Bella Dea wrote:
You're such a dipshit.
How can anyone take a website titled "THE VIRTUAL RELATIONSHIP CONSULTANT" seriously? I honestly don't care where the research comes from. I couldn't get past that website.

The rest of the website is of no interest to the point, getting a good number is the point. Because most of the journal data can only be gotten to with research passes, the general public often must get the data second hand, when it is reference for some other purpose. I am sure that that in time I could access the data directly, but there is no need, I know what I wanted to find out. I could find the reference from a source that you might better approve of, but the effort would not be worth my time. I have documented the number that I gave, I have fulfilled my requirement unless someone can present some evidence that the number is no good.
Again I get name calling and making fun of, but no evidence to refute my numbers, and no logical argument to challenge my argument. I must be right again.