Some people will lie about having a number other than zero, even if it's one. The perception comes from both ends.
From society a question about how many people it is acceptable to have sex with is going to be an answer that PQ is either going to fall above or below some perceived standard. From the individual, it's going to answered in terms of higher or lower than the expectation.
For PQ, it seems that she has struggled with sexual number dominating her sexual identity. Resenting the notion that what she does is no different than her male peers and yet somehow the societal answer to her question is different than men her age (if they are questioned at all). I think she has a very fair point. Her moral outrage is far more qualified than someone like Spendi saying that she's spoiling fine British stock.
I say "Bravo" not because she went out and found some guy to have sex with. She went and interacted with a guy who she was engaged in intellectually and her sexual experience was more emotionally rounded. She woke up not feeling guilty.
PQ isn't doing anything that odd or exceptional in any way, she's just choosing to come here and share. If you think that she's the only 20 something whose had a midnight liaison with a person she barely knew, you're wrong. I'm sure there are plenty here on A2K for that matter.
She shouldn't have lied. You're right. But cut her some slack, she shouldn't have to feel the need to lie either. Plenty of men my age has outstandingly high numbers, and I know few that even think twice about it. Given some time, perhaps PQ can become comfortable enough where she can confidently share that information if she chooses to.
I respect the whole maternal itch thing. Perhaps it is the way you relate this back to your own feelings about your own sexuality and how that will play a role in the education of your daughter. I'm only an observer, I know not the inner workings of the female mind in terms of reconciling one's sexual identity. Transference of guilt however is something I'd caution you away from. If you think PQ needs to feel guilty because you would feel guilty if it was you, perhaps taking a step back would be good.
You're concern however does seem sincere (unlike Spendi's). I think we can create a dialog about building a positive healthy sexual identity that is honest and confident without invoking judgment on others.