I Am A Nervous Wreck - So Talk to Me Please!

Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 02:13 am
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
Lulu is NOT a mule! I received an email this morning. He said I can see why you thought that but she is definitely a horse. So, she can go to Dave for training. I also asked the guy if he knew any mule trainers here in Louisiana so I'd be ready when the time comes for JJ to start his training.

In that video, it looks like JJ kicks his mom in the head and then hugged her. I have such a hard time not laughing when I video but I can't figure out if I can mute my camera so it doesn't pick up sound so I have to hold it in.

He was out there with the family this morning laying down. Mac chased Lulu away when I brought everyone's feed. I had to feed Lulu a short distance away and Mac seemed okay with that. They were all standing (except JJ, he was laying down) near the fence where I feed them this morning. Of course I was going to get a picture and you know how that goes! They all moved before I got the camera ready.

Does JJ sleep laying down ?
How about the horses ?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 02:16 am
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
Yeah she does but actually so does JJ because they are gaited. But, it was nice to get a mule breeder that has paso mules tell me that Lulu is all horse.

They all ate together tonight pretty much. Joy and Mac did chase Lulu from her food one time so they could take a bite of hers. But, that is what they always did with each other, so I'd say they are all settling in pretty good!

By what criteria did the mule breeder judge that Lulu was all horse?
What did he look for ?

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 07:25 am
First, her ears. He said she does have the muzzle colorings of a mule and it's true that around her eyes are a bit lighter but she has the body of a horse and her head is not shaped like a mule's. Since he is a breeder of paso fino mules and has been at it a long time, I am going to accept his decision.

I did notice that his paso fino mules do go for a nice price. He sold one that was 5 years old (and no where near as pretty as JJ) for $6,000. It was trained for saddle and all though. But, I will never sell JJ. He is my first baby and he's not going anywhere for any price!

I think he kind of giggles at me because I know ZIP! about mules and not that much more about horses but I am trying to learn.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 08:31 pm
JJ sure was full of vim and vigor today!

Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 10:20 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
JJ sure was full of vim and vigor today!

We LOVE your videos, Arella!!!
JJ really loves to kick up his heels!

How is he getting along with Lulu ?

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2010 07:33 am
JJ is getting along fine with Lulu. He was out there this morning standing alongside Lulu while Joy and Mac were eating. Mac and Joy seem to be letting JJ venture further and further from them. I think they just got tired of trying to keep up with the little guy.

Lulu is still on the fringes though. Mac will try to chase her off but only when they are fed. I have to feed Lulu off a bit from them so she can eat. I am quite surprised at Lulu though. She is letting me walk right up to her and pet her without turning her backside to me like she used to do. Johnny and I are giving her extra attention because she still seems a bit sad.
Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2010 08:23 am
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
JJ is getting along fine with Lulu. He was out there this morning standing alongside Lulu while Joy and Mac were eating. Mac and Joy seem to be letting JJ venture further and further from them. I think they just got tired of trying to keep up with the little guy.

Lulu is still on the fringes though. Mac will try to chase her off but only when they are fed. I have to feed Lulu off a bit from them so she can eat. I am quite surprised at Lulu though. She is letting me walk right up to her and pet her without turning her backside to me like she used to do. Johnny and I are giving her extra attention because she still seems a bit sad.

I don 't know which State u r in, but I assume that there are no predatory animals around there?
Like no cougars, etc. ?
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2010 01:22 pm
We are in North Central Louisiana about 80 miles east of Shreveport. We have a few predators but none that I really have to be concerned about. We have had a fox or two and a few coyotes around here but they always move on or simply disappear.

The only thing I ever worry about here is snakes but they are mostly down by the creek which is a good enough distance from the house and the creek doesn't run through the pastures or anything. I've only seen one snake near the house the whole time we've lived here.

The cats are pretty good at keeping small lizards, small snakes, squirrels, etc. away from the house and Sassy (the stray dog we took in) keeps the deer away.

Occassionally, we do have raccoons come up at night to eat catfood with the cats. Oh, and Elvis, he's the oppossum that comes to eat. We used to have a skunk I called Pooter that came to eat for awhile but he disappeared shortly after Sassy came to live with us.
Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2010 02:15 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
We are in North Central Louisiana about 80 miles east of Shreveport. We have a few predators but none that I really have to be concerned about. We have had a fox or two and a few coyotes around here but they always move on or simply disappear.

The only thing I ever worry about here is snakes but they are mostly down by the creek which is a good enough distance from the house and the creek doesn't run through the pastures or anything. I've only seen one snake near the house the whole time we've lived here.

