I Am A Nervous Wreck - So Talk to Me Please!

Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 09:23 pm
Sglass wrote:

Mint Julip (virgin)

when I read this, I thought "oh cool" - a julep's got booze, a julip doesn't

I was going to add it to the things I learned on A2K thread Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jul, 2009 01:20 am
Aha, according to WikiTender julep can be spelt julip or julap.

I'm a scrbble player so I always look these things up.

And, it dates to circa 1400. It was a syrupy drink to disquise medicine.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 16 Jul, 2009 10:16 am
I had no idea they used it to disguise medicine Sglass. I had always just thought it was some concoction thought up for the southern belles. Sort of a ladylike thing. I've never had one. Probably won't either now that I know they are syrupy. Very Happy
Reply Thu 16 Jul, 2009 01:32 pm
@Arella Mae,
I went with my mom and sister to the Court of the Three Sisters in the French Quarter in New Orleams and we ordered Mint Juleps. Towit the drink consisted of something sugary, crushed mint leaves, crushed ice with a healthy shot of burbon. My mom and I drank ours. My sister didn't like it, so I drank hers. I spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping in the back seat of the car. Haven't had one since.
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 12:04 pm
LOL! I am sure the same would happen to me.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 03:26 am
The Court of the Three Sisters has always given a "generous" drink to the buying public. We used to go down there and order two hurricanes and wed both be gooned and ready for mischief.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 06:31 pm
Just bumping. Do we have a baby yet??
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Jul, 2009 06:43 pm
Talk to us Arella Mae, whazzup?
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 1 Aug, 2009 03:14 pm
Okay, let's see. Big Mac got home Friday. I've only been able to ride him twice because it has been pouring down rain here. He is a bit nervous. I think it's a combination of the bad weather and the new surroundings. He's doing good though. The worst time around here is feeding them. Hank, Johnny's worthless horse, tries to steal everyone's grain. So, I am bringing Mac out of the pasture and tying him to my truck and feeding him there. It seems to help his nervousness. He isn't as jumpy as when he's in there with the others.

Little Miss Joy is getting huge! What a belly she has. I keep watching for her teats to get waxy or her milkbag to suddenly get a lot bigger but so far, neither has happened. I'm beginning to think she's going to give birth to a full grown foal.

Lulu is doing better. She was very nervous there for awhile. I go out (inbetween the rain downpours) and spend some time with them. She has finally started letting me pet her without having food in my hand. At first, no food, no pet me she said. I can go out there and call them and all of them come running so that is a good sign they are all getting more comfortable with me and their surroundings.

The couple of times I did get to ride Mac I had a blast. We went back on the trails in our woods and it was so relaxing just me and him. He is a really sweet horse. He doesn't try to lunge back at the girls or Hank. He's a lover and not a fighter I guess.

My trainer said give Mac a week or two and after that, he'll be the boss of the pasture so we'll see what happens.
Reply Sat 1 Aug, 2009 04:16 pm
@Arella Mae,
That sounds like a marvellous arrangement. So nice.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Aug, 2009 10:03 pm
That sounds great! Any pics? I would love to see them all.
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 2 Aug, 2009 03:36 pm
I was just on my way out to the pasture to get a few pics of my babies. I am going to try to get a really good of Little Miss Joy and that belly she has. I'll get them on here in a bit.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 2 Aug, 2009 05:05 pm
Okay, here are the pics. I tried to get a good one of Little Miss Joy to show you how her belly is really getting big. She's kind of camera shy! Mac was so funny tonight! I went to the gate and called him, as I always do, to get him to come to the gate so I can bring him out to eat. Tonight, I opened the gate and Mac just walked right on through the gate and kept going until he got to the truck. LOL





Reply Mon 3 Aug, 2009 10:09 am
Oh! So pretty! I've always wanted horses. someday....
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 3 Aug, 2009 01:24 pm
Thank you. I do think they are kind of pretty myself. Nothing like looking out into that pasture and seeing those beautiful creatures.

I have always loved horses. I had one when I was a teenager but after that one I hadn't ridden in years. I was blessed with Hank and Indy. A lady in a Christian Chatroom said she had two horses she couldn't take care of anymore and would give them away. My husband had a beautiful black stallion that was hit by a train and I told her I wanted them! Something kind of died in my husband when that horse was killed. Hank has brought that back.

Mac was so funny this morning! I went to the gate and called him and opened the gate up. He walked right out the gate and right up to the truck to eat. After he ate I unhooked his lead rope and we walked around the yard a bit and then I said okay time to go back to the pasture. He led the way back to the gate. He is such a smart horse!

Here is a picture of Indy. She is Hank's half-sister. They had the same dad. He was a purebred Tobiano and was 16.1 hands high. He was huge! Mac is also 16.1 hands but he doesn't look as big because he is not as stocky. Hank is half Tobiano and half thoroughbred.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Aug, 2009 02:29 pm
@Arella Mae,
Those are lovely friends to have, Arella Mae.
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 3 Aug, 2009 03:14 pm
Thank you ehBeth. They really are lovely and wonderful friends to have. I'm trying to be patient waiting for that baby to get into this world but I'm not doing a good job of it. It would help if we knew when she was bred but we don't and can't find out so this is going to be a total surprise I guess.
Reply Mon 3 Aug, 2009 09:05 pm
@Arella Mae,
so you still dont need to administer oxytosin yet? You were really woried a few weeks back, so shes still not due?

Whats the gestation period for a horsee?. For sheep we count 144 days from putting in the ram and they usually drop lambs on the hour and half hour of late day 145.

Do you watch her diet ao she doesnt get too fat? All our lambing and calving problems were due to an early incorrect assumption that we "really hadda pound the food into the mammas so they have nice healthy big lambs and calves"
After pulling several dozen "stuck" animals from mommas who were too heavy, welearned about moderation in all thing dietal with livestock.
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 3 Aug, 2009 10:06 pm
My trainer says a horse will be pregnant for one year and then one day for each year of their life. The problem is, I have no idea when this horse was bred and have no way of finding out. The vet said it could be a month so I just don't know. She is eating healthily and is not gaining too much weight as a result of that. She is certainly getting bigger in her belly! She has colustrum (spelling?) when you squeeze her teats. I was told this is the very first liquid the foal needs for something, the heck if I remember what. Antibodies maybe?

I was very concerned at the time! She was making these weird movements and I was so sure it was labor. The vet said it was more than likely her trying to get comfortable while the foal was moving inside her. I am rather a novice when it comes to horses. I am learning as I go.
Reply Mon 3 Aug, 2009 10:22 pm
@Arella Mae,
you should be collecting and freezing the colostrum. WQe have a freezer in the barn where we keep colostrum bags in case a momma horse develops mastitis or, forbid, she gets sick at delivery time. Its always better to have it and not need it than need it and dont have it> Your vet should have told you about that. Its an emergency measure and yes, it is antibody injection to the foal. The foals ability to absorb colostrum goes down precipiotously after a day or two. There is an optimum window of colostrum feeding, so Id suggest getting some in a standard milk test bag nd freeze em just in case you need colostrum.

Colostrum is usually a buttery looking milk so the mother stops producing it a few days after delivering/
Keep her teats free of junk nd keep em clean. (Horse has 2 yes?)

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