Such thoughtful responses! It has been illuminating to read your words on this subject. Thank you all for taking the time to speak so frankly.
Me. Well, I won't have *properly* lived alone for a whole year till this coming December. I bought this tiny Victorian cottage I now live in in December of last year. Prior to that there was something like 5 years of on & off, yes/no, maybe we'll reconcile & live together again ... Selling the house we'd put so many of our dreams & hopes into made the separation & the aloneness definite & final. Quite an upheaval!
There are so many things I like about being responsible to only me & my cat! It's terrific that I can be what I need & want to be at any particular time. Act as the spirit moves me, so to speak. I love seeing the improvements that I've been responsible for in my house & garden. I'm so excited at the prospect of spring & seeing the results of all the soil improvement, the new plants (including the blood red roses! ) come to fruition. All my own work!

I certainly don't miss the angst & the arguments & the pain of a dying relationship, either! And I loved being the SOLE person to choose where I live now ... right in the thick of things! It suits me down to the ground!
But, but ... Like Setanta & Quinn I worry about illness, or needing care & no one being there. What if I really need to, but can't make contact with anyone? I become a little sad & anxious when I read those stories in the paper, telling of someone whose died & not been discovered for days, weeks or even years! <gulp>
And it saddens me sometimes that there isn't a *significant other* to hug or be hugged by after a bad day. Thank god for friends! Thank god for the telephone!
But, being realistic, for me, it's still early days with this solo thing. I strongly suspect that I don't want to have that sort of all-embracing intimacy again, of sharing the same roof with a partner for the long haul. But who knows what directions life will lead me toward in the future? I figure all it takes is an open mind & a bit of courage!