I Am A Nervous Wreck - So Talk to Me Please!

Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 06:04 pm
@Arella Mae,
YAY.... good for Little Miss Joy.... and you Very Happy <be patient>
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 06:08 pm
@Arella Mae,

0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 06:39 pm
@Arella Mae,
Excellent! Thanks for the update and hooray for this new vet and some answers.

February, that means you can step away from the pins and needles for a bit hopefully.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 06:52 pm
@Arella Mae,

I'd bet on one of these dates.

Full Moon dates 2010
Year Month Day Time Day of week
2010 Jan 30 06:19 Sat
2010 Feb 28 16:40 Sun
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Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 06:53 pm
@Arella Mae,
That is encouraging news.

(and it's definitely not November!)
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 08:19 pm
Oh! I forgot. Dr. Odom asked, "who did you have examine this horse before?" I told him and then he laughed. From what he told me, the other "vet" isn't qualified to milk a goat. Now I know! Geesh!

I am soooooooooooo excited though! If she has the baby anywhere near Valentine's and maybe I don't even care if it is around Valentine's I want to name the baby Joy's Valentine. What do you all think?

At least I won't be driving everyone nuts anymore. Johnny is going to have Lulu moved for me by the weekend. She should be okay with Hank and Indy. She's never been separated from her mom and I'm really praying she will be okay. She didn't seem upset when Joy and Mac were out of the pasture. I have never seen Mac quite so upset before. I think he's in love!
Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 08:27 pm
@Arella Mae,
Before you get all excited over names, maybe you should have an ultrasound. Just to confirm there's something in there?
Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 08:34 pm
@Arella Mae,
Joy's Valentine is wonderful!

(The red is for Valentine 's)

Arella Mae
Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 10:51 pm
Oh there's a baby in there all right. He felt it moving. That is why I kept asking him, "But she really is pregnant, right?" I must have asked ten times. I talked to Pam, the lady I got her from. Pam said she got her last March so that means if she has the baby in February, she was barely pregnant when she was rescued. That took a load off my mind!

I might actually get some sleep now!
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Arella Mae
Reply Tue 12 Jan, 2010 10:52 pm
Thank you! I named Little Miss Joy after my best friend. Joy has lupus and she kind of lives with me through my daily telling her of the horses and such. Thank God for the internet!
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Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 12:04 pm
@Arella Mae,
Well, youve gotten some advice and help from a real vet. I was surprised at how you seemed to trust the previous vet when he obviously had no isdea about the potential due time.
Youll get better at this and you never said that you had another foal in with this hore. You surely dont want to lose the colostrum by letting another horse snack on the mothers milk.

When we boarded a few pregnant horses, the owners would spend the last few days at our barn and they did that in shifts. The camera is easily accomplished and we often use a system with a mike and some RV cameras in the barn. Works just fine and you can keep an eye on her. SOme things to watch are if she starts grinding her teeth or just rising and laying down.
Dont overfeed her so the foal doesnt get overly big (less of a problem now but still dont get her all full of rich food). When our sheep or cattle are due, we always keep several bales of hay (not alfalfa) available because they just like to chew (I suppose if theyd watch TV that would keep them occupied also)

Gettin to the finish line. SOunds like a Valentine that youd like.
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 12:09 pm
Heres someones views on FOALWATCH duty. Its kind of cute and I know that you will be part of the sorority soon.

Nothing is more rewarding to horse people than watching a special mare deliver a stunning new foal. However, because most horses give birth sometime between midnight and daybreak, waiting for the big event is a venture that requires careful planning and dedication.
10:00 pm - Gather up sleeping bag, alarm clock and back issues of your favorite horse magazine and head for the barn where you plan to settle down for the night.

10:01 pm - Return to the house for some popcorn and an ice cold drink.

10:10 pm - Head back to the barn. Your flashlight goes out halfway there but you figure you can make it by memory. Pat your faithfull ranch dog's head as it pants and slobbers at your side.

10:11 pm - You suddenly remember you have no ranch dog. Run screaming back to the house. Change flashlight batteries. Change underwear. Return to the barn.

10:15 pm - Establish foal watch headquarters in empty stall next to beloved broodmare.

10:16 pm - Enter broodmare's stall for the 5,687th inspection of her vulva and udder. Broodmare flattens ears for the 5,687th time.

10:17 pm - Sigh audibly, leave stall and head for house. Dial your veterinarian just to make sure he's home.

10:19 pm - Return to barn and squirm into sleeping bag. Set alarm to go off in one hour and shut off light.

10:20 pm - 40,000 sets of furred feet become active as the entire mouse population of the country runs wind sprints in the loft.

10:25 pm - Sit up when something with bigger furred feet joins the overhead track meet.

10:26 pm - Flick on light----listen to the absolute silence

10:27 pm - Flick off light.

10:28 pm - Wind sprints resume and Big Foot seems to be winning.

11:18 pm - Finally fall asleep

11:19 pm - Alarm clock goes off.

11:20 pm - Peek through knot hole at broodmare. Mare pins her ears.

11:21 pm - Reset alarm and flick out the light.

11:22 pm - Flick on light. Realize that drink was a mistake and head for the house to "eliminate" the problem.

