office ? Furniture, Lights, probably carpetting or floor rugs, possibly art, possibly toys (depending on the practice). There may be books on shelving. Probably a computer, which may or may not be visible. Perhaps a restroom. My cousin is a therapist and she has soundproofed her walls, so an office may be more complex than it looks.

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