Sun 20 Feb, 2011 04:51 pm
I was outside feeding the horses when some IDIOTS from over at my husband's nephew's house came flying by the horses on a four-wheeler! The horses and JJ were scared to death and started running and, of course, I was right in the middle of it. The horses started running toward the fences trying to get out. JJ is scared to death and I have never seen Mac buck like that. I got so angry, mostly because I was so scared from nearly getting trampled, I jumped in my truck and floored it and went over there and told him to get that four wheeler away from my horses because they were running them into the fence. I floored the truck again and came back home. It took a bit of doing but I got the horses and JJ calm enough to come and eat.
I called Johnny and told him he better stop by there before he comes home because I have had enough. I've had enough of them not giving a spit about my animals!
I just needed to get this off my chest.
@Arella Mae,
How young are the idiots involved in the jerkish crime?
@Arella Mae,
i imagine that David is on his way, packin' heat, to avenge his buddy JJ
but seriously, people can be jerks
@Arella Mae,
Threaten the punks. If it happens again, you will let the afflicted horse or horses
EACH get a chance to kick the offenders in the groincentric region.
@Arella Mae,
Some people have no sense when it comes to how to behave - let alone treating animals with respect.
Exactly. Any of you could have been hurt; glad that didn't happen at least.
Johnny got home a few minutes ago. Joe still has all that company so he's waiting until they leave to go talk to him. He asked me if they were there when I went over there and I said I was so blinded by fear and anger I only saw Joe standing there.
I went and checked on all the horses and JJ. JJ broke his hind hoof. He isn't limping or anything but I will get the vet out to look at it. It's a pretty good size break. Lil Man has some scratches from the fence but nothing deep. Mac's coat is dried stiff because he was sweating so much running like that. Lulu won't let me near her right now but she seems to be okay.
I just want Joe to understand someone could get seriously hurt - human and/or animal. He just doesn't get it.
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:I went and checked on all the horses and JJ. JJ broke his hind hoof. He isn't limping or anything but I will get the vet out to look at it.
maybe Johnny can let them know they've got a vet bill they're going to need to cover for you
Joe will be putting up signs on the property so that no one will veer anywhere near the pasture again with that four-wheeler. He told Johnny he should have done it before. Johnny said I really scared Joe. LOL. I imagine I did. I was really out of control by the time I got over there. Johnny said Joe understood and things will be okay but I will wait and see.
@Arella Mae,
You need a sign to know that riding that vehicle near animals is unwise? Okay. I'm hoping JJ is ok.

Something on the lines as this Bunny.
@Arella Mae,
Does your county have any laws about limits on 4-wheelers or other vehicles riding on private property? Might be worth researching.
Glad you and the horses survived. I hate animal abusers.