I don't mean to battle you, Queenie. My first post was an attempt at empathy for the ideas that you posited in your first posts from a lucid, brutally self-aware, attached point of view. I was expressing irony, not sarcasm, albeit not particularly effectively, apparently, because I had forgotten the detachment with which postmodernists approach their thoughts and feelings, or rather, thoughts about thoughts and feelings. I was completely off base, as it were.
The character in the comedy to whom the term was applied which your post reminded me of was no peasant girl. She was a cosmopolitan jet-setter who, it was obvious, liked to have sex. I thought about such a woman actually thinking those thoughts, and feeling those feelings.
I also thought about an ex-girlfriend's sister who had gone in for a gang bang with, like, five guys. She was kind of wild, to say the least. She had expressed great joy about her experience, but then also great disgust with herself. No doubt a result of the conflict between her independent spirit and her societal conditioning.
So, unless people are actually telling you to, why is it that you feel like people are telling you to feel like a village bike? Or is it some internal conflict within yourself, or, pardon me, some postmodern thought about conflict within yourself? (Heh, sorry, just can't resist.)
To speak of men in general, sure, men have thoughts and feelings (the postmodern ones have thoughts about thoughts and feelings. [ok, i'll stop now] ) about guilt, emotional fulfillment, regret, not knowing where to draw the line, but men tend to be expendable, it's what societal norms dictate, "women and children first," and all that. You never answered Rockhead's question, by the way, did you hurt any of your conquests? Do you even know? (Reading back,it seems Rock took your posts as self-judgement also.) But men tend to approach things from a different perspective, about waist high, to be precise. I venture that
most of the guys that banged you didn't bang you because of your intelligence/artiness/postmodernism. You'd be a conquest to brag about, and believe me they're bragging.
Maybe following shewolf's advice about a string of a higher level of lays crap isn't a very good idea either, especially if that's your take on it.
Spendy wrote:Tell every chap you fancy you are a virgin who has done a bit of horse-riding. Three years ago maybe.
I am supposed to be the ogre here!?! What's more, Queenie likes you!
You're at your best in these threads, Spendy, not in the science threads.