Francis wrote:Bella, my comment was VERY ironic that's why I added the devil smiley.
I know. :wink: Which is why I put the drunk smiley.
Come on Francis, I know you better than that.
Francis wrote:Bella Dea wrote:Come on Francis, I know you better than that.
Yeah? How much better?

In biblical ways not fit to mention on this board.
Especially for the children among us, who like to play but apparently are incapable of research:
Quote:Editorial Reviews
Peggy Vaughn, who's been featured on Oprah! and CNN, has helped thousands of folks recover from affairs. As the extramarital-affairs expert behind AOL's "Ask Peggy" forum and as a woman who's been married for 40 years to her high school sweetheart--who cheated on her for seven years while she kidded herself that he was remaining faithful--she certainly knows what she's talking about. She says that to successfully overcome an unfaithful spouse or companion, you have to work through the myths of monogamy. It's not just men, or men who travel a lot on business, or women with supermodel good looks, who cheat. It's people of all ages, all occupations: from pastors to postal workers to, well, presidents. In other words, everyone is at risk for betraying or being betrayed.
Studies conservatively estimate, Vaughan reveals, that 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an affair. "These figures are even more significant when we consider the total number of marriages involved, since it's unlikely that all the men and women having affairs happen to be married to each other," she says. "If even half the women having affairs (or 20 percent) are married to men not included in the 60 percent having affairs, then at least one partner will have an affair in approximately 80 percent of all marriages."
Vaughn outlines the societal causes and supporters of affairs, from the commercialization of sex in every visible nook and cranny of our world to our lifelong tendency to surround sex with secrecy. She also lists the common desperate measures that people take when they suspect they're being cheated on, and why they don't work. (Vaughn herself resorted to becoming a gourmet cook, wearing sexy underwear, and acting like a sex fiend in bed, all to no avail.) She also tells what to expect during a confrontation, and includes copious techniques for rebuilding self-esteem. There's also information about how to choose a marriage counselor or group therapist and, even more important, when to stop seeing one. For couples--especially those with children--debating whether to divorce or remain married, there's plenty of proven guidance to be found here. --Erica Jorgensen
Talking about children, Hawkeye, you are behaving like one, in all stubborness.
You can obviously find on the internet all kinds of crap even the ones which are apparently plausible.
Just because they suit your pretenses.
But in this case, they are not true.
Infidelity rates are much lower than the boasting machos pretend it to be.
That why I don't care showing you more figures..
Francis, you are so sexy when you do that.
Francis wrote:Talking about children, Hawkeye, you are behaving like one, in all stubborness.
You can obviously find on the internet all kinds of crap even the ones which are apparently plausible.
Just because they suit your pretenses.
But in this case, they are not true.
Infidelity rates are much lower than the boasting machos pretend it to be.
That why I don't care showing you more figures..
The book is pretty highly respected among experts, so given your unwillingness to consider the conclusions reached you can't be seriously pursuing the ideas in this thread. I could give data from the Kinsey Institute which is right in line with these numbers, Kinsey being the MOST respected source for data in this field, but since you are not interested in the truth confronting you with your ignorance is not worth my time.
Yes, please, don't confront me with my ignorance.
You have enough to do with your own, as you have fully documented in many threads..
One thing, apart from the fact that I've been reading Kinsey's reports for long years, is that your experience on women doesn't feel really convincing.
So you can continue to utter your nonsense...
Francis wrote:Yes, please, don't confront me with my ignorance.
You have enough to do with your own, as you have fully documented in many threads..
One thing, apart from the fact that I've been reading Kinsey's reports for long years, is that your experience on women doesn't feel really convincing.
So you can continue to utter your nonsense...
Right, I show up with argument and evidence, you show up with slanderous personal attack. You employ the tactics of one who is bright enough to know that they are wrong, but not bright enough to admit it. You lack civility as well, but you can only rise to the level that you are capable of.
To me your argument and evidence are those of a mysoginist and a boasting macho.
But that is only a hint of a more profound cultural difference, whether in your case, cultural is a somewhat excessive adjective.
And when you talk about civility, you should learn what it means, something far beyond your limited perception, not knowing me at all.
Unlike me about yours, you cannot assert a lack of civility from my own posts.
No, please! Don't read them, you could be shocked by such ignorance!
Re: The Truth About Women
By all means, continue to debate the percentages of adulterers, but for every study saying 0%, you can find others that say 100%. These studies are subjective, varying from interviewer to interviewer and from respondent to respondent.
Francis, I'm with Bella - I love it when you duke it out on the boards.
Hello Mame,
Claiming that any study would show either 0% (which we all know would be false) or %100 (which we all know would be false) reduces the credibility of what is said afterwards.
That said, you are right - the studies are without doubt subjective, because it relies on honesty from the people participating in the studies. And it can further rely on how the study is conducted, what specific questions are asked, the religious makeup of the participants etc.
I posted those, because people seemed to be arguing over a pointless subject - the specific percentages involved. A number of people are talking like they know better than the researchers...which they don't...and yet the researchers themselves may not know as much as they think they do.
This is a hoot, I copied from somewhere, no idea where.
These websites quote statistics to try to convince us that adultery is a foregone conclusion and that we should just get off their backs and let them screw around to their little adolescent hearts' content. They spit out numbers like 75 % of men have had extra-marital relationships and that 60% of women have committed adultery and that in 80% of marriages, at least one of the partners will have an affair. All I can say about this is the following: 35% of adults believe that 80% of the top 20% of the world's population are wrong about what 65% of the world believes 50% of the time.
In other words, statistics don't mean a damn thing.
These are the kind of statistics thrown out there for scare tactics.
Like the big crisis with mortgage foreclosures, saying the rate has gone up, what? 70%?
All that means is that instead of (and I'm just pulling numbers out of my butt) 1 person out of 2000 having to foreclose, 1.7 people out of 2000 have to.
Re: cheaters....are we talking about sexual intercourse, or a couple minutes of drunken sloppy kisses one time with someone else just as drunk, at a Christmas party? Or, some point in between?
Quote:And when you talk about civility, you should learn what it means, something far beyond your limited perception, not knowing me at all.
Unlike me about yours, you cannot assert a lack of civility from my own posts.
By the way Francis - for the purpose of accuracy, and because of your claim to being civil - It seems I want to point out that the underlined part of your above quote can readily be read as an insult. Do you not think that when one lays claim to civility, that their credibility is lessened in such light?
By the way, I can't really figure out why the infidelity percentage should have any meaning at all to an individual.
For those who would rather learn from video than reading (I am trying to be as accommodating as possible to different learning styles)
See 1:15 into video
can we stop splitting hairs about who has the greater percentage?
Some people will never admit to having an affair. No matter WHO questions them.
Some people lie about affairs
Some people are honest
Some people will not admit to all affairs
If both partners are ok with sleeping with other people outside their marriage, they may not consider that 'an affair' no matter who questions THEM..
because of that, no statistic is reliable. To say other wise is false.
Now lets see who wants to split hairs about that one.
shewolfnm wrote:HA HA!
I fell for Mr Wolf because I told him he could stay with me at my hotel while I was on vacation, but not to expect a long relationship afterwords..
I never seen a man walk to fast in my life.
I think we got to my hotel in less then 5 minutes

I fell for Mr. Tea because shortly after we met I was having a really bad day. We were talking on the phone and I told him I was just all out of sorts. I thought for a second and said "Can I come over to your house and eat ice cream in bed naked?"
He gave this big sigh and said "ohhhhhhh.......ok....... I guess so"