Calamity Jane wrote:After having read these 18 mind boggling pages, I have only one question:
Are hawkeye and vicorr the one and same person? I definitely think so!
The two of them deserve to be stranded together on a lonely island - just
spare the rest of us with your gobbledegook
I'm curious what specifically that I said that you disagree with? Virtually all posts I placed where aimed at saying what a pointless discussion this is.
Ossobuco wrote:Gee. Do I have to stand up for Vicorr too? I agree with him sometimes and think he's out to lunch sometimes. No, no examples, I'm not much of a quote saver. (I seem to remember that shortly after I praised him for posts that I had a spate of disagreements, not that I posted those... if I posted everything I disagreed with I'd go berserk quickly.) But I always read his posts, he's got a working mind.
Hi Osso -

I do like your posts - and if I may - I rather loved this one, cause you told me I'm out to lunch with a working mind
As a note, I would really like you to challenge the things that I say that you disagree with - I enjoy seeing differing peoples views, and while what I think is right is right for me - that doesn't mean I think they must be right for others. I'm not particularly politically correct, having got to the age where I say what I think and be who I am without much worrying about others being offended (as oppossed to being hurt, which is a different thing).
If it helps, virtually everything I believe in relationships come down to two principles : 1. I am the most important person in the world 2. Everyone is equal (and in case you don't make the connection, that makes every person the most important person in the world). Since understanding this, I've seen how it applies to conflict resolution, negotiation, relationships, self esteem, and virtually all aspects of human interaction and self interaction.
That is to say, I am happy to have people disagree with me, disagree with people, and also happy to have them ask me why I think what I do, so feel free to do so.