@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:From the reading I have been doing they sure are sure footed.
Another good thing about them is they don't spook like horses do.
So, I really feel blessed with this little guy.
U r so
He was worth waiting for!
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:Thanx for the congrats, David!!
May the
BEAUTY in your life be exceeded only by your
That applies to little JJ, too!
Quote: So, I really feel blessed with this little guy.
so you wouldnt consider selling him. Id love a mule.
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
I kind of get the feeling there is a glitch somewhere.
Either that or I am totally missing how this relates to mules.
It looks like some spam has been deposited on the website.
U can push the downward thumb on the high left to make it disappear.
I 'm gonna do that.
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:Here is a cute little picture of JJ. My friend, Anna, has picturess on facebook so I snuck it from there. It's gorgeous today so I'm hoping for some nice pictures when I get off work.
Doesn't he just look soooooooooo comfy?
Does JJ lie down, to sleep?
Quote: Does JJ lie down, to sleep?
No, hes a student of "Hinny Yoga"
farmerman wrote:Quote: Does JJ lie down, to sleep?
No, hes a student of "Hinny Yoga"
I 've heard that horses sleep
standing up.
Is that incorrect?
I lack information on mules.
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
I kind of get the feeling there is a glitch somewhere.
Either that or I am totally missing how this relates to mules.
It looks like some spam has been deposited on the website.
U can push the downward thumb on the high left to make it disappear.
I 'm gonna do that.
David, please
report spam rather than voting it down. Makes it far easier for the Mods to do our jobs. Thanks a bunch.
Congrats, at last! Don't worry about the testes - they are usually descended at birth, but then they disappear into the abdomen, only to return sometime around a year later. Technically, by the way, out here we refer to them as "John" mules, with the term "Jack" reserved for donkeys. Still awful tough to beat a mule for smart and tough, though. My only advice is to not spoil him. If they think they are boss, they are truly dangerous. I was gelding one in my back yard twenty-five years ago, and he decided he didn't want a needle in his neck. He proceeded to try to take off, and when his rather elderly owner held on to the halter rope, he planted a hind foot in the owner's ribs at least three or four times in less than a couple of seconds. The old boy really never recovered, and died of respiratory failure less than a year later. Teaching discipline can be a good thing.
@Arella Mae,
You can geld him whenever the testes are down, but the earlier done, the more feminine the neck. I usually recommend any time after the testes descend, and the flies are out - usually from fourteen to seventeen months of age.
Congrats, AM. JJ is a doll. M and I watched your two videos last night. She's was a horse fanatic a few years ago and seeing your vids made her want to start riding again.
Enjoy your little guy. He's a treasure for sure.
Thanx for the info CowDoc. So much to learn! I still have a ton to learn about horses and now I need to learn about gaited mules. The vet is going to be coming over tonight to check momma and give JJ a tetnus shot. I'm gonna pet that little baby as much as possible. I am hoping to get a really good picture of him. I have yet been able to capture just how beautiful his markings are.
Will probably video him getting his first shot.
I know what ya mean JPB. I think riding stays in your blood!