Mortkat wrote:It is a gratuitous insult to tell a person like Walter Hinteler, who can find nothing that is good in the country that probably saved his family from being smashed by Russian tanks, that the Nazis killed 6,000,000 Jews?
Is that a lie?
Is it a gratuitous insult to tell a person like Walter Hinteler, who viciously attacks the USA every chance he gets that the best brains in Germany were chased out in the late thirties or eradicated in the Concentration camps because they were Jews?
Is that a lie?
Is it a gratuitous insult to tell a person who suggests that Europe is oh, so superior in its culture to the United States when the majority of great Universities are in the United States.
Is that a lie?
Why not attend to the substance of the post. REBUT IT IF YOU CAN. If you cannot, it stands unrebutted.
It is not a lie that you are attacking the one of the most fair-minded, helpful and inoffensive posters on A2K. It is not appropriate, to put it no stronger, that you take your hatred of 1930s Germany out on him, nor indeed by extension, on present-day Germany.
If other countries would face up to the mistakes of their past in the way Germany has, including putting appropriate legislation in place, the world would be a much better place imo.
So that is why I suggest to you that you stop your homophobic ranting, and redirect your energies.
As for Mr Hinteler's general opinions about America, I'll let him answer for himself but I suspect you are wrong there too.