The Jews.

Tue 3 Jan, 2006 06:59 am
You said that before.

Key phrase, "FALSELY ACCUSE"

Other people adjudge the accusations not to be false, but accurate.

Carry on.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 3 Jan, 2006 08:52 am
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jan, 2006 04:12 am
If you know anything about the legal system in the US, McTag, you know that no one is judged to be guilty unless it is shown BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that he is guilty.
So, I will again state--"-When he falsely accuses various parts of the US government of laxity, corruption and misfeasance", he must give PROOF BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.

I am sorry but articles from Der Speigel written by Former East Germans are not acceptable.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jan, 2006 04:17 am
Mortkat wrote:
I am sorry but articles from Der Speigel written by Former East Germans are not acceptable.

How many prejudices of this kind do you have?

Angela Merkel (German Chancellor) is a former East German...
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Steve 41oo
Wed 4 Jan, 2006 07:35 am
Mortkat wrote:
If you know anything about the legal system in the US, McTag, you know that no one is judged to be guilty unless it is shown BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that he is guilty.
So, I will again state--"-When he falsely accuses various parts of the US government of laxity, corruption and misfeasance", he must give PROOF BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.

I am sorry but articles from Der Speigel written by Former East Germans are not acceptable.

Mortkat posted this one day after Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to three sets of charges covering fraud, conspiracy to commit bribery, and tax evation.

A five year gaol sentence may be just a foot note to a corruption scandal involving as many as 20 congressmen, senators and their aides - mostly Republican.

With plea bargaining, Abramoff is expected to tell all about his dealings with the congressmen and gifts lavished upon them to win their support. The indictment accuses Mr Abramof of "corruptly" offering gifts and other incentives "TO INFLUENCE OTHERS IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR OFFICIAL DUTIES".

The ramifications extend to the heart of the ruling establishment in Washington. Abramoff soared to prominence because of his ties with the younger hard charging generation of Republicans led by the former house speaker Newt Gingrich. One his closest allies was Tom Delay the hugely powerful and greatly feared House majority leader, until he stepped down after being indicted for illegal fundraising.

The damage and trepidation stretches far beyond Capitol Hill, into government and the White House.

Your lecture to McTag on the US legal system besides its exquisite timing misses a point. "No one is found guilty until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt". In the case of Abramoff this was not necessary because he ADMITTED HIS CRIMES, and in return for a lighter sentence is going to spill the beans on the full extent of the laxity, misfeasance and corruption within US Government system- something the US Justice Department is determined to persue "aggressively". Smile

False accusations indeed! Well done Mortkat, they should put you on the case.

Oh nearly forgot, for some bizarre reason this thread is entitled The Jews. So in the spirit of sticking to the thread, I would just like to point out that it is of course entirely coincidental that Mr Abramoff is Jewish.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jan, 2006 08:16 am
To expect Italmassamortgato to post germane comments on the titular topic is the equivalent of expecting the Shrub to speak coherently on a complex topic . . .
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 4 Jan, 2006 08:16 am
Francis wrote:
How many prejudices of this kind do you have?

Jamais tu ne devras il demander, ni chercher à savoir. :wink:
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jan, 2006 08:17 am
Un seul mot . . . innombrable . . .
0 Replies
Wed 4 Jan, 2006 08:51 am
Ich vaist nit vas du hat gizucked

Walter the spelling is atrocious but it's as good as I can do.
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 4 Jan, 2006 09:10 am
Lohengrin: "Never must you ask [me] him whence I come or what my name."

And of course an "l" is missing in my above response, but Set was so quick with his reply ...
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jan, 2006 04:01 am
Steve- If you know anything about the lies and evasions of Bill Clinton, who, at the end, to avoid being indicted lied over and over before the grand jury and in depositions, you will be aware that it is not as easy as you think to convict someone.

You are aware,I am sure that Clinton was not convicted of perjury.

He lied over and over but he was not convicted of perjury.


from "An Affair of State" by Richard Posner--P. 44


"It is clear that Clinton perjured himself in the Paula Jones deposition, even though, as Clinton's defenders emphaisized, the crime of perjury is narrowly defined in federal law. A false statement under oath is not enough, The statement must be deliberately false, that is, a lie; it must e material to some issue in the proceeding in which it is made and it must be false rather than merely misleading...Jones' lawyers did not conduct a skillful examaination of Clinton, in particular, they failed to ask him about SPECIFIC sex acts and to follow up his often meandering and evasive answers with questions diesinged to pin him down. AS A RESULT, MANY OF HIS ANSWERS, THOUGH PROBABLY LIES, WOULD NOT EXPOSE HIM TO PROSECUTION FOR PERJURY"

People who know almost nothing about the law, like Hinteler, Setanta and Francis do not know that despite Abramoff's testimony, unless there is other physical evidence to back that up, will doubtlessly be attacked by defense lawyers as false admissions for plea bargaining purposes.

