Well, to me, sex is sex in the good old penis-in-vagina fashion.
I went away and had a little think.
I think I'm trying to analyse something that can't be analysed. An action is just an action, and will be perceived in as many different ways as there are people who know about it.
People like to divide the world up into dualisms, and with sex there's a million, 'dominator and dominated' 'chaser and chased' 'rider and ridden' 'user and used'.... all generally assigned to the two sexes male and female.
Well I've always been against all those unintelligent divisions, so lord knows why I'm thinking about them now, up to a year after most of it happening.
Sex politics are well complicated, and a brief encounter is so completely messy, at least I knew where I was with a boyfriend.
You can't draw any type of conclusions out of anything brief- I think attitude is the main thing. You're only in control if you think you are.
I don't feel used or a slag bag or a bike or whatever, but I obviously don't feel fully satisfied with my experiences as otherwise I wouldn't be posting, and I think that reason for the unsatisfaction is that I want something more meaningful and longer lasting, or generally better like the sort of gratification you get when you've had sex with the same partner for a long time.
Os, I went back and re-read all your posts, thank you. I am all for experience too and always have been. It made me realise I've got a stupid tendency to view my life in little chapters and go at everything like a bull at a gate, which gives me little time to think about what I actually want, only what I think I should be doing. I should really stop this form of mental organisation and go with the flow a bit more.
Thank you everyone x
Oh and spendy, I find your advice very good when I manage to eventually understand it x