I Am A Nervous Wreck - So Talk to Me Please!

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 22 Jan, 2010 06:16 pm
Well, I came home today and Lulu was gone. Todd came and got her and took her to his place to stay with Hank and Indy for awhile. Little Miss Joy was not happy! She kept running around the pasture looking for Lulu. She would call Lulu and Mac would answer. I was riding Mac in the pasture and when she would call no matter which way I was steering him, he would head straight for her so I didn't ride as long as I wanted to. He was just too distracted by her for me to enjoy the ride.

Miss Joy is acting kind of strange but I think it's because she is stressed Lulu is gone. She lays down for a bit, then gets up and goes and looks in the pasture. Comes back and stands there and then lays down again. Johnny and I watched the baby moving! I guess she's getting "moody" like the vet said she would.

Funny thing though, with Lulu gone, Little Miss Joy will eat out of the trough with Mac! When Lulu is here, no way will Joy and Lulu do that. Horses are strange sometimes.

Just thought I'd let you all know things are going well here while we are still waiting for the new baby!
Reply Sat 23 Jan, 2010 12:30 am
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
Well, I came home today and Lulu was gone. Todd came and got her and took her to his place to stay with Hank and Indy for awhile. Little Miss Joy was not happy! She kept running around the pasture looking for Lulu. She would call Lulu and Mac would answer. I was riding Mac in the pasture and when she would call no matter which way I was steering him, he would head straight for her so I didn't ride as long as I wanted to. He was just too distracted by her for me to enjoy the ride.

Miss Joy is acting kind of strange but I think it's because she is stressed Lulu is gone. She lays down for a bit, then gets up and goes and looks in the pasture. Comes back and stands there and then lays down again. Johnny and I watched the baby moving! I guess she's getting "moody" like the vet said she would.

Funny thing though, with Lulu gone, Little Miss Joy will eat out of the trough with Mac! When Lulu is here, no way will Joy and Lulu do that. Horses are strange sometimes.

Just thought I'd let you all know things are going well here while we are still waiting for the new baby!

Thanks for keeping us up to date.
When the baby is born, where will u have Lulu?

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 23 Jan, 2010 02:59 pm
Lulu will be staying with Hank and Indy over at Todd's until the foal is weaned. I don't know how Lulu would react to a new baby since she has never been separated from her mom. I am hoping when the foal is weaned I can bring Hank, Indy, and Lulu home and they can be one big happy family.

Mac and Miss Joy are hanging so close together. It's funny. When Lulu was here, she'd chase Mac away. She's a very protective mother, which is a good thing!
Reply Sat 23 Jan, 2010 11:29 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
Lulu will be staying with Hank and Indy over at Todd's until the foal is weaned. I don't know how Lulu would react to a new baby since she has never been separated from her mom. I am hoping when the foal is weaned I can bring Hank, Indy, and Lulu home and they can be one big happy family.

Mac and Miss Joy are hanging so close together. It's funny. When Lulu was here, she'd chase Mac away. She's a very protective mother, which is a good thing!
Lemme get this straight:
u bought Miss Joy already pregnant and Miss Joy is Lulu's mom;
so that means that u got them both together ?

Arella Mae
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2010 12:21 pm
Miss Joy is Lulu's mom. They were both rescued from the same place, but Lulu nearly did not survive the abuse and negelct. My friend, Pam, bought them at the rescue auction and I bought them a few months later from her. Miss Joy was pregnant when I got her. Lulu is a bit over two years old but a real momma's baby, but, fortunately, she is doing just fine over with Aunt Indy and Uncle Hank. Mac and Miss Joy are always within feet of each other now that Lulu is out of the pasture.
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2010 12:51 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:
Miss Joy is Lulu's mom. They were both rescued from the same place, but Lulu nearly did not survive the abuse and negelct. My friend, Pam, bought them at the rescue auction and I bought them a few months later from her. Miss Joy was pregnant when I got her. Lulu is a bit over two years old but a real momma's baby, but, fortunately, she is doing just fine over with Aunt Indy and Uncle Hank. Mac and Miss Joy are always within feet of each other now that Lulu is out of the pasture.
Was Joy pregnant when Pam bought them ?
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2010 03:53 pm
Joy was pregnant when Pam bought them. However, she did not know for sure that she was. Since Joy is due next month, it is obvious Joy had only been a few short weeks pregnant when Pam bought them. We have tried and tried to get more info on this but haven't been able to since they were rescue horses. pam said she was told there was a chance Miss Joy was pregnant when she bought them but that is all the info she could get at the time. Oh! That and the fact it is more than likely a Tennessee Walker sired the foal since they also rescued a few of them from the same place and time as Joy.

I think I will check into getting on the Maury Show to find out "Who Da Baby's Daddy," but I am concerned about the psychological effects it may have on Lulu.
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 02:10 pm
Yesterday afternoon when I got off work, I drove into the yard, and looked into the pasture. I got out of my truck and yelled, "It's February! Where is that baby?"

