@Arella Mae,
As I said before, (and I dont know whether its a universal thing), But when livestock are within a few days of dropping foals, calves, lambs, kids (etc). The mother begins to develop a hollow spot in the abdomen just at the area of the back legs. This means that the "package" is moving into the birth canal and is presenting itself for delivery.
Thisll teach you to buy a horse thats pre bred. We always like to be in control of the gestation period so we can live normal lives especially towards the end of the gstation period.
Do you have a bottle of iodine ready and a place for the mare to go for delivery?
WQe used to keep some Apaloosas for a family and theyd breed the mares every so often. Whenever the foals were due, there would be a party in our barn and we never had any problems with the foaling. (Lambs, on the other hand, we always have lamb delivery problems, lambs that are tisted around or have breech delivery, or ewes who wouldnt "mother up" immediately.
Horses are usually good about this , just watch her hooves when she goes down to deliver.
Boy, youve been on pins and needles for over 2 months now. I hope youre learning a lot from this experience.