Anyone who knows that OJ SImpson escaped the charge of murder when in a criminal proceeding and then was declared guilty in a civil court knows the difference and difficulties involved in proving guilt.

We shall see and I shall be on these threads to comment despite ignorance from Hint, Setan, and Fran.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Sat 7 Jan, 2006 05:24 am
au1929 wrote:

Remember people are not born hating others it has to be learned.

People are not born knowing how to wipe their ass, either, but it still proves useful to learn how. Hate isn't a bad thing.
Stupidity is a bad thing.
Generalizing due to 'race' is very constrictive and unpragmatic thinking.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Jan, 2006 04:26 pm
Steve- If you know anything about the lies and evasions of Bill Clinton, who, at the end, to avoid being indicted lied over and over before the grand jury and in depositions, you will be aware that it is not as easy as you think to convict someone.

You are aware,I am sure that Clinton was not convicted of perjury.

He lied over and over but he was not convicted of perjury.


from "An Affair of State" by Richard Posner--P. 44


"It is clear that Clinton perjured himself in the Paula Jones deposition, even though, as Clinton's defenders emphaisized, the crime of perjury is narrowly defined in federal law. A false statement under oath is not enough, The statement must be deliberately false, that is, a lie; it must e material to some issue in the proceeding in which it is made and it must be false rather than merely misleading...Jones' lawyers did not conduct a skillful examaination of Clinton, in particular, they failed to ask him about SPECIFIC sex acts and to follow up his often meandering and evasive answers with questions diesinged to pin him down. AS A RESULT, MANY OF HIS ANSWERS, THOUGH PROBABLY LIES, WOULD NOT EXPOSE HIM TO PROSECUTION FOR PERJURY"

People who know almost nothing about the law, like Hinteler, Setanta and Francis do not know that despite Abramoff's testimony, unless there is other physical evidence to back that up, will doubtlessly be attacked by defense lawyers as false admissions for plea bargaining purposes.

Anyone who knows that OJ SImpson escaped the charge of murder when in a criminal proceeding and then was declared guilty in a civil court knows the difference and difficulties involved in proving guilt.

We shall see and I shall be on these threads to comment despite ignorance from Hint, Setan, and Fran.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 12 Jan, 2006 03:15 pm
Germany's Jewish Population on the Rise

By Lisa Bryant
12 January 2006

Six decades after the Holocaust, Germany's Jewish population is soaring, thanks, largely, to a flood of new Jewish immigrants from former Communist countries. Indeed, in recent years Germany has boasted the world's fastest growing Jewish population. But the immigration boom is also fueling new tensions.

By almost any benchmark, Boris Rosenthal is a German success story. Fifteen years after arriving here with his family and a few suitcases, the 48-year-old native Ukrainian juggles a teaching job with a blossoming musical career. Today, he speaks proudly in his adopted language about his new life in Berlin.

Rosenthal says he is not a typical immigrant. Unlike many newcomers, he says he identifies with the German mentality. When he came here, he says, he wanted to work immediately and be active in his new home.

There are other reasons why Rosenthal is a different kind of German immigrant. He is among an estimated 200,000 Jews from former Communist states who have flocked here in recent years. These new immigrants are known here simply as "Russian Jews" although they come from many different countries.

Concrete slabs of Germany's national Holocaust memorial sit in front of Reichstag dome in Berlin

They took advantage of what has been a virtual open-door immigration policy by the German government, partly to atone for the Holocaust. And, says Julius Schoeps, a Jewish history professor at the University of Potsdam near Berlin, these immigrants are reviving Germany's once-minute postwar Jewish community.

"The future of this community was very bad. There was no future. The idea was to bring Jews from Russia to strengthen the Jewish community. It succeeded," he said.

Since 1990, the number of registered Jews in Germany has soared from 30,000 to nearly 106,000. That figure may double, some estimate, if those who are not formally part of the Jewish community, and therefore are not counted, are added in. In Berlin alone, there are at least seven synagogues, three Jewish schools and an array of Kosher stores and cafes. Jews here describe some latent antisemitism in Germany, but nothing very worrisome.