11:25 pm - Resist urge to phone veterinarian.

11:27 pm - Trot back to barn. Left boot is sucked off in mud hole. Hop three steps before the foot missing a boot plops into another mud hole.

11:28 pm - Return to house and change one sock.

11:29 pm - Walk back out to the barn.

11:30 pm - One last check of broodmare through knot hole. Her ears are still pinned.

11:31 pm - Set alarm to go off in one hour and turn out the light.

11:40 pm - Wake up suddenly and check knot hole. Mare is lying down!

11:41 pm - Enter broodmare stall complete with YE OLDE FOALING MANUAL, an armful of clean rags, iodine and a tetanus shot. Mare breaks wind and gets up. She looks at you and has the gall to pin her ears.

11:45 pm - Return to sleeping bag. Flick out light.

11:52 pm - shift around and then remove flake of hay that feels like a boulder from under your sleeping bag.

12:01 am - Wake up suddenly because you realize you can't hear the clock. Flick on light and make sure clock is running. Remove some shavings from your ear and flick out the light.

12:29 am - Fall Asleep!

12:31 am - Alarm goes off.

12:32 am - Eyes feel like somebody put sand in them. Stagger to knothole and view an extreme close up of the mare's rear end. No change in status.

12:33 am - Crawl back to your sleeping bag. Set alarm and flick out light. Left foot cramps. Shove foot into bottom of bag and hold for five minutes.

12:38 am - Cramp over. Relax Foot.

12:39 am - Left foot muscles again try to turn into a pretzel. Struggle out of sleeping bag and hobble around stall for another five minutes.

12:44 am - Cramp over. Return to bag. Right foot starts to twitch.

1:10 am - Fall asleep.

1:39 am - Alarm goes off. Think you hear something, but your body tells you it must remain in the sleeping bag for just a few more seconds.

6:30 am - Wake up. Glance at clock. Attempt to leap from the sleeping bag. Fall into polyester/fiber fill heap in the shavings. Crawl to knot hole, peer into broodmare stall and see TWO sets of pinned ears
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 12:25 pm
I am reading this at work. I am laughing so hard everone thinks I have totally lost it. That is just tooooooo funny but I imagine it's tooooooo true also!

I think my total inexperience with a pregnancy in a horse mixed with my freakouts at things happening with her just, well, let's say, effected my reasoning? Drunk I am learning, thank God!

You have been such a big help and I appreciate it so very much. All of you, thank you for your encouragement, support, and helping me to know what to do. Now, maybe we can all get some sleep until sometime in February when I can announce to all of you that Joy's Valentine has arrived!
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 13 Jan, 2010 12:52 pm
I am still laughing at that! Lulu is Miss Joy's two year old. They have never been separated. I've never seen Lulu nursing on Joy so I had no clue. Mr. Green What else is new!
Reply Thu 14 Jan, 2010 09:59 pm
@Arella Mae,
Hey, how about that! Glad you know what's what now, about your new horse.

Kinda tough when you adopt an animal and don't know squat about them. Finding out a horse is pregnant, well, that's exciting, even if perplexing. But, you managed it. Congratulations! And the baby is moving? Ya can't fake that.

I'll watch this thread during Feb. Valentine is cute, for a name. My favorite mare's name was Candy Bar.
Reply Fri 15 Jan, 2010 09:21 am
Weve all learned from experience, which, its been said, is the lesson learned from making bad decisions. Our first bunch of lambs (nearly 25 years ago) was a complete surprise since we didnt know that we had a yearling ram living among the ewes.

In another few years arella will be writing books about mare care for the next generation.
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 15 Jan, 2010 12:48 pm
LOL at me writing a book! Memoirs of a Paranoid Horse Mom maybe!

Okay, Joy is a bit touchy. She tried to nip at me yesterday when I fed her. I don't know why. Maybe she's........................... oh who knows! I dare not venture to guess because we all knows what happened when I did that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing

Hmm, stupid computer! It won't change the font to blue.
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Reply Fri 15 Jan, 2010 10:23 pm
Ta da! So happy the new one is finally here and you can get some sleep!
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Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 09:42 am
So excited that you have an answer and can relax a bit.

Growing up on a ranch,we ran a around a hundred broodmares. That meant that every spring we had a lot of babies to teach to lead and eventually ride if we kept them that long. Each year Dad bought us a new horse to train and show, earn points and eventually sell for a profit based on their show record.

My first "project" involved Dad telling me I could go to the pasture and pick my favorite baby to work with for the year. I chose a rather plump red dun filly that was born on Valentine's Day. Her sire was a stud we owned named Social Reward, so I named her Social Valentine. (I'll post some pics when I get to work where I can scan them.) We did well and won the state that year for weanling fillies.

That was my first "baby girl." Funny thing now is that some 16 years later I had my daughter ...on Valentines Day.

Joy's Valentine is a perfect name for her. (still sending out filly vibes for you.)
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 17 Jan, 2010 10:24 pm
I can't wait to see the pictures! How young can you start working with them Squinney? I want to teach Joy's Valentine lots of tricks. I'm buying a bunch of Clinton Anderson, The Perellis, and Dennis Reis DVDs to learn how to work with HER (praying for a her).

I am much more relaxed! LOL
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