Quote:The reason you shouldn't take anything personally PQ is that he has issues with female behavior universally and across thousands of years.
The usage there of "issues" is okay as long as it is taken to mean an interest and not to imply any objections. We both are as we are. It is a question of the management of the obvious tensions between us in relation to certain objectives. That involves some restrictions on free expression of both sides.
We know that unbridled promiscuity is perfectly natural and that it is characterised by what we consider to be serious negativities. To us, unimaginable negativities. Hence our attempts to control promiscuity in relation to economic factors. Society is impossible without such control.
Freud maintained that the control damaged our mental and physical health and it is difficult to argue with that. But leaving it to nature is even more damaging.
Civilisation, particularly advanced civilisation, requires strict controls. But who is to decide what they are and who they will apply to and how they will be managed.
History has shown that calling in the aid of Divine guidance has been the most efficient method. That is why all societies have religion. It has the advantage when developed over long time periods of setting aside the interests of elite classes. Without Divine guidance elites will pursue their own interests as, say, Nero did. He was sentenced, after he almost bankrupted the Roman Empire with his exercise of individual free expression, to be "dedicated to the infernal deities" or somesuch. To be whipped to death in ordinary language. He committed suicide first though.
Religion is an evolutionary tool. That is why I find it so astonishing that so-called evolutionists seek to undermine and destroy religion. The nicest thing one can say about them is that they are completely stupid. That they seek to destroy an evolutionary tool like Christianity when faced with the benefits it has brought, and which they themselves are enjoying, and when it is quite capable of evolving further to meet new challenges, beggars belief, and explains why they only constitute a small, if noisy, segment of the population. (14% I gather.)
They went to the Dover trial using scientific evidence of blood clotting cascades in chiclids to set aside 2,000 years of Christian thinking which produced the very science they so arrogantly claim to be speaking in favour of and saw it as a great victory when they found one judge, who has a bumper sticker reading "Have gavel-will travel", idiotic enough to agree with their silliness. Skimming a few million dollars off the locals in the process.
In a truly promiscuous world the German cad would have screwed Queenie on the night-club table. And then departed in the throes of post-coital euphoria. The very fact that they went to hide in her rooms shows that they accept Christian values. After all- there are movie art-works extant with Library of Congress catalogue numbers and copyright protection in which a table-ender, a luxury enjoyed by some married men at lunchtime who live near their place of work, might well be taking place in a corner away from the main action. So they should be commended for their discretion in that regard.
What I'm trying to explain is that a balance of forces are involved, a social contract, and that these forces are under ethical guidance stemming from Christian morals and that proponents of evolution theory need to explain what alternative they are putting forward in their place bearing in mind that the free expression of individuality is applicable to themselves and they have exactly the same urges that our lovers had on the night in question and in the movie artworks.
Mr Dawkins is on his third wife and it is a fair bet that a "shagger", as some ladies refer to his type, will take advantage, on his speaking tours, of the local talent whose little heads he is well practiced at spinning into a ball of confusion.
And once the bankers start letting their individual expressions of freedom loose you might forget all your best laid plans. They have behaved quite consistently with the principles laid out in Darwin's masterpiece. Nobody can argue with that. It is only our Christian morality which prevents us from dedicating them to the infernal deities. And not all of us.
The individual gives up some autonomy in return for the safety and comforts of society.