The one mistake my parents made that I struggle to forgive?: Focusing on "the problem" of my sister to the exclusion of almost everything else in our family. My sister was perceived to be "bad", or troubled, always in need of being "saved", ever since I can remember. Bringing "disgrace on the family" (a huge no-no to my parents, who believed this was one of the most shameful things that could possibly happen!), continually getting herself into quite serious debt - which they continued to pay off, while they complained bitterly about it (generally to me

). For me, the worst part of this arrangement is that I was enlisted into the cause of keeping my sister on the straight & narrow at a very young age (I'm 5 years younger than my sister). She was the bad daughter, who got all their attention (say nothing of heaps of their cash!). I was the "good girl", who was perceived as having few if any problems at all. And not too many
needs, either, for that matter. Which often made me feel somewhat invisible. So that was my childhood (trust me, I'm
not exaggerating). When I became older, I refused to play this family game anymore. I figured it had far more to do with my mother & my sister than anything to do with me. What a relief to become a detached observer (well, sort of!

) & not a major player anymore. No mean feat on my part, extricating myself.
If I sound angry or bitter, I'm not anymore. But I rather wish my childhood had been rather different. That was a pretty lonely experience for a little kid.