L'k you talking about me again??? <giggle>
Hi Husker!
(Hmmm, just change a couple of letters and that's Husky!)
littlek -- That's great, he recognized it and still you are friends. It must not have been as much of a whoops as you thought.
Today is another day. Look out for tall red-haired men with nice smiles. <grin>
little k
Guy perspective (though take it with a grain of salt as the operation was only three weeks ago and before that I was Hilda)...
If you have the sense that he 'isn't used to not getting what he wants' and that you figure he's a bit hot on the trail of your bottom, then you probably ought not to give him anything he wants. Whatever his real 'personness' is is likely to become more clear then. And you'll notice that I'm not even your father, but still advance this strategy.
Excellent Advice. Drop him.
...or at least don't give him what he wants, see what happens. I agree about the "personness" thing.
Right. I was half-joking, but...
Didn't you say he wasn't appealing to you?
(blatham's funny. must be that bc water.)
Bicarbonate? BLatham drinks bicarbonate?
ehBeth wrote:Cuz you know, it still seems like you're looking for THE one, and anyone who doesn't seem likely to be THE one gets moved aside.
This keeps tugging at my brain..... I don't know that I'm actively looking for THE ONE. I'm looking for ONE of the ONES. I don't mind serial monogamy that much, just want a relationship. I'm not sure there is even a THE ONE for me at this point.
Ok, not looking for THE one - looking for a relationship - it's the good old semantics thing. If a guy is not relationship material, can he still be dating material?
Prolly not, but that's what I did with the last guy......
BC is a huge and manly place...here we drink tricarbonates.
Like manly men . . . does that mean you frequently belch in three/four time . . . a sort of gaseous waltz?
They're men
(Manly men)
They're Men in Tights
Hmmmm - and if the tights are tighty tights, you can tell their religion - unless they have done a li'l stuffing of strategic areas.... then you can tell their denier....
Holy Cow!
Missed a lot here but I trust Lil K's instincts. I mean... it this guy was "the one" or even "the one for a good time", good ole instincts is the the best, because I doubt anything would stop a relationship or even a meaningful moment if all systems are "hitting the jackpot".
Another thing is as time goes along... we tend to thing more realistically than passionately. Some identify that with wisdom and others may think you are lossing it... but it seems to be more accurate in determining the right & wrong of things.
My guess is that there is something on Lil K's mind that is somewhat a doubtful thought as to whether it's worth even the moment... maybe just a gut feeling.
Porfavor, Holy Cow, it has been a long, long time since I heard from you - Welcome aboard (you are the same Porfavor, are you not?
Of course he's the same porfavor! Just spelled different.
Thanks, porfavor - my instincts seem to be righter and righter as I go....