But the immigration boom is fueling tensions between more observant, second-and third-generation Jews and the new arrivals, who come here with a laundry list of needs and only a sketchy grasp of their religion. The newcomers guarantee a future for Judaism in Germany. But says Michael May, executive director of Berlin's Jewish community, it is unclear what kind of future that will be.

"I don't know where this community is going because I am coming from a German-Jewish background first of all because of my age, second because I have relatively elderly parents who were imbued with this German-Jewish culture and this is definitely disappearing," he said. "There are relatively few people who can continue with this tradition. And on the other hand, you have this new Russian-Jewish tradition which has come in of the 21st century, which will create its own culture...and we don't know where we'll stand in 10 or 20 years."

Such soul-searching coincides with tighter German guidelines requiring prospective immigrants to speak German and be under 45 years old. That is likely to reduce Jewish immigration to Germany. Jews here are divided over the new policy.

Rosenthal, the Ukrainian musician, believes the immigration boom is slowing anyway because of better conditions for Jews in former Soviet countries, conditions that did not exist when he left the Ukraine in 1990. At a Berlin Jewish school, where he now teaches music, Rosenthal recounts his own story.

Back in his Ukrainian home town of Lemberg, Rosenthal did not know much about his Jewish roots, except that "Jew" was stamped on his former Soviet passport as his "nationality." And that he was sometimes the butt of antisemitic jokes. He went to his first Hanukkah celebration at the end of the 1980s. Not long afterward, he had a chance to emigrate.

As a newcomer in Berlin, Rosenthal's first job was digging graves at a Jewish cemetery. But he slowly stitched back his former career as a singer and orchestra conductor. Later, he was offered his current job as a music teacher.

Other immigrants are not so lucky. Many are unemployed. Germany's smaller, more established Jewish community is struggling to meet their needs. That has caused friction between the immigrants and those born in Germany, says Irene Runge, who heads Berlin's Jewish Cultural Association.

"The Russian Jews feel they're neglected, they're humiliated. And the German Jews say they're so aggressive and they're only asking to get things, and they don't give anything," she said.

The German and Eastern European Jews also have different tastes in music, literature and fashion.

More importantly, perhaps, many immigrants like Boris Ladoniski are not particularly religious. At a cafe in Berlin, the 30-year-old Russian native talked about what it means for him to be Jewish.

"Most Jews in Russia aren't religious, and I'm not terribly religious either," he said. "But it didn't mean they didn't feel Jewish. It was a different sense of Jewishness, which was based more on the history of the family, on culture, on the stories, the songs you heard."

An uncounted number of Jewish immigrants have not joined Germany's Jewish community. Some do not the meet the community's strict definition of a Jew, that is, converting or having a Jewish mother, rather than simply having one Jewish parent, which qualifies a person as Jewish under Germany's immigration law. But Ladoniski also says that many immigrants are simply not interested in joining.

"It's increasingly a problem for my generation, because many people do not see what should be the benefit in being a member of the community," he continued. "Especially if you're in your thirties, if you have a German education and you're integrated into German society."

But some experts say this new, less-religious generation of German Jews is not necessarily a bad thing. Faith, they say, is only part of a complex set of factors shaping the future of Judaism in Germany.

0 Replies
Thu 12 Jan, 2006 04:21 pm
The "Russian" Jews in Germany are no different from those coming to the US. Considering the fact that religion in particular Judaism was not allowed to be practiced in the Soviet Union for over 70 years.
Some however have returned to their roots while others have completely abandoned them. And only used their Jewish ancestry to come to the US. That is was be expected.
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John Creasy
Sun 15 Jan, 2006 12:09 pm
Doktor S wrote:

Hate isn't a bad thing.

The hell it ain't. That tells me a lot about you that you believe this nonsense.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Jan, 2006 11:29 am
This is quite interesting: an article from today's paper, posted here for your diversion

"The Joys Of Yiddish"

0 Replies
Tue 17 Jan, 2006 12:58 pm
McTag!! Thanks. That was great.

A bit of McT's article:


Low down in the pantheon of klutzes, one up from the schlemiel. Look: a schlemiel, a schlemazl and a schmendrick go for a drive. The schmendrick crashes the schlemazl's car and the schlemiel apologises.


Interesting sociological study of Jewish pecking order.


I love yiddish. What is verklempt?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 17 Jan, 2006 12:59 pm
Lash wrote:
What is verklempt?

0 Replies
Tue 17 Jan, 2006 01:02 pm
I remember Madonna and Roseanne Barr doing a "talk show" with Mike Myers on SNL--and I wondered.

0 Replies

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