chart Cav linked to made me suspicious at first, then even a little angry.
The research clearly intends to stake out the claim that, contradictory to the "image of Israel as the villain", its the Israelis who are the bigger victims.
It starts to do so by a fair enough way: by separating combatants from non-combatants.
However, this still does not work, because even these "more meaningful figures show that Israel is responsible for some 733 Palestinian noncombatant deaths, while Palestinians have killed 546 Israeli noncombatants."
So they add step two. They show that more of the Palestinian victims are men - and are young men (i.e., between 10 and 29 years old).
Now, considering Israelis die in terrorist attacks - targeted at random by nature - and Palestinians are more likely to die in street clashes and the like, you might just go, well, duh. But the report attaches far-reaching conclusions to this.
First, it concludes that the figures show that the Palestinian victims must be "Palestinian men and boys engaged in behavior that brought them into conflict with Israeli armed forces".
Second, it attributes blame on this basis: "Certainly [..] these Palestinian men and boys (or, in the case of the younger ones, their parents and teachers) have to have been aware that they were placing themselves in harm’s way."
Note - the victim is blamed.
We are talking Palestians even the research dubs "non-combatants" - from which they've already filtered not just "combatants", but "probable combatants" and "violent protestors" as well (see the
more detailed report).
These are people who are not known to have engaged in any violence themselves.
They still number higher than the equivalent number of Israeli non-combatant deaths, however, so the research succeeds to blame them for being in "harm's way". Peaceful protestor? You've placed yourself in harm's way. Hung about on a crossroads (which, especially in a Muslim country, more young men than women will do) - and got hit when gunfight suddenly erupted? You've placed yourself in harm's way.
And if you dont count all those people who "placed themselves in harm's way" - then, you see, the Israelis are more often non-combatant victim of Israel/Palestine violence after all.
It goes on, because - third - on no specified basis, other than free interpretation, whatsoever, the research succeeds to conclude the following about all those non-violent people who put themselves "in harm's way":
"In fact, the highly specific pattern of Palestinian noncombatant fatalities suggests that many of these deaths have resulted from an active Palestinian indoctrination campaign glorifying 'martyrdom'".
So the
real guilty party behind all those non-violent 10-30 year-olds who were killed by Israelis is the "active Palestinian indoctrination campaign", for, the report specifies, "effectively encouraging boys and young men to confront Israeli forces and risk death even when there was no real likelihood of causing material harm to Israelis."
Thats right.
First, no 10-30 year old would spontaneously go out to protest the occupation of his town or country - he must have been "indoctrinated" to do so.
And, second, considering he would only have his person with him and no weapons to actually "cause any material harm to Israelis" with, he must have been out to become a "martyr".
Thus he can be blamed either himself or through his indoctrinators when he is indeed shot dead by those Israelis. His death and that of hundreds of his peers is merely, as the report's headline has it, an "ENGINEERED TRAGEDY".