How do you figure that my statement
Quote:Anti-goy Jews have been, and are in postitions to act upon their anti-goyism when they have been, and are in positions of wealth, influence and power.
sounds right out of the Nazi playbook, or a quote from the Malaysian prime minister?
You wrote
Quote:Than what the hell are you complaining about?
What the hell I'm complaining about is that you drag your red herrings through my question:
Has Talmudic Judaism come to grips with its anti-Christianity and anti-goyism, and if so how?
Why is my question ridiculous, au? Because you don't know where in the Talmud these instances occur? That stance makes
you ridiculous, not the question. Coming to grips with the anti-Christianity in the Talmud wouldn't necessarily involve changing 2000 year old scripture. That would be like asking Christians to change those passages in the New Testament which offend Jews. But the Christians, specifically, as you've pointed out, the Catholic Church has only recently come to grips with its anti-Semitism.
There are these passages in the Babylonian Talmud which speak directly against Jesus and his followers:
Gloating over the Christ's young age when executed:
Quote:Hast thou heard how old Balaam [Jesus] was?--He replied: It is not actually stated but since it is written, Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days it follows that he was thirty-three or thirty-four years old. (Sanhedrin 106a.)
In The Jewish Encyclopedia, under the heading "Balaam," it says "Â…the pseudonym 'Balaam' given to Jesus in Sanhedrin 106b and Gittin 57a." Jesus is associated with Balaam, a soothsayer or sorcerer, of the Tanakh (Old Testament). The association, in turn, is with apostates and apostasy.
Quote:Balaam [Jesus] fornicated with his jackass. (Sanhedrin 105a-b)
Quote:Balaam [Jesus] is raised from the dead and being punished in boiling hot semen. Those who mock the words of the Jewish sages and sin against Israel are boiled in hot excrement. (Gittin 57a)
About Mary, Jesus' mother one finds:
Quote:She (Mary) who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters. (Sanhedrin 106a)
Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus' mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men.
Googling around the internet I came across this post which verifies the Miriam passage in Shabbath:
Quote:The anti-Christian Talmud has the closest information about the historical Jesus we will ever have--it was necessarily obscurized but have no doubt the rabbis through the centuries have used these texts to keep the anti-Gentilism vein within traditional Judaism strong (I speak this from being Jewish and knowing those verses). Jesus is Yeshu, Yeishu, ben Pantera and lived probably a hundred years earlier than the Jesus of the Gospels. He was the illegitimate son of Miriam the Hairdresser which is where the myth of Mary Magdalene started from "the fact that the strange name 'Magdalene' clearly resembles the Aramaic term "mgadla nshaya," meaning "womens' hairdresser." the fact that the strange name 'Magdalene" clearly resembles the Aramaic term "mgadla nshaya," meaning "womens' hairdresser.' As mentioned before, there was a belief that Yeishu's mother was 'Miriam the women's hairdresser.'"
Also, the first Jew to begin codifying the Talmud, Moses Maimonides(1135-1204) wrote this gem of Jewish good will towards Christians:
Quote:It is a duty to exterminate them (infidels) with one's own hands." Infidels, he goes on to call off, "Such as Jesus of Nazareth and his pupils, and Tzadoq and Baitos (the supposed founders of the Saudducean sect.) and their pupils, may the name of the wicked rot.