No baby yet but Little Miss Joy is really being a butt! She keeps charging at Mac and I think he's about fed up with it. Yesterday, he turned his butt to her and started kicking and bucking. It didn't phase her a bit. She just walked away from him. She is more vocal than ever. If I take Mac out to ride she's whinnying like crazy and he's almost too distracted to get a decent ride out of him. He does okay when Pam comes with her trailer and we go somewhere else to ride.

I am trying not to be anxious, but now that it is February, I can't seem to keep the excitement down. Hopefully, soon, I'll have some pics of a gorgeous new foal in my pasture! But, knowing Miss Joy, she'll wait until the last day of February.
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 05:12 pm
@Arella Mae,
I hope she 'll sprout on February 14th!!!

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Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 05:14 pm
At least it's a short month. Hang in there, AM!
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 9 Feb, 2010 10:01 am
No little one yet. But, as of two days ago, Miss Joy is not running or trotting. I called them to come eat and Mac came a running but she looked like she was going to but went, "oh, I just can't do it." She is moving rather slowly. I am going to try to get a good picture of her big pregnant self this afternoon if the sun stays out. It was cold and rainy yesterday but today looks better. No other signs that she is ready to deliver. I am holding out for the 14th. I told her she's waited this long, she can wait just a few more days. Laughing
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 13 Feb, 2010 03:57 pm
It does not look like we are going to have a Valentine's Day foal. Absolutely no sign of it. No waxing. No milkbag getting bigger. No baby moving back toward her hindquarters.

Still going to name it Joy's Valentine though. I swear she is doing this on purpose!
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 14 Feb, 2010 02:03 pm
Farmerman are either you or Cowdoc out there? I think Miss Joy is in labor but her teats aren't waxy and her milkbag isn't all that big. But she is standing out there and keeps raising up her tail and pushing and she keeps lifting up her leg like she's stretching it or something.

Mac is all upset! She whinnies and he comes flying! Is this normal? Is she just getting ready to go into labor or what? She looks like she blew up about two sizes since this morning! Do I need to call the vet right now?

I am probably overreacting. She probably isn't in labor? Oh man, now I really am nervous!
Reply Sun 14 Feb, 2010 02:39 pm
@Arella Mae,
If she is raising her tail, carrying it higher at the top rather than having it lay flat, that is one of the signs of labor. If by stretching her leg, you mean her front leg and she's stomping at the ground or it looks like she's trying to move the ground around to make a "nest" then that is also a pretty good sign that she is trying to a) combat the pain and b) nest.

If either of these is also something you might see on any other day, then it may not mean anything. some horses carry their tails a bit all the time. Does she?

Regarding her milk production, didn't you say somewhere that Mac was still nursing from her? Or, was that lulu, who has been moved?
Reply Sun 14 Feb, 2010 02:49 pm
I dont know about the tail thing but if shes pawing at the ground she is making a nest. This could mean that youre anywhere from 1 to 3 dys off. Id "roll" her teats and see wheteher theres any plug built up and then , just as a precaution when youre certain shes close, Id take a clean wash rag with some warm soapy water and wash her teats a bit. DOnt make a big deal but just a few seconds on each one and the bag so its clean for delivery.
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 14 Feb, 2010 03:30 pm
She is not pawing the ground. She is just standing in the same place and lifting her tail and it looks like she is pushing. She is letting me pet her, which is weird, because she doesn't like that. Hubby is due home at about four so I'll do the booby thing then. I didn't think she was gonna have it today so I didn't freak that much! Thank God you and the vet told me how to know when it is time! But I am so excited! Thanx so much for your advice.

I'll post after I do the booby thing.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 14 Feb, 2010 07:02 pm
I talked to the vet. He said right now the foal is probably in a position that is making her uncomfortable and that is what the lifting her tail, what seems like pushing, and the back leg stretching are. He said any day now we can expect Joy's Valentine to pop into the world! Her milk comes out just fine. That is weird. Feeling like I was milking a horse. LOL
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Feb, 2010 08:17 am
Still no baby! Joy is still doing the lifting her tail and looking like she is pushing and then stops. The vet assures me that is her getting comfortable. He said if she doesn't have it by the end of the month he will come out or if I feel anxious enough he'll come check her for me. The hubby says as long as she is eating and moving and acting feisty we should just wait. I keep telling her to have that baby but she ain't listening! I just say thank God I never had children because if one of them had gotten pregnant, I am not sure I would have survived it! Laughing
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Reply Tue 16 Feb, 2010 08:23 am
Im so glad labor does not last that long in humans.

Arella Mae
Reply Tue 16 Feb, 2010 12:36 pm
Ain't that the truth! But, she isn't in labor. She is trying to get that baby into a comfortable position. Once she goes into labor, it only takes about thirty minutes for the foal to be born. Cool, eh?
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