@Diest TKO,
Well TK- She did say she thought she might prefer the guilt. So she is equivocal about it which means somewhat mixed up. She is even equivocal about the guilt and hints that others have disapproved of her behaviour.
She has also paraded her experience before an anonymous audience in the manner of the confessional. Has she written to her parents about it? Shouldn't some of us take the role of surrogates for them. She is highly likely to return to them if everything falls apart on her.
She is in the middle of a vast cosmopolitan city and has not been there very long after 20 years of socialisation in a provincial town. It is a fair enough assumption that she is feeling homesick, vulnerable and lonely. Young girls readily fall in love in such circumstances. She has a high opinion of her charms and talents and probably justifiably so. She has admitted to giving herself to 14 lovers in the past who she now realises she didn't like very much which I doubt she would have admitted at the various times.
We don't know as yet how much under the influence of alcohol or other narcotics she was during this episode of which she obviously feels some residual sense of shame. He may even have slipped something into her drink. And she is left abandoned and mooning over her mobile by this strange man who, if he has the capacity to affect her so much, can be assumed to have a close female friend where he comes from and is possibly even married or betrothed. And we know he is the sort of man who doesn't feel any need to get to know a girl before he commits an act which has far more meaning to a woman than it does to a man. He's a cad and there's no doubt in my mind about that. He probably didn't know, or care, what her full name is.
He has added to her cynicism about men which is apparent from her use of "usual old thing" and that can easily turn to bitterness and affect her future attitude which someone in the future who does love her will have to deal with.
And where was he the previous night and the night before that?
And he has distracted her from her studies to the extent we can read into her post and, seemingly, lowered her friend's estimations of her.
What need does a beautiful and talented young lady have to go "acknowledging something about herself". That's pure bullshit. What something? What substance? What "better understanding of herself". All that is Agony Aunt drivel. Caricature. Stereotyping.
Quote:As for working hard, unchallenging people bore me, so I'm' not looking for the easy route.
Your crass, cliched and incoherent post shows not the slightest glimmer of shedding any light on that crass, cliched and incoherent assertion.
What on earth is an "unchallenging person"? You're looking for an easy route alright. In 7 no trumps.
I stand by my previous post despite your assertion that it was "irrelevant".