The cats are pretty good at keeping small lizards, small snakes, squirrels, etc. away from the house and Sassy (the stray dog we took in) keeps the deer away.

Occassionally, we do have raccoons come up at night to eat catfood with the cats. Oh, and Elvis, he's the oppossum that comes to eat. We used to have a skunk I called Pooter that came to eat for awhile but he disappeared shortly after Sassy came to live with us.

Great; as long as JJ is safe.

Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 12:33 am
I hope no one played any April Fool 's Day jokes on JJ!

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 05:32 am
LOL! JJ was the one doing all the playing yesterday. He was out there running and bucking and rolling around. He was so funny. Here's the video but the music messes up and I cannot figure out why so you might just want to turn the sound down.

JJ seems to have developed a special kick. It's his one-legged side kick. When you see him rolling in the dirt he does it a few times when he gets up. He is just toooooooooooo funny!

Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 10:07 am
@Arella Mae,
Wow! JJ sure is a lively boy!
U think he likes the dust baths against parasites? fleas?
The music was good. U think Joy told JJ that Lulu is his sister ?
I saw his cute little kick, that u described. He 's having a LOT of fun.
He has a lot of energy!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 11:39 am
Haha! He is to cute! I love his little off the side kick. Reminds me of all the small children I see pretending to be Power Rangers or ninjas these days. I can almost hear him "Ya-HiYAH!!"
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 12:29 pm
That little mule is so entertaining. I think they roll in the sand to help soak up whatever sweat they have. I know Mac does it when we are done riding but that is just a guess for me.

I'm going to get some video later but right now, JJ is out there grazing right next to Lulu and her mom and Mac are paying him no mind at all.

His little side kick is so funny. He will run by the other horses and just throw that one leg out at them. He's sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!
Reply Fri 2 Apr, 2010 05:08 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
That little mule is so entertaining. I think they roll in the sand to help soak up whatever sweat they have. I know Mac does it when we are done riding but that is just a guess for me.

I'm going to get some video later but right now, JJ is out there grazing right next to Lulu and her mom and Mac are paying him no mind at all.

His little side kick is so funny. He will run by the other horses and just throw that one leg out at them. He's sooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!

He 's a cute little darling! Horses sweat like humans?
Shows how little I know. I 'd have thought that thay sweat
like dogs, thru their tongues. I wonder whether JJ knows that he is Lulu's brother.

Arella Mae
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 12:53 pm
Actually, dogs don't sweat through their tongues. They sweat through the pads on their paws. They pant like that to cool down.

Oh yeah, horses sweat all over!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 03:08 pm
Using elastrator bands on a colt is generally a really bad idea. First, the testes tend to lie horizontally, whereas rams and bulls are more of a vertical position, so it makes it much more likely to miss part of what you're after. Also, they greatly increase the risk of tetanus by creating an anaerobic environment. Open castration with an emasculator is definitely the method of choice.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 03:31 pm
ahhh. Im a cattle and sheep guy so I did not know that. I hope arella mae didnt take any wrong advice.
I was told about the possibility of tetanus using an elastrator even in lambs. Weve been lucky I guess.(besdies, we dont keep the rams too long before they go to market, 100 days at most.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 05:42 pm
No worries Farmerman. I talked to my vet and we don't even need to think about gelding JJ until he's around 18 months.

That little fellow, not so little, is a riot! He spends his day sleeping, running, bucking and snorting. He has figured out he can make a snorting sound so he does it a lot. I am waiting for that first "hee haw."

I am so frustrated today though. I went for a ride on Mac and he just will not behave. When he is away from here he is the wonderfully trained awesome riding horse I had. When he is here at home he is a stubborn jackass! We went backwards more than forwards and I had to one rein him so many times I am dizzy from going in circles.

I must be doing something wrong but I just don't know what it is.
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 11:21 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
No worries Farmerman. I talked to my vet and we don't even need to think about gelding JJ until he's around 18 months.

That little fellow, not so little, is a riot! He spends his day sleeping, running, bucking and snorting. He has figured out he can make a snorting sound so he does it a lot. I am waiting for that first "hee haw."

I am so frustrated today though. I went for a ride on Mac and he just will not behave. When he is away from here he is the wonderfully trained awesome riding horse I had. When he is here at home he is a stubborn jackass! We went backwards more than forwards and I had to one rein him so many times I am dizzy from going in circles.

I must be doing something wrong but I just don't know what it is.

How much bigger has JJ gotten, since his birth ?

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