I am so glad you posted about friendship, msolga. Somehow, some way, it came at exactly a time
I really needed to hear that.
Since my last post on this thread, I no longer have that same bf. I have a new one. Ay ay ay. Today is a day to reflect. I
always vowed I would not be like my mother. In the sense that she didn't learn to be independent until she absolutely had to. She always had a man, from her father's home to her hubby's, to another man. She is in her late 40's, and now I see some strong independent spirit in her growing.
Sad thing to me is, I haven't strayed too far from her tree. I may have a place of my own, and I may have never have married. (Didn't repeat marrying young). However, I can't think of any sustained period of time where there has not been a romance in my life. I have been through quite a few!
I still live alone. I still enjoy it. You have me thinking of a good friend of mine. I need to call her and invite her out more often. She is a good friend.
And, I need to not waste nor cheat myself out of this time. There are some things I have been meaning to do, but haven't. I think I have been afraid. Some part of me has still been holding on to an idea of a safety net, someone to turn to save me. OHH, that is difficult to write! I hate admiting it. It is true though.
If all goes according to how I would like, I will have my shot at marriage and children and all that fun stuff.
But I think I have a few things to do first.
I love your thread, msolga.