hawkeye10 wrote:JustBrooke wrote:
What I was trying to tell your small brain is that your choice of description for a woman that you think highly of.......only involved one that would fu*k your brains out. A man that thinks highly of women would have seen her on more levels. More angles.......than fu*king . Not to mention his wording would have been different. Got it? Never mind. Highly doubtful.
And you're still a poopy head
I get it, I've read "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". You can't dismiss men as small minded because we care about different stuff than women do. There are more than a few women here at a2k that would be wise to put more effort into cooperating with men, less into trying to mold men into what they think men should be. They might find a weak man who will submit to them, but many of us will not.
I'm not dismissing men as small minded. Most of my best friends are men. Whom I respect and care about.

So , really .....save your breath on that one, dude.
You are not on the same page at all in what I am trying to say.
Again I love your choice of words, though. A weak man who submits to a woman? What the heck are you talking about? I agree that men and women both.....shoud not try to mold each other into what they think they should be. So?